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火花天龙剑 -> 游戏专区 -> 这一刻玉柱哥泪流满面,笨呆男猛攻你是好样的
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级别: 火花会员
编号: 4914
精华: 9
发帖: 12412
威望: 15 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 216210 HHB
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tales of vesperia将通过live贩卖道具,装备,甚至经验等级……虽然这些都能在游戏里打出来

YH: Taking into account the nature of the game, instead of providing additional maps or costumes or things like that, we|re thinking more in terms of items that will make completing the game more convenient for those that have found themselves stuck but don|t have time for level-raising or money-earning. That|s the first type. Also, this time around the game has a large variety of accessory parts, and some of them are difficult to obtain. For those who don|t have the time to acquire them, we plan to sell items and accessories separately. They|ll be on the game disc to begin with, and players can obtain them on their own, but this system is for those who find it annoying or too time-consuming but still want to see them.

TG: We|re not going to have anything where the only way to get it is to buy it. Players can earn it in-game, but also have this option. It|s somewhat similar to game modification tools. The fact that demand for such things exists means that some people want to use money to accomplish game goals. That|s who this is for.

YH: We don|t see this being done much around the world currently. It|s partly for fun, partly experimental. We|re curious how much demand there is for this sort of thing.

[楼 主] | Posted:2008-04-18 11:52| 顶端

火花天龙剑 -> 游戏专区

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