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翻译帖-Episode V

翻译原本是http://www.ogrebattle.vze.com/的OB人物词典中Episode V,即OB1的人物部分。







Aisha Knudel

Class: Priest Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 20
Birth: Branca, Day 3 P.Y. 232 (4/9)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6
The daughter of High Priest Foris, Aisha was born in Avalon. She left Avalon at the age of 16 in conjunction with Avalon tradition and trained to become a priest. She returned two years later, to find that her mother had been executed by Prince Gares as an example to the temples. She then joined the Zenobian Revolutionary Army to take revenge on Gares. After the fall of the Zeteginean Empire, she accompanies Destin north to participate in anti-Lodis activities. Two months after joining the Palatinean Revolution, went on a mission to free the Bolmaukans from slavery in the Western Division. During the operation she was seperated from her battalion, and joined Blue Knights at the town of Puld in the Audvera Heights.

艾夏·克努迪尔,出生于阿瓦隆岛,高级祭司佛瑞斯之女。遵循阿瓦隆岛的传统,她在16岁时就离开了故乡并经历了作为一名神职人员应接受的锤炼。两年后她回到了阿瓦隆岛,却发现她的母亲已经被作为向岛上原驻神官示威的典型而遭加雷斯皇子处决。为了向加雷斯复仇,她加入了塞诺比亚革命军。在塞迪基内亚帝国崩亡后,她又随同德斯丁参与了在北方的反罗迪斯运动。在参加Palatinean革命的两个月后,她被遣往Palatinean西方地域执行帮助那里的Bolmaukans摆脱罗迪斯人奴役的任务。在行动期间她和大部队失散,后来据说她在Audvera高地的Puld镇归属了Blue Knights部下。


Class: Warlock Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The most trusted of Rashidi's three apprentices, Albeleo is obsessed with resurrecton. He is over 100 years old, but keeps himself young by transmigrating into the bodies of teenagers. When Saradin would not cooperate with Rashidi's plan to take over the continent, Albeleo turned Saradin into stone at Balmoria. 25 years later, Albeleo confronted the Zenobian Revolution at Balmoria, and found that Saradin had been restored by them. He was killed by Saradin, but his body disappeared after the battle. He fought the Zenobian Revolution again at Dragon's Heaven, while he was searching for dragons to add to the Zeteginian Empire's army. He was defeated, and went missng again.

He reincarnated into Radlum, and traveled to Valeria in order to find the Drakonite magic in Hell Gate. He was in possession of Wipe Out magic before being attacked by monsters. He was rescued by Denim on the 2nd floor of Hell Gate and joined Denim's group to ease his quest for Drakonite Magic.



{Baron Apros}

Class: Vanity Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
A former Zenobian noble, he immediately abandoned the kingdom when Gran was assassinated, and sided with the Zeteginian Empire. Beheaded his own parents, and presented their heads to Empress Endora. When the Zenobian Castle survivors fled to the Pogrom Forest, Apros ordered that the Forest be burnt to the ground despite their pleas for surrender, murdering the rest of the survivors. Using his smooth tongue and fat wallet, he was able to buy the position of governor in Malano. 24 years later, he was arranged to be married to Rauny Winzalf. She fled the Highlands, not wanting anything to do with him. He than sent Ares and other bounty hunters to return Rauny to him, dead or alive. When Rauny returned to Apros in Malano, it was as a member of the Zenobian Revolutionary Army. He was killed by Prince Tristan, who used the large crowd created by Apros' wedding to conduct an assassination plot.



Class: Raven Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Bounty Hunter
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
Former leader of a gang in the Castro Canyon. Because of his familiarity with the local geography, Ares was hired by Baron Apros to capture his runaway bride, Rauny Winzalf, dead or alive. He was killed by Rauny when they met up in the canyon.



Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: NL Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Former captain of the Zenobian Royal Guard. When Zenobia castle was attacked, Gares disguised himself as Ashe, and killed the royal family. When Ashe was accused, he accepted the blame, even though he had not committed the crime. He blames himself for not being able to protect the royal family, and was jailed in a tower in Zenobia for 25 years. He was freed by Destin and the Zenobian Revolution during the liberation of Zenobia, and he joined the Revolution.



Class: God Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 TO tKoL
The God of Bane. At odds with Ishtar. Supported the demons in the Ogre Battle. Hell Gate is a 100-floor-deep temple that was dedicated to him.



Class: Witch Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Sister of Mango and Tarut. A descendant of the 12 disciples of the Ogre Battle Legend. Followed Tarut down to Earth.

曼戈和塔鲁特的姐妹。 奥伽战争传说中十二使徒的后裔,她跟随塔鲁特一同降临人世。

{the Great Magician}

Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Magician who is searching for the Book of the Dead. Will give an Undead Ring to anybody who finds a copy. Resides in Sharom.



Class: Civilian Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Sculptor who made many statues of Saradin. Died in the war the Highlands waged on Zeteginea.


Balkas' Pupil

Class: Civilian Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Informed the Zenobian Revolution that Balkas' statues were replicas of Saradin, who was turned into stone, meaning one of the statues at Balmoria was the real Saradin. This information was crucial to freeing Saradin with the Bell of Light.



Class: Civilian Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Served as a nanny to the Zenobian family. The night the Highlands attacked Zenobia Castle, Banya snuck out of the castle with 2 year old Prince Tristan. She helped raise him during his youth, and returned to the city of Kal Robs when he started his volunteer army. When Zenobia was liberated by the Zenobian Revolution, Banya apporached Destin to find out his intentions of being ruler after the Revolution. Destin had no interest in ruling and Banya gave him the Key of Destiny so he could show the rightful heir, Tristan, that he was on his side. When Tristan returned to Zenobia, he remembered his old nanny, and Banya bestowed him with the Book of Good.



{the Great Magician}

Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Magician who owns the worlds largest collection of Sentoul Demon statues. Willing to trade 10,000 goth, Dragon Gems, or Kerykeions to acquire them. An old friend of Foris Knudel.


Canopus Wolff
{the Wind Rider}

Class: Vultan Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 48
Birth: Trevas, Day 5 P.Y. 204 (8/11)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 7
The brother of Yulia, and best friend of Gilbert Obloin. Gilbert saved Canopus' life once, and Canopus returned the favor by convincing the Zenobian Revolution to spare Gilbert and allow him to join the Revolution. After the Zenobian Revolution, traveled to Valeria with Lans Hamilton to reclaim the stolen Brunhild. Was mistakenly attacked by Denim at Griate. Worked with him to free Duke Ronway from Amorika castle. When Denim became the leader of a Walsta knight battalion, Canopus decided to join it, doing so in the middle of a battle at Tanmas Hill. After reclaiming the Brunhild, traveled back to Zenobia with the sword and reported the events to King Tristan.




Class: Gemini Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The older twin brother of Porkus. Together, they can perform the Gemini Attack, which can kill a dragon in one blow. Makes up for his lack of smarts with incredible strength. A General of the Zeteginian Empire, and lives in Fort Allamoot. Died defending it from the Zenobian Revolution.



Class: Indistinct Sex: N/A
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The messenger of Death.


{aka Diablo}

Class: God Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: Netherworld
Organization: Netherworld
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The God of the Netherworld. Abducted Danika, and brought her to the netherworld. Under the protection of Berthe, the king and his knights ventured into the Netherworld and defeated Demundza to rescue Danika. Demundza offered to return her if Berthe blessed the Netherworld, and make it fertile. Berthe did, but found that since Danika had already eaten a Pomegrate (the fruit of the netherworld), she could not return. Demundza used Berthe's blessing to initiate the invasion of Earth, known as the Ogre Battle. In the year 250, was summoned by Rashidi with the power of the Black Diamond, but was beaten back into the Netherworld by the Zenobian Revolution.



Deneb Rhobe

Class: Witch Sex: Female
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Birth: Preta, Day 13 Year Unknown (10/13)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 TO tKoL
Zenobian witch who is obsessed with research. Sided with the Zeteginian Empire when they offered her access to their magic books. She invented the Pumpkinhead class via experimentation on young males and crops. After suffering defeat at the hands of the Zenobian Revolution, she joined the Revolution. Her traveling shop has been sighted on the islands of Valeria and Ovis. She joined forces with Denim Mown in Valeria after he became a frequent customer at her shop. Also took time off from her work to host Ogre Battle 64抯 Tutorial Mode. Her true age is unknown, as she keeps her appearance young with magic.

Other classes: Sorceress



Destin Faroda
{Destin the Valiant}

Class: Lord Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 28
Birth: Trevas, Day 23 P.Y. 224 (8/29)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6
Hero of the Zenobian Revolution. Was chosen by fate to overthrow the Holy Zetigenian Empire. As a seer, Warren saw this and appointed him leader of the Zenobian Revolution. Liberated the continent of Zeteginea from the rule of Endora, and stopped Rashidi's plan to summon Demundza. After the Revolution, immediately left for Palatinus to halt Lodis' plans to invade Zenobia. Assisted Frederick in forming the Palatinean Revolutionary Army. Played a large role in swaying Magnus to turn coat and join the Palatinean Revolution. Two months later, left the Revolution because the original goal of removing Lodis from power had changed. Began monitoring Lodis' activities once they entered Palatinus. Traced Richard to the Temple of Berthe, and found that he was trying to obtain the Ultimate Power. Destin and Gilbert dueled with Richard and Baldwin, which kept them occupied long enough for the Blue Knights to destroy the temple. Soon after, joined the Blue Knights. After the Palatinean Revolution, and after stopping the Caliginous Order's plans, headed for Nirdam to liberate it from Lodis' control.

赛诺比亚革命的英雄,命定的对抗神圣塞迪基内亚帝国的神选者。预言者华伦在神喻的昭示下推举他为革命军的领袖,跟随他从茵多拉的魔掌中解放塞迪基内亚大陆,并阻止拉修迪的阴谋。在这场战争结束后,为了搅乱罗迪斯对百废待兴的新生塞诺比亚制造威胁,他立刻前往Palatinus开展新的行动。他协助弗雷德里克完成了Palatinus抵抗组织的建设,并循着罗迪斯冥皇骑士团团长理查得的足迹,在巴萨的神殿揭穿了他意图解放究极之力的企谋。德斯丁、基尔巴特与理查得及其部下巴德温诸人展开了决战,这为Blue Knight为争取了宝贵的时间,当他们赶到后,巴萨神殿在协力下被彻底摧毁。在那不久以后,德斯丁便加入了Blue Knight。现在,他的下一个目的地是同样在罗迪斯控制下的另一个国度:尼尔达姆。


Class: Black Queen Sex: Female
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The Queen of the Highlands. Mother of Gares.


{aka Yushis}

Class: Archangel Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Virtue Nationality: Heaven
Organization: Heaven
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Sister of the Archangel Mizar. When Mizar was banished, she went down to Earth to look for her, but fell into Rashidi's trap and was imprisoned at Antalia. Was rescued by the Zenobian Revolution, and made a contract with them. When she found her sister Mizar, she was forced to kill her and put her out of her misery. After the defeat of the Zeteginian Empire, returned to heaven and was annointed Archangel.

Other classes: Angel Knight, Seraph



Class: God Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The Goddess of Justice. Resides in Shangrila Temple. Gave Destin the Tablet of Yaru in exchange for the 3 Magic Gems.


{Fenril the Ice}

Class: Dragoon Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Knight of Ogre Battle Legend. Owner of the Brunhild. Resides on the Sky Island Organa. Rarely smiles. Appeared with Slust, Fogel, and the 12 white mages and saved the world during the Ogre Battle. The gods were pleased with this, and granted the three knights eternal life in the heavens. When he gods became displeased with the humans, and forbade contact with them, Fenril left behind her holy sword, Brunhild, which could unlock any seal, because she did not want to abandon the human race. Rashidi broke the chaos gate and went to Organa to convince Fenril to become one of the Zeteginian Empire's Generals. When she refused, Rashidi cast a spell on her, to manipulate her. When Fenril was defeated by the Zenobian Revolution, she regained control of her senses, and joined Destin in fighting the Zeteginian Empire. Returned to Organa after the revolution was successful.



Class: General Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
One of the Four Devas of Zeteginia. The best friend of Quass Debonair. Wields the sword Durandal. It is rumored that he is the prince of a small kingdom. Fought the Zenobian Revolution at the Kalbi Penninsula, and found Debonair amoung their ranks. Dueled with his friend and lost. Bestowed Debonair with his sword, Durandal, as a final parting gift.


Floran Zenobia

Class: Queen Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Zenobian Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The wife of King Gran, and mother of Tristan and Jan. Was the most beloved Queen in the history of Zenobia. She was kidnapped during the attack on Zenobia Castle by the Highlands, because she knew the locations of the Mystic Treasures. Always wore the Mystic Armband, which was one of the treasures. Although it was rumored that she was killed in 225, she was being held captive in Fort Shulamana by Previa. He killed her before the rebels could rescue her.


{Dragon Fang Fogel}

Class: Dragoon Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Indistinct Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Along with Slust and Fenril, one of the three knights who appeared with the 12 disciples to save humanity during the Ogre Battle. A skilled, yet arrogant warrior who came to the sky island Sigurd to battle Bytalth, the Divine Dragon. After battling Bytalth for 7 days and 7 nights, victory was achieved. However, the dragon's curse split Sigurd in half, and turned Fogel's appearance into that of a dragon. Rashidi visited Sigurd and cast a spell on Fogel, so he could be manipulated. Fought the Zenobian Revoultion, and was brought back to his senses when defeated. Joined the Zenobian Revolution out of gratitude, and returned to Sigurd after the Revoultion had been completed. Wields Zepyulos.


Foris Knudel

Class: High Priest Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The High Priest of Avalon, and mother of Aisha. Was executed by Prince Gares as an example when she refused to cooporate with the Highlands.



Class: Daemon Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Netherworld
Organization: Netherworld
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
A General of the Netherworld during the Ogre Battle. Wielded the Sanscion. Fought with the Three Knights, Slust, Fenril, and Fogel, during the Ogre Battle. They chased him down to Antalia, and sealed him within Antanjyl. Using the power of the Black Diamond, Rashidi broke the chaos gate to Antanjyl, and sought a contract with Galf. Galf was defeated before a deal could be completed. Offered his services to the Zenobian Revolution in exchange for the Brunhild, but they denied his offer and left him in Antanjyl.



Class: Dark Prince Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The Prince of the Highlands. The first son of Empress Endora.



Class: Paladin Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5


Gilbert Oblion

Class: Beast Master Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 52
Birth: Deus, Day 19 P.Y. 200 (1/19)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7
The former governor of Sharom, and best friend of Canopus Wolff, whose life he saved once. When the Zeteginean Empire invaded Sharom, Gilbert gave up peacefully instead of fighting, and was allowed to retain his position as governor. Despite his intent to do what was best for Sharom, the people began to call him the empire's dog. When Canopus joined the Zenobian Revolution, they fought each other. Gilbert lost, but Destin allowed him to join the revolution after Canopus convinced him to hear out Gilbert's side of the story. Gilbert pledged his life to Destin, and after the revolution, headed with him to Palatinus. Participated in rebel activity, and helped form the Palatinean Revolution. Left the revolution when it was no longer about getting rid of Lodis. Found out about the Caliginous Order's plans at the Temple of Berthe. Alongside Destin, dueled with Richard and Baldwin, delaying them long enough for the Blue Knights to destroy the Temple. Joined the Blue Knights with Destin shortly after. After the Palatinean Revolution, traveled back to Zenobia to inform King Tristan of the current situation.

Other classes: Beast Tamer



Class: Elder Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Descendant of the 12 disciples of Ogre Battle Legend. Gave Destin the Gem of Doun, in exchange for the Mercury from Boltorano.

奥伽战争中12使徒的后裔,他会交给德斯丁Gem of Doun,不过是要以在波托罗诺得到的水银作为交换条件的。

Gran Zenobia

Class: King Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Zenobian Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 226
Appears in: Episode 5
The former king of Zenobia, husband to Floran, and father of Tristan and Jan. Was one of the "Five Heroes" that unified Zeteginia in the years 180-190. Was betrayed by his friend Rashidi, and killed in the year 225.

塞诺比亚先王,弗罗兰的丈夫,特利斯坦和简的父亲。 他是180~190年间因统一塞迪基内亚大陆而闻名的“五勇者”之一。最终却被同为五勇者之一的好友,贤者拉修迪所背叛,在225年被杀。

Hikash Winzalf

Class: Highlander Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
Father of Rauny. Overlord of the Zeteginian Army, and Commander of the Four Devas. Loyal to Endora and the Empire, even though he knows they have become corrupt. Was killed by his daughter when the Zenobian Revolution sieged Xanadu.


{Anywhere Jack}

Class: Merchant Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Merchant who seemingly shows up anywhere when called.



Class: Archmage Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
One of Rashidi's three apprentices. Made contracts with demons from the netherworld by offering them the souls of those who died in Pogrom Forest. Was killed by the Zenobian Revolution.


Lans Hamilton

Class: Paladin Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 40
Birth: Gemeo, Day 6 P.Y. 212 (10/24)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 7
Born in Valna, Sharom.


Other classes: Knight


Class: God Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The half brother of Thor.



Class: General Sex: Male
Ali: NL Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
One of the Four Devas of Zeteginia. Wields the Bizen Sword. Bathed in the Divine Dragon Bytalth's blood. Was searching for the Holy Grail at Kulyn Shrine, but was defeated by the Zenobian Revolution.


{the Beast King}

Class: Beast Tamer Sex: Male
Ali: CN Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The best Beast Master in Zeteginea. A mercenary who joined the Zenobian Revolution at Anberg in Zenobia, as well as offering information on how to bring down Zenobia Castle's walls.



Class: Witch Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Sister of Babaloa and Tarut. A descendant of the 12 disciples of Ogre Battle Legend. Followed Tarut down to Earth.



Class: Indistinct Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Wind Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5


{aka Mizal}

Class: Archangel Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Virtue Nationality: Heaven
Organization: Fallen Angel
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The former High Angel in heaven. The sister of Eustus. She fell in love with Rashidi, and he used her to obtain the Black Diamond. For this act, she was cast out of heaven. Unable to kill herself, she awaits the Zenobian Revolutionary Army to do the deed for her. Was killed by her sister Eustus and the Zenobian Revolutionary Army.

Other classes: Seraph



Class: Priest Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The former High Priest of the Holy Zeteginean Empire. She was the first to see that Rashidi had changed Empress Endora. Rashidi had Norn demoted, and sent to Diaspola. She was told by Endora that her lover Quass Debonair died in battle against the Zenobian Revolution. Hearing this, Norn wanted revenge against the Revolution. She was defeated at Diaspola, and pleaded to join her lover in death, but Destin was able to convince her that Debonair was really alive. She joined the Revoluton, and rescued Debonair at Shangrila. After the revolution, she hoped to marry Debonair, but he immediately left for Palatinus with Destin without saying a word.




Class: Necromancer Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The governor of Antalia. A former Horai bishop who was accused of being a felon and ex-communicated for practicing Necromancy. Rashidi took him under his wing, and helped him master Necromancy. The Army of the Dead he created was a key to the highlands conquering Zeteginia. Was killed at Kander Hall, Antalia, by the Zenobian Revolution.

安塔利亚领主,当年任职荷莱伊主教时曾因私密进行尸术研究的行径而被控罪。拉修迪赦免了他的罪过,并在他钻研死灵术的过程中给了他不少帮助。后来,这位暗之预言者创造的不死兵团成为了海兰特军驰骋于塞迪基内亚大陆时不可或缺的决定性助力。但最终还是在Kander Hall被塞诺比亚革命军打倒。


Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobian
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
An old knight entrusted to protect the Holy Grail by King Gran. His ghost appeared at Kulyn Shrine and gave it to Destin, because he was worthy of possessing it.



Class: Elder Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
A descendant of the 12 disciples of Ogre Battle Legend. Formerly of the Sky Islands, he now lives in Para, of the Pogrom Forest. Asked Destin to give the Mercury to Gizolfy. When Destin acquired the Gem of Doun from Gizolfy, he gave him the Olden Orb.

奥伽战争传说中12使徒的后裔。从前住在天空之岛,不过现在居于波格罗姆森林的帕拉镇。他会要求德斯丁将Mercucy交给一个名叫Gizolfy的人,当德斯丁取回来自Gizolfy的Gem of Doun后,他会以Olden Orb作为酬谢。

{aka Polydeuces}

Class: Gemini Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The younger twin brother of Castor. Half-human, half-giant. Together, they can perform the Gemini Attack, which can kill a dragon in one blow. Makes up for his lack of smarts with incredible strength. A General of the Zeteginian Empire, and lives in Fort Allamoot. Died defending it from the Zenobian Revolution.



Class: Nixie Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
Leader of the mermaids at the Kastolation Sea. Sided with the Zeteginian Empire because they promised the Mermaids peace. Was defeated by the Zenobian Revolution.



Class: Indistinct Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Girl living in Diaspola. Her mother became gravely ill, so her father set out to find a Golden Beehive to cure her, but he had not returned. Her father was killed by the Bees upon finding the beehive. Destin went out and found a beehive for Posha, curing her mother. Unwittingly returning the favor, Posha uncovered the Zodiac Stone Pearl for Destin when he returned to give her a ginger cake.



Class: General Sex: Male
Ali: CN Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
One of the Four Devas of Zeteginia. He was a very religious man, but Rashidi turned him away from that path and taught him powerful black magic. Guarded Fort Shulamana from the rebels attacked. He killed the captive Queen Floran before the rebels could save her. Was killed by her son Tristan, and the Zenobian Revolution.



Class: Ninja Master Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
Former Ninja Commander under King Ofays. Betrayed his kingdom, and plotted with Rashidi to assassinate Ofays. Did this because he wanted a place in history, where Ninjas have traditionally stayed hidden from. Was killed by the Zenobian Revolution at Hormzuss Castle.


Quass Debonair
{Debonair of the Wind}

Class: General Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 33
Birth: Raio, Day 8 P.Y. 219 (12/14)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6
One of the Four Devas of Zeteginia. Lover of Norn. Born in the Highlands. Wields the Sonic Blade. Was one of the most respected and honorable men in the Zeteginean Empire. Fell out of favor with Endora and was demoted. Fought the Zenobian Revolution at Zenobia Castle and was defeated. He went back to the Highlands because he had questions about Endora and her policies. When he did, he was placed under arrest as a traitor. Norn and the Zenobian Revolution freed him at the sky island Shangrila. He joined the Zenobian Revolution realizing that Endora was in the wrong. After the war, he immediately left with Destin to travel to Palatinus. Participated in anti-Lodis activity, and helped form the Palatinean Revolutionary Army. Fought Magnus and the Southern Division at Fort Crenel on the border of Zenobia, delaying them long enough to allow refugees to enter Zenobia. Left the army when it's goals changed. Met up with Magnus in the Tremos Mountains, and joined to prevent Lodis from acquiring the Ultimate Power.



{Cardinal Randals}

Class: Vanity Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Highland
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The Cardinal of the Zeteginian Empire. He bought his status with the money he earned as a Malano merchant. He carried over that same mindset, and taxes the people heavily. Sided with the empire for security. Even though he is supposed to be Cardinal, he practices black magic that he learned from Rashidi. In control of the Ryhan region, while Luvalon is away. Hasn't slept since Zenobian Castle was taken over. Was killed by the Zenobian Revolution when they liberated Ryhan.



Class: Wiseman Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6
The Sage of Zeteginia. The father of Mari, and former best friend of King Gran Zenobia. One of the "Five Heroes" who saved the continent. Afterwards, became an advisor to Empress Endora. Was the greatest wizard on the continent, and trained three apprentices: Kapella, Albeleo, and Saradin. Assassinated Gran during Endora's campaign to conquer Zeteginia. Visited Palatinus to advise King Procus, and to observe Prince Yumil. Became romantically involved with the Archangel Mizar, and used her to gain possession of the 13th Zodiac Stone, the Black Diamond. Wanted to use the Diamond as part of a ritual to summon Demundza, the King of the Netherworld. Destin and the Zenobian Revolution interuppted the ritual, but Rashidi sacrificed himself to complete the ritual. Demundza was beaten back into the netherworld. Because of his last words, some wondered if Rashidi had planned this from the start. One year later, Mari became romantically involved with Prince Yumil, and became pregnant with his child. Mari was killed when Danika was resurrected. Danika later referred to Rashidi as "the creator of chaos", the one who would start the next Ogre Battle. As Kerikov was attempting to flee Palatinus to give Lodis secret information, he passed by Mari's corpse. An infant crawled out, and Kerikov burst into dark flame. Rashidi, who had been using Mari as a vessel for his soul, had reincarnated for a 4th time, this time in the body of a God.)

For those confused, Yumil was a vessel for Danika's soul, Mari became pregnant with Yumil's child, and Rashidi's soul occupied the demi-god fetus.





Rauny (Winzalf) Zenobia

Class: Freya Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The Queen of Zenobia. Wife of Tristan, and daughter of Hikash Winzalf. Was the first female Paladin of the Zeteginian Empire. When arranged to be married to Baron Apros, fled from Zeteginia. Apros hired bounty hunters to capture her. Ares tracked her down to Castro Canyon, but Rauny joined the Zenobian Revolution, and killed Ares. Married Tristan after the war.


Saradin Carm

Class: Warlock Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 62
Birth: Branca, Day 18 P.Y. 190 (4/24)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6
One of Rashidi's three apprentices. Tried to stop his master Rashidi from taking over Zeteginia, but Rashidi had Albeleo turn Saradin into a stone statue. Saradin was able to stay hidden because the sculptor Balkas made many replicas of Saradin. 25 years later, Saradin was freed when Destin used the Bell of Light on him. Joined the Zenobian Revolution at Balmoria, and fought with Albeleo at the Ruins. Defeated his rival, but Albeleo's body vanished. After defeating Rashidi and the Zeteginian Empire, immediately left with Destin for Palatinus, to participate in anti-Lodis activity. Helped Frederick form the Palatinean Revolutionary Army. Joined Magnus' battalion, the Blue Knights at Mount Ithaca because his comrade Aisha had done so as well. After the Palatinean Revolution's victory, travels with Destin to the Nirdamese frontline.

Other classes: Archmage

拉修迪的三大弟子之一。他曾经想阻止师父拉修迪涉入塞迪基内亚帝国的内务,但结果却是被同门亚比雷欧在拉修迪的指使下化成了石像。同情他的雕刻师巴尔卡斯制造了许多摹仿萨拉丁制作的复制品石像,这使得真正的萨拉丁像得以安全保存了25年。25年后在巴尔摩亚,德斯丁在光之铃的神力下使萨拉丁重见天日,萨拉丁加入塞诺比亚革命军后便向在Ruins的亚比雷欧发起了复仇,并在决斗中打倒了他的对手,但是亚比雷欧的尸体却很快消失得无影无踪。在拉修迪被打倒,塞迪基内亚帝国覆灭后,他又随德斯丁前往Palatinus参加了那里的反罗迪斯运动,帮助弗雷德里克组建Palatinus革命军。后来他获得消息说他的战友艾夏加入了Ithaca山区的Blue Knights组织,便决定和马格那斯一行人一同行动直到Palatinus革命获得完全胜利。在这之后,他又跟德斯丁开往尼尔达姆前线了,新的征途就此展开。


Class: Werewolf Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The governor of Jansenia. Changes into a Werewolf at night. As a human, invites the village girls to his castle, and as a werewolf, savagely murders them and dumps their bodies into the lake. Tried to trick the Zenobian Revolution into meeting him at his castle at night for "discussion on an alliance", but was killed.


{Slust the Red}

Class: Dragoon Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Knight of Ogre Battle Legend. Resides on the Sky Island Muspelm. A womanizer with many wives. Wields the Zanzibar Sword. Appeared with the 12 disciples and saved the world during the Ogre Battle. The gods were pleased with this, and granted them eternal life in the heavens. Rashidi broke the chaos gate on Muspelm at Kalbi and tried to convince Slust to become one of the Zeteginian Empire's Generals. When he refused, Rashidi cast a spell on Slust, to manipulate him. When Slust was defeated by the Zenobian Revolution, he regained control of his senses, and joined Destin in defeating the Zeteginian Empire.



Class: Elder Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Sky Island
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Sister of Babaloa and Mango. Descendant of the 12 disciples of the Ogre Battle Legend. Came down to Earth at the will of Felana. Gave Destin the Gem of Truth.

芭芭罗亚和曼戈的姐妹,奥伽战争传说中12使徒的后裔之一。在正义女神菲拉娜的意旨下来到人间,将Truth of Gem赐予德斯丁。


Class: Merchant Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Shady merchant who wanted to deal less than reputable items to the Zenobian Revolution. They turned down all of his offers.


Tristan (Fichs Trishtoram) Zenobia
{Holy King Tristan}

Class: General Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 28
Birth: Trueno, Day 5 P.Y. 224 (7/18)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 7
The King of Zenobia, son of Gran and Floran, and younger brother of Jan. He was 2 years old during the Zeteginian attack on Zenobia Castle. It was thought that he was killed, but his nanny, Banya, escaped Zenobia Castle with him. He was brought to the eastern kingdom of ______, where he was raised by Estrada, and befriended Kain. He became part of Estrada's volunteer army, raised to rid the land of bandits. He faced the Dark Knight Baldor, and defeated him.

He returned to Zenobia to try and reclaim his throne. He was hunted by Prince Gares, and was plotting to assassinate Baron Apros during his wedding to Rauny at Malano. He encountered Destin there, who gave him the Key of Destiny, showing the Revolution supported his claim to the throne. During the revolution Tristan heard his mother, who was thought to be dead, was really being held captive at Fort Shulamana. Unfortunately, when he went to rescue her, it was revealed that she had been killed by General Previa.

When Zeteginia was liberated, he married Rauny. He became known as the Holy King, because of his just and rightful rule. When the Brunhild was stolen from Zenobia Castle, he pretended to exile Lans Hamilton, Warren, Canopus, Mildain, and Guildus, so they could retrieve it.






Class: Bandit Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Holy Zeteginian Empire
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 5
The puppet King of Sharom. Was given rule by the Zeteginian Empire due to his role in the Empire's conquest of the continent. Killed a comrade of Lans Hamilton's. Was payed back by Lans and killed in the early stages of the Zenobian Revolution.


Warren Moons

Class: Lord Mancer Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age of Death: 64
Birth: Flama, Day 19 P.Y. 188 (5/20)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 7
Wizard who helped form the Zeteginian Revolutionary Army. Using his ability as a seer, it became apparent to him that Destin Faroda was the one decided by fate to lead the Zenobian Revolution. Along with Lans Hamilton, accompanied Destin throughout the revolution, successfully liberating the continent.

When the Brunhild was stolen from Zenobia Castle, he went with Lans to Valeria, pretending to be exiled in order to investigate the matter in secrecy. Was injured during the attack on Rime, and was recovering at Amorika. When Eden tower began to collapse, the weakened Warren teleported in, used all of his power to teleport Denim and his friends out, and The tower collapsed on top of him.

Note from Rashidi: In the World ending of MotBQ, Lans is reported dead, and Warren is reported MIA after the Valerian incident. It is unknown whether or not this is a translation error, as it would make more sense with Lans reported MIA, and Warren reported dead. Lans is alive, though only Denim and Kachua may know, so it is unclear if the explanation is what the Zenobians think happened, or the story that was given to the people. Regardless, it's the last we'll see of Warren.

Other classes: Wizard



以下是选自拉修迪的日记中的一段话:当奥伽世界面临末日的时刻……兰斯洛特据说那时早已经死了,瓦伦也应该已经葬身在瓦伦利亚动乱中。(特别注意一下这里的原文:In the World ending of MotBQ, Lans is reported dead, and Warren is reported MIA after the Valerian incident. It is unknown whether or not this is a translation error, as it would make more sense with Lans reported MIA, and Warren reported dead.奴家是觉得这一段的里面可能有些还不太能确定的问题)但是兰斯其实还活着……也许只有德尼姆和卡秋娅知道这事,不过还是不能确定塞诺比亚人是不是确实不清楚这里面的内幕,我的意思是也许有些故事只是拿来讲给那些“人民”听的……不过不管怎样,这是我最后一次看见瓦伦·穆恩。

Yulia Wolff

Class: Hawkman Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
The sister of Canopus, and lover of Gilbert. A Dancer. Gave Destin the Wing of Victory, claiming that presenting it to Canopus would restore his pride. It did, and Canopus was able to save Gilbert. When the Zenobian Revolution visited Shangrila, flew there to give Canopus a Vitality Potion. After the revolution, was looking for her lover Gilbert, but he had already left for Palatinus with Destin.


[楼 主] | Posted:2004-04-05 23:25| 顶端

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[1 楼] | Posted:2004-04-06 01:05| 顶端

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[2 楼] | Posted:2004-04-09 09:34| 顶端

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[3 楼] | Posted:2004-04-09 09:44| 顶端

级别: 论坛技术
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明或后天应该能将Episode VII的译文部分贴上来。不过说真的,由于这份英文版辞典有些该详述的部分总被一笔带过,若是真要让本土化的辞典在整体容纳度上趋于完备,总得有个选择:请懂日语的朋友从日站代译一些英文版未曾涉及的内容,或是用自己的语言设法添写那些部分。
[4 楼] | Posted:2004-04-09 22:43| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 2783
精华: 2
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火 花 币: 33566 HHB
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Unwittingly returning the favor, Posha uncovered the Zodiac Stone Pearl for Destin when he returned to give her a ginger cake.

她从主角给她送去的生姜蛋糕里发现了12使徒之证的Pearl for Destin

[5 楼] | Posted:2004-04-20 19:27| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 163
精华: 5
发帖: 1044
威望: 10 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 3 HHB
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Class: Indistinct Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5
Girl living in Diaspola. Her mother became gravely ill, so her father set out to find a Golden Beehive to cure her, but he had not returned. Her father was killed by the Bees upon finding the beehive. Destin went out and found a beehive for Posha, curing her mother. Unwittingly returning the favor, Posha uncovered the Zodiac Stone Pearl for Destin when he returned to give her a ginger cake.




[6 楼] | Posted:2004-04-20 20:59| 顶端

火花天龙剑 -> 皇家骑士团

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