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1Rena Alone
Westa wants to go to the Shingo Forest, but Rena says it's still too dangerous no matter how peaceful things have become. Westa goes to the forest anyways; Rena remarks that she really loves the Shingo Forest.

2Rena and Claude
Claude and Rena (1): Claude is in Arlia village. Rena comes out of her house and asks him if he has gotten used to living there yet. Claude replies that he still can't get rid of his old habits from when he lived on Earth, but he has no regrets.
Claude and Rena (2): Rena is with Claude at his home on Earth. Claude apologizes for leaving Rena alone when he goes on missions. Rena says she won't be alone for long, as she will be having a baby in 6 months.
Claude and Rena (3): Claude and Rena are aboard a ship like the Calnus and say they found a planet with life and water on it. They thought they were going to have to return to Earth, but they end up on another adventure. (by NPN)

3Rena and Celine
They are talking in Mars village. Celine wants Rena to help her to create healing heraldy crests. Rena seems skeptical at first, but then agrees, saying that it would save many lives. Celine says that it would make them famous and Rena says nothing. (by ANT Eagle)

4Rena and Ashton
Ashton is in Bossman's house with Bossman's two kids running around him arguing about which dragon they like better. Rena comes in and tells them to stop bothering Ashton. They say that she always takes Ashton's side, and run out of the house. Ashton says he's glad he came to Arlia because the people here don't treat him differently from anyone else.

5Rena and Opera
Rena and Opera are on Tetragenes. Rena asks Opera if all that on Expel and Nede really happened, as it almost seems like a dream now. Opera says that it has been a long time, then mentions she was surprised by Rena's request to come with her. Rena apologizes for imposing, and Opera replies that she welcomes Rena's company; it's just that she's afraid Rena would regret abandoning Expel. Rena says it would be a lie to say she wasn't sad, but she has no regrets as she has been able to see many interesting things with Opera.

6Rena and Ernest
Rena and Ernest are in Arlia. Rena says she knows Ernest must be longing to travel, as she has often seen him looking up at the sky with a sad expression. She tells him not to worry about her; she will wait for him if he wants to go exploring. Ernest replies that although life in Arlia village can be boring sometimes, there is a treasure here that surpasses any ancient treasures he could find anywhere: Rena. So Ernest says he will stay in Arlia with Rena.

7Rena and Leon
Leon is playing with two other kids, a boy (Ketil, the little blue-haired thief from Clik) and a girl, in Arlia village when Rena comes out of her house and calls Leon in for lunch. She tells him to eat his vegetables. (BTW, does anyone else think it's strange that Rena has to remind Leon to eat his vegetables when his favorite food is carrot juice?)

8Rena and Dias
Rena and Dias (1): Rena and Dias visit Cecille's grave. Dias apologizes for having been away so long, and Rena says that it has been a long time. They notice that it is getting late and start heading back to town. Dias promises to come back in a month, and Rena asks Cecille to "Please be happy for us.."
Rena and Dias (2): Dias is with Rena in Arlia.

9Rena and Bowman
Rena is in the library in Linga. Bowman walks in and asks her how her studies are going. Rena replies that there are so many books and they're all so interesting that she forgets the time. Bowman says that he knew she should be in academia, as that is what's important for a professor: to enjoy what you study. Rena is embarrased and says that she's nowhere near that level. Bowman says she is wrong; she is definitely professor material, and he will prove it.

10Rena and Precis
Rena is in Cross, waiting for Precis. She complains that Precis is late, even though Precis is the one who called Rena. Precis comes running and apologizes, then asks if Rena has been waiting long. Rena replies that she has been waiting 3 hours, then asks what Precis wanted to talk about. Precis says that she wants Rena to come with her and pick up guys together. Rena says no, we shouldn't do that. Precis then goes after a random guy by herself.

11Rena and Noel
Noel is in the Shingo Forest playing with some animals. Rena comes up saying she knew he would be there, and reminds him that he promised to go shopping with her today. Noel says he forgot, and Rena complains that he pays more attention to the animals than to her.

12Rena and Chisato
Chisato is in Rena's room, telling Rena all about the history of Nede. Apparently, Rena has been writing down the whole thing (all 700 million+ years of it?) as she says she wants to leave a record so that people will know it was not all in vain. Rena thanks Chisato for staying with her for so long.

13Claude Alone
Claude is getting off of a ship which has just arrived on Earth. He says that he has finally made it home, and decides to go see his mother.

14Claude and Celine
Claude and Celine are treasure-hunting. Claude finds crumpled paper. A monster appears and the two of them go to fight it.

15Claude and Ashton
Claude and Ashton are searching for a way to remove Ashton's curse and save Gyoro and Ururun too, but haven't found anything in over a year. They say they'll keep trying, even if it takes 5 or 10 years.

16Claude and Opera
Claude and Opera (1): They are shown in a building on Tetragenes. Opera tells Claude that they have to attend a black-tie dinner that evening. Claude complains and says he hates dressing formal. Opera tells him that he has to, now that he is heir to the head of the Vectras. (by ANT Eagle)
Claude and Opera (2): Claude is in his home on Earth. Opera walks in and asks him what's wrong. Claude says was just thinking about things. Opera asks if he's thinking about their adventures. Claude is silent, and then Opera says she wonders how they are all doing. She says they should go see their friends, but since Claude is back home, they should just spend time together for now. (followed by a heart!)(by DMHawkmoon)

17Claude and Ernest
Claude is sitting in the captain's chair on a ship like the Calnus, and the crew calls him "Chief". Ernest is standing beside Claude. One of the crew announces they are approaching the planet Madrit. Claude gives the order to begin scanning the planet. As the crew reports on the scan results, Ernest asks if anything out of the ordinary was found. The crew replies that no edifices were found, and Claude makes note of it to add to the planetary survey database.

18Claude and Leon
Leon is at Claude's home on Earth. Claude asks Leon if he will go back to Expel soon. Leon says no, because there's still so much he wants to learn.

19Claude and Dias
Claude and Dias kill two bandits who were holding a girl hostage. Claude says that although the turmoil of the Sorcery Globe has ended, there still seems to be no end to the conflicts. Dias says that's just the way things are; it's reality. Claude says that this job will be over once the girl is brought back to the town, and asks Dias where he will go after that. Dias replies: "Good question... somewhere, I guess..." and leaves. "Somewhere, huh?" Claude asks the empty air.

20Claude and Bowman
Claude and Bowman are fighting a monster on the beach at El. Claude finishes off the monster and comments on how there are still many monsters in this area. Bowman concurs and says that the restoration of El may take longer than expected, then asks Claude if he is really OK with not going back to his own planet. Claude replies that he decided to stay on Expel because there are still people who need him here.

21Claude and Precis
Claude and Precis (1): Precis is in her house in Linga, working on some machine. Claude comes in and says that tea is ready. Precis tells him to wait a minute, then the machine blows up in her face. Claude runs to her and tells her not to make him worry so much.
Claude and Precis (2): Claude is a captain or leiutenant at a federation starship and precis is a scientist. She just won the nobel prize and is joining Claude on the starship for exploration. (can't remember the dialog much) Then Precis/Claude comments that they will spending time together from now on. (by Mohd. Adisa Mahadi)

22Claude and Noel
Noel is in the Shingo Forest with some animals. Claude comes up and asks if he should be doing this. One of the animals pounces on Noel and starts biting him. Claude asks Noel if he is ok and Noel says not to worry; it's their way of showing affection. Claude says "But Noel... you're bleeding." Noel finally realizes that the animal really is attacking him and asks Claude to "shoo them off".

23Claude and Chisato
Claude and Chisato (1): Thay are shown on a ship that looks like the Calnus. Claude is in the command chair and Chisato is standing next to him. Claude says that thay are approaching an undiscovered region of space and Chisato comments excitedly on how much uncharted space there is to explore. (by ANT Eagle)
Claude and Chisato (2): Claude is a cameraman.

24Celine's Special Ending
Celine and Chris: Two maids refuse to allow Celine to leave Cross Castle. Chris (aka King Clother) orders them to let her go. He then reminds Celine that as the queen, she should to be sure to come back uninjured and in time for the harvest festival in autumn.

25Celine alone
Celine is searching for treasure, but finds only crumpled paper. She continues onward, hoping to find something good in the next place.

26Celine and Ashton
The ending shows Celine + Ashton in the clothing store, (It looks like the one in Clik, which would be impossible.), Celine asks Ashton which dress she looks better in. Ashton is having trouble making up his mind. Celine gets angry because she thinks he doesn't care. Ashton explains that It's because he thinks they both look good on her. Celine says if that's the case, she'll buy them both. (by Xerain)

27Celine and Opera
They are shown talking in Mars Village. Celine thanks Opera for coming to see her. Opera asks Celine if she's found a boyfriend yet. Celine starts sweating and asks Opera the same thing. Opera starts sweating and they both say nothing. (by ANT Eagle)

28Celine and Ernest
Celine and Ernest (1): Celine and Ernest are exploring a planet that looks like Milocinia. Celine says that the altar must be further in. Ernest is surprised to find ruins of such a scale on an outlying planet. Celine asks what they should do, perhaps they should report back first? Ernest says that they haven't come this far only to go back empty-handed. He then enters the ruins, followed by some workers. Celine stays behind a bit, commenting that Ernest is more of a treasure-hunter than an academic archaeologist.
Celine and Ernest (2): at Celine's house

29Celine and Leon
it has leon working in the lab in Cross, I think (where ever he is from) {it's Lacour - Feral} and she comes in and comments that the new heraldy spell or something was a little long winded...that it took to long to cast or something to that effect. He says that can be worked on some more then. She then presents some kind of paper that she found. And he is shock and says he will begin imediately to translate it. (by Xantheras)

30Celine and Dias
Dias is walking in the forest, and Celine is following him. Dias stops and asks her how long she is going to keep doing this. Celine replies that she doesn't know; maybe until he starts to pay some attention to her! Dias starts walking away, saying: "Fine, do as you please." Celine says she will, and follows him again.

31Celine and Bowman
Bowman is in the village in El, taking care of wounded people. Celine walks into the village and notes that Bowman is certainly working hard. Bowman notices Celine and tells her about the monsters west of the village. Celine says there are still a lot of monsters that attack people around here, which makes Bowman think that the restoration of El may take longer than expected. Celine asks if Bowman misses his wife back in Linga, and Bowman changes the subject, saying they should get going to subjugate the monsters. Bowman walks out of the village, followed by Celine.

32Celine and Precis
Celine and Precis are in the bar in Lacour. Two men walk into the bar and ask "Beautiful" if she would like to spend some time with them. Celine, thinking that they are talking to her, declines the offer. Both Celine and Precis are surprised when the men ignore Celine and walk over to Precis, saying that she is cute, and ask her if she wants to have tea or something. Precis asks if Celine can come too, and the men ask Precis if her friend is as cute as she is. Precis, confused, asks what they mean by that; Celine has been standing right here all along. The men are surprised and ask Precis why she is with that lady who is so much older than she is. Celine is fuming and threatens the men, who quickly leave. Celine complains about how the men have no taste, picking Precis over her.

33Celine and Noel
Noel is in the Heraldry forest, surrounded by animals. Celine walks up and reminds Noel that they were supposed to go on a date today. Noel apologizes for forgetting. Celine complains that she waited so long and asks why Noel can't pay more attention to her instead of his animals.

34Celine and Chisato
Celine and Chisato are treasure hunting and Chisato finds crumpled paper. Chisato complains about how they haven't found anything that they were looking for and all they got was this crumpled paper. Celine says that these things happen, and Chisato says that considering how much time they have spent, they ought to have something to show for it. Celine suggests that they keep going, perhaps there will be something better in the next place.

35Ashton's Special Ending
Ashton and Eleanor: Ashton comes into Eleanor's room and asks her how she is doing. Eleanor says she is fine, her health is good thanks to big brother Ashton. Gyoro and Ururun start fighting and Eleanor amends her statement, adding that of course Gyoro and Ururun have worked hard too; she thanks both of them as well. Ashton says that if you believe, then your wishes will always come true.

36Ashton Alone
Ashton is at Lasguss Mountain with Gyoro and Ururun. He wonders how the others are doing now that it has been a year.

37Ashton and Leon
Leon and Ashton are searching for a special jewel because Leon says according to his research (which he has been working on for an entire year) there is a way to use the power of this jewel to separate the dragons from "Big Brother Ashton" without harming either.

38Ashton and Dias
Ashton and Dias confront two bandits who are holding a girl hostage. Ashton tells the bandits that if they surrender, their punishment will be reduced. The bandits refuse, so Dias and Ashton kill the bandits. Ashton and Dias compliment each other on their skill with swords, and Ashton comments on how there is still much conflict although the turmoil of the Sorcery Globe is over. Dias tells Ashton to take the girl back to the town, finishing this job, as Ashton was the one who made the hostage rescue possible. As Dias starts to leave, Ashton comments on how he is still the same, and perhaps they will meet again. Dias adds: "perhaps as enemies" then walks away. Ashton gets nervous and tells Gyoro and Ururun that Dias is the last person he'd want to fight, and the two dragons squawk.

39Ashton and Bowman
Ashton and Bowman are fighting a monster on the beach at El. Ashton finishes off the monster, then remarks that there are still a lot of monsters in this area. Bowman says that the restoration of El could take longer than they thought, and Ashton says that he thinks they have nearly subjugated all the monsters in this area. Bowman tells Ashton that he didn't need to stay and help, to which Ashton replies that the people of El need him and that's enough for him.

40Ashton and Precis
Ashton is at Precis's house and they're running around the table and Precis wants to try this machine on him to exorcise Ururun and Gyoro. Ashton stops and turns to her complaining about it failed last time and it might hurt. Precis tells him about how the two dragons feel and then Ashton stops to think. He quickly runs past her to the elevator but stops. Precis trips down the steps and falls on her face. Ashton helps to pick her up and says he wouldn't know on what to do if Precis was hurt. Precis is embarresed and I think they kiss,but Gyoro stops them and Precis gets angry at him. She yells and him and tells him to look the other way and pretend this didn't happen. (by NPN)

41Ashton and Noel
Noel and Ashton are by a cabin in the woods together (which is most likely their house) looking at some animals. Ashton is concerned about how they were going to keep up with the next month's living expenses. Noel, on the other hand, doesn't seem too concerned. He has the "don't worry about anything, everything will turn okay in the long run" attitude. Ashton agree's with him and suggests they go take naps; the two go walk into the distance. (by the slept)

42Ashton and Chisato
Chisato and Ashton are searching for a way of dispelling Ashton's curse and still saving Gyoro and Ururun as well. Ashton complains that they haven't found anything in over a year. Chisato berates him for thinking so negatively and says that you will find what you are searching for as long as you don't give up.

43Opera's Special Ending
Opera waits for Ernest.

44Opera Alone
Opera is looking out the window of a building on Tetragenes. "Alfred the Butler" walks in and asks her if anything is wrong. Opera replies that she is just thinking about the past. Alfred asks if she means the time she and her friends saved the universe, and Opera says yes, but no one would believe her. Alfred says that's not true; he knows she is not the type who would lie. Opera wonders how the others are doing now.

45Opera and Ernest
Opera and Ernest (1): Opera is admiring some flowers and says that this is a beautiful place. Ernest asks her if she likes it. Opera says yes, but she was surprised when Ernest suddenly landed on this undeveloped planet. Ernest apologizes, then starts walking away. Opera asks him where he is going. Ernest replies that he scanned the area and found a building-like object which might be part of some unknown ruins. Opera asks if Ernest intentionally landed here to check that out. Ernest says yes, and Opera says she thought so. The two of them walk into the distance, presumably to explore the ruins together.
Opera and Ernest (2): at Opera's house on Tetragenes

46Opera and Leon
Leon is looking out the window of a hi-tech hi-rise in a futuristic city. (Presumably on Tetragenes) Opera walks in and asks him how he's doing, does he miss Expel? He says he does, but is glad to be where he is "'cuz then I get to be with Opera". She laughs and says he's too young to start courting her, and to try back in ten years. Leon says he'll wait five, and Opera remarks if he waits that long she'll have to pay attention. (by CB)

47Opera and Dias
Dias and Opera are walking in a forest when monsters appear on both sides of them. Dias tells Opera to back off, as she will get in the way. Opera says he must be joking; she will show him that she can at least protect his back. They then pull out their weapons and attack the monsters.

48Opera and Bowman
Bowman is in the village in El, taking care of wounded people. Opera enters the village and says that she has cleaned out the monster nest to the west. Bowman thanks her as he was too busy to go himself. Opera replies that it was no problem for her by herself. Bowman asks Opera if she is all right with not going back to her own planet. Opera says she will stay with him to the end, even if the restoration of El takes longer than expected.

49Opera and Precis
it's alot like the other ones with opera...she asks if precis regrets coming, and precis says that it was her decision and that she had to "leave the nest", she just went farther than her father had expected. (by Dmguinn)

50Opera and Noel
Opera is in what appears to be the study of her house on Tetragenes. Noel walks in, and Opera welcomes him home. A dog (or whatever similar animal of that planet) comes in, circling around Noel's legs, and he tries to explain how it followed him home. Opera says that even though her house is big, they can't afford to take care of anymore, and asks Noel just how many does he think this makes? Noel guesses about 10, and Opera corrects him: it's more like 17! As the dog cuddles up to Opera's leg, she tells Noel that this is absolutely the last time. She then calls out a bunch of names, and a whole pack of dogs comes in response to hearing their names called.

51Opera and Chisato
It's on Tentragen and Opera is sitting in a strange balcony structure and Chisato comes along.. They talked a bit (can't remember too much) and Opera says that she's going to some kinda place that night to do something (forgot, a cocktail party or somethng) and asked if Chisato wants to go with her.. Chisato says no, she's get bored really quickly... Then Chisato asked Opera how she can be comfortable wearing those kinda clothing and Opera says that she has no choice since she's the heir of the Vectra family. Then she says she has to be a good girl from now on since her parents got mad at her last time she ran away from home to find Ernest... (by Aya Brea)

52Ernest Alone
Ernest and some workers are exploring a planet that looks like Milocinia. One of the workers asks whether they should go on or report back first. Ernest wants to go on, of course, and warns the workers to watch out for traps.

53Ernest and Leon
Leon and Ernest are exploring a planet that looks like Milocinia. Leon says that the altar must be further in. Ernest is surprised to find ruins of such scale on this planet, and asks Leon whether they should go on or report back first. Leon asks why Ernest bothers asking his opinion, since Ernest is going to go on anyways regardless of what Leon says. Leon then enters the ruins, followed by Ernest and some workers.

54Ernest and Dias
Ernest and Dias are in the bar in Lacour. Dias asks Ernest: "Well, what is it this time?" Ernest says that he found this planet with an unknown civilization he wants to explore, but "the place is lousy with vicious monsters" and he would like Dias to come along as a body guard. Dias agrees and Ernest apologizes for bothering him, but anyone else would just get in the way. Dias tells Ernest that there's no reason to apologize; Ernest offered Dias a job, and Dias took it, that's all.

55Ernest and Bowman
Bowman and Ernest are in the bar in Lacour. Bowman says that it has been a long time. Ernest agrees and adds it must be about 3 years now. Bowman asks Ernest where he has been and tells him to visit more often as Bowman can't go visit Ernest. Ernest apologizes and says he has been busy at the university. Bowman asks Ernest what Opera was doing chasing him anyways, as she is Ernest's student. Ernest asks if Bowman knew that Opera has a sister, and Bowman says this is the first he's heard of it. Ernest says that Opera's sister Opal is just like her, at which point a woman who looks exactly like Opera with slightly darker hair walks into the bar. The woman (Opal) says she is so glad she found "Professor 9" (I guess that's her nickname for Ernest) and Ernest asks her how did she find him anyways? Opal replies that Opera told her Ernest would probably be on this planet, so she borrowed Opera's ship and came here. Then Opal goes on (in a ditzy sounding way) to say that she is "so-o-o glad" she found Ernest, as she had "bumped the ship a little and now it won't move" and she was worried that she might be stuck on this planet. Bowman says that Ernest has got himself a double-barreled shotgun there, and Ernest doesn't know what to do.

56Ernest and Precis
Precis's father, Graft, is sitting at the table in the living room of their house. Precis comes out of her room and says that she is going on a date. Graft asks where she will be going, and Precis replies that tonight she is going to Tetragenes. "Tetragons?" asks Graft, who has never heard of it. Precis tells him not to worry, you can see it from here after dark. Ernest walks in the front door and says that they are about to leave. Precis apologizes for being late and the two of them leave. Graft, still sitting at the table, wonders what Precis meant by "you can see it from here after dark."

57Ernest and Noel
Noel and Ernest disembark from a ship that has just arrived on a technologically advanced planet. They are there to attend a conference of some sort, where Ernest is receiving recognition for his research. Noel is impressed by the place, but Ernest is not very happy, as he didn't really want to come. He would rather be exploring ancient ruins than getting recognition from a bunch of "idiots [who] jack their jaws at their desks", as he calls them.

58Ernest and Chisato
Ernest and Chisato are exploring a planet that looks like Milocinia. Chisato rushes ahead towards the ruins as Ernest calls after her to wait. Chisato doesn't listen and sets off a trap, some sort of security system that fires a shot at her. Ernest runs up and says that he warned her. Chisato promises to be more careful from now on and tells him not to get so angry. Meanwhile, "Worker A" asks "Worker B" didn't the same thing happen on the last dig? Worker B responds yes, but it wouldn't be the same without Chisato. The two workers wonder how it is that Chisato hasn't gotten herself killed, but are interrupted by Ernest calling them.

59Leon Alone
Leon is in Lacour playing with two other kids, a boy and a girl. His parents, Florice and Murdoch, call him in for lunch. Leon goes on ahead to the castle and his parents mention how much happier he seems now.

60Leon and Bowman
Bowman is running his store in Linga when Leon asks him to come back to the laboratory at Lacour because the king will reinstate the pharmaceuticals department if he does. Bowman declines the offer, saying that although he would like to be able to bury himself in work at the lab, he doesn't want to research just for the sake of results. Instead, he wants to be able to see the smiles of the people he has helped. Leon calls Bowman stupid, then gives up and runs out of the store. Nineh walks in shortly afterwards and asks was that Leon again? Bowman says yes, it must be lonely for Leon being a genius, as no one at the lab can keep up with him. But Leon can't stay a child forever, and he must eventually learn to figure out the solutions to his problems himself.

61Leon and Precis
Precis and Leon are in Linga, outside of Keith's house. They have just finished building a robot that combines Heraldry with machinery. As Leon and Precis start arguing with each other, a cloud of steam comes out of the robot and it spins around firing lasers at them. Leon and Precis both scream and run off in different directions.

62Leon and Noel
Leon is in the Heraldry Forest, surrounded by animals. Noel walks up and asks what Leon is doing there. Leon complains about how Noel blew it off when Leon recommended him to the head of the Lacour Biological Institute and even made a supplication to the king. Noel apologizes, thanking Leon for the consideration, but protests that he would rather be comfortable here by himself. Noel then asks whether Leon is busy with his work, and Leon replies that he quit. Noel asks why, to which Leon responds that he put his heart and soul into it (the Lacour Hope, perhaps?) only to have it be used as a tool for hurting people. Leon then asks if he can come work with Noel. Noel warns that the work is harder than you may think, but Leon doesn't mind and so they agree to work together.

63Leon and Chisato
Leon and Chisato are in the lab at Lacour. Chisato notices that Leon is using Nedian Heraldry and orders him to get rid of it. Leon protests that it's only a little, but Chisato won't make any exceptions. Leon then calls her stingy and complains that nothing will be done in time for the academic conference.

64Dias Alone
Dias visits his sister Cecille's grave. He apologizes for having been away so long, and says he has so much to tell her.

65Dias and Bowman
Dias asks Bowman whether he is going back to Linga now. Bowman says no, there are still many monsters left and he will go to El to help with the reconstruction, then asks what Dias will be doing. Dias replies that he probably will continue traveling as he had been doing before. Bowman then asks Dias to come to El with him and help with subjugating the monsters. Dias agrees, and the two of them walk off together.

66Dias and Precis
Dias is in Precis's house, sitting at the table with her father, Graft. Precis walks in the front door and asks what the two of them are doing there, why don't they say something? Their response: "Don't know what to say.."

67Dias and Noel
Noel is sleeping in bed at an inn. Dias says that it's time to move on to the next town. Noel continues sleeping, Z's over his head. Dias tells Noel to wake up and, losing his temper, kicks Noel. Noel yawns and asks what is it? Dias says that it's morning already and they need to get going. Noel falls asleep again, causing Dias to get angry (Hey I'm talking to you! Don't go back to sleep!) and kick Noel again. Dias complains that Noel sleeps so much, their pace of travel has been cut in half. Noel stretches and says he can't help it: he's tired, so he sleeps. Dias wonders whether Noel is really a cat, sleeping half the day. Noel protests that that was uncalled for. As Dias starts to say it's the only explanation he can think of, Noel falls asleep again, and this time Dias kicks Noel so hard that he goes flying out of the bed and across the room.

68Dias and Chisato
Chisato is visiting the grave of Dias's parents and sister with him. Dias apologizes for having been away for so long. Chisato introduces herself and asks Mr. and Mrs. Flac to let her take care of their son even though she is not worthy. Dias protests, and Chisato calls him silly for getting embarrassed like that. Angry squiggles appear over Dias's head and he starts to leave, promising to come back in about a month. Chisato follows him.

69Bowman alone
Keith walks into the pharmacy and tells Bowman that he's finished the translation. Bowman's kind of confused, and Keith say something to the extent of, "Uhh, don't you remember that ancient text you gave me a couple days ago?" He goes on to say that the ancient text contined a story of a lost paradise. Bowman guesses that the name of the Paradise was Nede, and turns out to be right, which really mystifies Keith. (by the slept)

70Bowman and Noel
Bowman and Noel are in Bowman's pharmacy. Several patients are waiting in line, including a young man with a broken bone and a granny with a cold. Noel proceeds to cast healing spells on each patient one at a time, and they leave happy after being cured. Nineh walks in as the second patient leaves and mentions that it's nice to see so many people in the store. Bowman complains that if things keep up this way (with Noel magically healing everyone) then there will be no reason for anyone to come at all.

71Bowman and Chisato
Bowman and Nineh are in their store when Chisato comes running in. Chisato places a huge pile of herbs on the counter, listing the contents as being 10 bunches each of Clarisage and Dillwhip, plus Artemis Leaf and Aceras. Then she says she's off to Lasguss Mountain to get some Metox, and runs out of the store saying she'll be back in about a month. Nineh comments that the new girl (Chisato) is certainly a hard worker and deserves a raise. Bowman says she isn't a hard worker, she's a lunatic!

72Precis Alone
Precis is in her house working on a machine. Graft, her father, asks if she wants tea. Precis tells him to wait a minute; she wants to finish up here first. Graft says that she never changes, but he thought that she would have gained some maturity or something after this adventure. Precis says that a few months of adventure wouldn't have made a significant change in her anyways. She then heads towards the living room: "Weren't we going to have tea? Let's have tea o/~."

73Precis and Noel
The background is the same one as in Noel's solo ending. Noel is playing with the animals as usual with Precis standing beside him. Noel comments on a good weather and Precis says yes. Then Noel says that he's somehow tired and a bit sleepy. Precis then says why don't we take a nap there, (points to the side of the screen) and immediately goes there. Noel then says 'Wait up' and moves on to chase up to her. (by Mohd. Adisa Mahadi)

74Precis and Chisato
Chisato is shown running into Precis' house in Linga. Chisato runs into Precis' room and tells her that a mysterious object landed in the desert west of Cross and they should check it out. Chisato then says they need to hurry and runs out. Precis tells her father that she'll be gone for about a month and not to worry. Precis then runs out and her father says that it's nice that Precis has friends, but they need more peace and quiet. (by ANT Eagle)

75Noel Alone
Noel is in the Heraldry forest with some animal friends. He misses the others and a dog tries to cheer him up.

76Noel and Chisato
Noel and Chisato are in the Heraldry forest with some animals. They are talking about how they and Rena are the only three Nedians who survived. Noel wonders if it wouldn't have been better if he had died along with the others. Chisato asks him how he could say such a cowardly thing and reminds him that he promised Mayor Narl he would live on for those who could not. Noel says he remembers, and Chisato tells him that even though their new life is not so bad, she also sometimes longs for their old life, but the past should kept locked away in their memories. Taking the memories out only once in a while should be enough. Noel agrees and thanks Chisato for making him feel better.

77Chisato Alone
Chisato is in Herlie, and is very bored. She wonders how the others are doing.

78Extra-special ending #86

Crawd(Claude) is in the Shingo Forest waiting. He says that everyone is late and wonders if something has happened. Rena comes up and apologizes. She assures him that everyone is fine. Crawd says that it has been a long time. Rena tells him to hurry and come to her house. (It seems that there was a miscommunication on where they were supposed to meet at, and everyone else was waiting at Rena's house.)

As Chisato would say: "I guess that's it."

[楼 主] | Posted:2003-11-02 06:06| 顶端

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部分结局翻译 by 家庭料理爱的战士 mino


1.Rena Alone
Westa wants to go to the Shingo Forest, but Rena says it's still too dangerous no matter how peaceful things have become. Westa goes to the forest anyways; Rena remarks that she really loves the Shingo Forest.


2.Rena and Claude
Claude and Rena (1): Claude is in Arlia village. Rena comes out of her house and asks him if he has gotten used to living there yet. Claude replies that he still can't get rid of his old habits from when he lived on Earth, but he has no regrets.
Claude and Rena (2): Rena is with Claude at his home on Earth. Claude apologizes for leaving Rena alone when he goes on missions. Rena says she won't be alone for long, as she will be having a baby in 6 months.
Claude and Rena (3): Claude and Rena are aboard a ship like the Calnus and say they found a planet with life and water on it. They thought they were going to have to return to Earth, but they end up on another adventure. (by NPN)




3.Rena and Celine
They are talking in Mars village. Celine wants Rena to help her to create healing heraldy crests. Rena seems skeptical at first, but then agrees, saying that it would save many lives. Celine says that it would make them famous and Rena says nothing. (by ANT Eagle)

她们正在Mars村庄中讲话。 Celine 想要 Rena 帮助她发明痊愈的纹章之冠。 Rena 起先有些怀疑, 但是最后同意了, 说它会解救许多生命。而 Celine 说它会使他们出名,Rena无语

4.Rena and Ashton
Ashton is in Bossman's house with Bossman's two kids running around him arguing about which dragon they like better. Rena comes in and tells them to stop bothering Ashton. They say that she always takes Ashton's side, and run out of the house. Ashton says he's glad he came to Arlia because the people here don't treat him differently from anyone else.


5.Rena and Opera
Rena and Opera are on Tetragenes. Rena asks Opera if all that on Expel and Nede really happened, as it almost seems like a dream now. Opera says that it has been a long time, then mentions she was surprised by Rena's request to come with her. Rena apologizes for imposing, and Opera replies that she welcomes Rena's company; it's just that she's afraid Rena would regret abandoning Expel. Rena says it would be a lie to say she wasn't sad, but she has no regrets as she has been able to see many interesting things with Opera.

Rena与Opera在Tetragenes(Opera的星球).Rena问Opera是否在Expel和Nede这两个星球的冒险就像一场梦。Opera说这段冒险已经是很久以前的事情了,然后说她很惊讶Rena会要求跟着她来到 Tetragenes.Rena为自己的过分要求道歉,Opera说她欢迎Rena的到来;但是她恐怕Rena会为离开Expel而感到后悔。Rena承认,说不觉得伤心那是谎话,但是她来到Tetragenes一点也不后悔,因为她可以跟着Opera看到很多有趣的新事物


6.Rena and Ernest
Rena and Ernest are in Arlia. Rena says she knows Ernest must be longing to travel, as she has often seen him looking up at the sky with a sad expression. She tells him not to worry about her; she will wait for him if he wants to go exploring. Ernest replies that although life in Arlia village can be boring sometimes, there is a treasure here that surpasses any ancient treasures he could find anywhere: Rena. So Ernest says he will stay in Arlia with Rena.

Rena 和 Ernest在阿利亚村。 Rena 说她知道 Ernest 一定渴望旅行,因为她时常有看到他经常忧郁地仰望天空用。 她告诉他不要为她担忧;如果他想要去探险的话,她会等待他的。Ernest 答复说虽然在 Arlia 村庄中的生活虽然有时候是比较枯燥的,但是在这里有一个他在其他地方永远无法找到的宝物: Rena。 因此 Ernest 说他将会在 Arlia陪伴Rena。


7.Rena and Leon
Leon is playing with two other kids, a boy (Ketil, the little blue-haired thief from Clik) and a girl, in Arlia village when Rena comes out of her house and calls Leon in for lunch. She tells him to eat his vegetables. (BTW, does anyone else think it's strange that Rena has to remind Leon to eat his vegetables when his favorite food is carrot juice?)

在阿利亚村,Leon 正在和二个小孩一起玩,一个男孩 (Ketil,来自Clik港的蓝色头发的那个小偷) 和一个少女,这时候Rena从家里出来叫Leon回家吃午餐。 她叫Leon吃蔬菜。 (BTW,有没有人觉得奇怪,Leon最喜欢的食物是胡萝卜汁,Rena却Leon吃蔬菜?)

(正太控 + 恋姐情结 的一对...-_-)

8.Rena and Dias
Rena and Dias (1): Rena and Dias visit Cecille's grave. Dias apologizes for having been away so long, and Rena says that it has been a long time. They notice that it is getting late and start heading back to town. Dias promises to come back in a month, and Rena asks Cecille to "Please be happy for us.."
Rena and Dias (2): Dias is with Rena in Arlia.

(1)Rena 和 Dias 拜访 Cecille's的墓(Cecille是Dias的妹妹)。 Dias为离开了很长时间而道歉,Rena 说确实是很长的一段时间。他们发现天色已晚,就决定回村子去了。 Dias 允诺说一个月以内再回来,Rena对Cecille说 "为了我们,在天国请快乐地生活吧.."
(2)Dias 和 Rena 在阿利亚村一起生活.

[1 楼] | Posted:2003-11-02 06:16| 顶端

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[2 楼] | Posted:2003-11-04 17:29| 顶端

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[3 楼] | Posted:2003-11-06 16:47| 顶端

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Extra-special ending #86

Crawd(Claude) is in the Shingo Forest waiting. He says that everyone is late and wonders if something has happened. Rena comes up and apologizes. She assures him that everyone is fine. Crawd says that it has been a long time. Rena tells him to hurry and come to her house. (It seems that there was a miscommunication on where they were supposed to meet at, and everyone else was waiting at Rena's house.)



顺便问一下,这结局有人打出来了么?我后来在游戏最后所有好感度的书都使用过了之后,让全队轮流上战场打了共1500多场战斗都没出来 *_*

[4 楼] | Posted:2004-01-09 22:02| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
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发帖: 14506
威望: 40 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 80176 HHB
所属组织: 科莉娅圣教
组织头衔: 圣光骑士
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Claude and Precis
Claude and Precis (1): Precis is in her house in Linga, working on some machine. Claude comes in and says that tea is ready. Precis tells him to wait a minute, then the machine blows up in her face. Claude runs to her and tells her not to make him worry so much.

在Linga的家中,Precis正在机器上工作。Claude走进来说茶泡好了(……),Precis让他等一下,突然机器在她面前爆炸了,Claude 跑到Precis身边告诉Precis不要让他太操心了……

Opera and Dias
Dias and Opera are walking in a forest when monsters appear on both sides of them. Dias tells Opera to back off, as she will get in the way. Opera says he must be joking; she will show him that she can at least protect his back. They then pull out their weapons and attack the monsters.



[5 楼] | Posted:2004-01-14 13:41| 顶端

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[QUOTE]最初由 iliiad 发表


顺便问一下,这结局有人打出来了么?我后来在游戏最后所有好感度的书都使用过了之后,让全队轮流上战场打了共1500多场战斗都没出来 *_* [/B][/QUOTE]使用珍惜本后,好感强制为8,所以有时得不偿失……


[6 楼] | Posted:2004-01-17 03:40| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 13568
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[QUOTE]最初由 マルス 发表

几个特殊结局对感情度都有很高的要求:)[/B][/QUOTE]汗……没说太明白……我不是真的在最后才使用加好感的书啦,都是人物一加入就尽早使用了……另外是不是英文版和日文版不太一样?至少我玩英文版的,好感度100场战斗+1是差不多可以确定的……就是不知道这个特殊结局要求的好感度到底是多少 X_X

[7 楼] | Posted:2004-01-17 03:51| 顶端

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有几样饰品 好象会随着参加战斗次数成长,如:


[8 楼] | Posted:2004-01-17 04:25| 顶端

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目前听说过两种说法……一是把两个龙兜(第一个村庄PA得到一个)都带在Ashton身上,Asthon的必杀技Dragon Breath就会自动升级为最高状态……另一个说法是隐藏商店买的龙兜待在身上进行1000次战斗就会变为超强道具……但是我试了好像都没效果……

Leaf Pendant我也是一直给Rena带着,数值上的防御力显示好像没变化?(实际战斗中没注意……)




Dias的专用剑Crimson Diablos有攻击力翻倍的附加效果也是没错的……

[9 楼] | Posted:2004-01-17 05:24| 顶端

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“Leaf Pendant我也是一直给Rena带着,数值上的防御力显示好像没变化?”

[10 楼] | Posted:2004-01-18 01:11| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
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[QUOTE]最初由 マルス 发表

“Leaf Pendant我也是一直给Rena带着,数值上的防御力显示好像没变化?”
显示不变,实际效果,最初防御+0,800次左右后+60了…… [/B][/QUOTE]我有个记录用Ashton带着两个龙兜打了差不多2000次战斗了(战斗总次数快4000了),什么变化也没有……

Leaf Pendant的属性是CON +30%,所以800次战斗后防御力上升应该是因为Rena升级了所以本身的CON数值提升,所以防御力也提升了?


9. Rena and Bowman
Rena is in the library in Linga. Bowman walks in and asks her how her studies are going. Rena replies that there are so many books and they're all so interesting that she forgets the time. Bowman says that he knew she should be in academia, as that is what's important for a professor: to enjoy what you study. Rena is embarrased and says that she's nowhere near that level. Bowman says she is wrong; she is definitely professor material, and he will prove it.


10. Rena and Precis
Rena is in Cross, waiting for Precis. She complains that Precis is late, even though Precis is the one who called Rena. Precis comes running and apologizes, then asks if Rena has been waiting long. Rena replies that she has been waiting 3 hours, then asks what Precis wanted to talk about. Precis says that she wants Rena to come with her and pick up guys together. Rena says no, we shouldn't do that. Precis then goes after a random guy by herself.


11.Rena and Noel
Noel is in the Shingo Forest playing with some animals. Rena comes up saying she knew he would be there, and reminds him that he promised to go shopping with her today. Noel says he forgot, and Rena complains that he pays more attention to the animals than to her.


12. Rena and Chisato
Chisato is in Rena's room, telling Rena all about the history of Nede. Apparently, Rena has been writing down the whole thing (all 700 million+ years of it?) as she says she wants to leave a record so that people will know it was not all in vain. Rena thanks Chisato for staying with her for so long.



[11 楼] | Posted:2004-01-18 15:22| 顶端

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结局翻译 和 其他讨论请分2帖发,过后整理时,会把讨论帖分离到另一主题。





[12 楼] | Posted:2004-01-20 05:03| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 223
精华: 22
发帖: 14506
威望: 40 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 80176 HHB
所属组织: 科莉娅圣教
组织头衔: 圣光骑士
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[QUOTE]最初由 マルス 发表
malas:记得梅梅在以前的帖中提过自己属于系统派,喜欢星海系列^^ [/B][/QUOTE]确实是这样……

Celine's Special Ending
Celine and Chris: Two maids refuse to allow Celine to leave Cross Castle. Chris (aka King Clother) orders them to let her go. He then reminds Celine that as the queen, she should to be sure to come back uninjured and in time for the harvest festival in autumn.

Celine和Chris:两个女仆拒绝答应Celine 离开Cross 城堡. Chris命令她们让她离开. 随后他要求Celine 能作为女王,能够保证及时的在秋天的丰收时节平安地回来。

66Dias and Precis
Dias is in Precis's house, sitting at the table with her father, Graft. Precis walks in the front door and asks what the two of them are doing there, why don't they say something? Their response: "Don't know what to say.."

Dias在Precis的家中,和她父亲Graft一起坐在桌旁。Precis 走到门前问他们两个在干什么。为什么一句话也不说。他们回答:“不知道该说什么……”


[13 楼] | Posted:2004-01-20 13:56| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
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[QUOTE]最初由 マルス 发表
[B]回iliiad:你那里的资料,方便的话能发给我一份吗? [/B][/QUOTE]http://www.rpgclassics.com/shrines/psx/so2/




[14 楼] | Posted:2004-01-25 13:36| 顶端

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