级别: 站务议员
编号: 5
精华: 198
发帖: 43732
威望: 20 点
配偶: 千里孤坟
火 花 币: 61330 HHB
所属组织: 科莉娅圣教
组织头衔: 至高的圣神
转自A9 作者:shane2003
but there is one more thing i must do 但是,我必须再做一件事 it is not about nations,or ideologies. it's not even about profit,resources,or ethnicity 这与国家无关,与意识形态无关 甚至与利益,资源和种族分歧也无关 it's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines 这是绵延不绝的战争,雇佣性质的战争 雇佣兵和战争机器混战其中 war,and its vast consumption of human life, has become a rational,well-oiled business transaction 战争,在夺去无数人生命的同时, 已经演变成为合理而又高效的商业交易
war has changed 战争的形式改变了
id-tagged soldiers carry id-tagged weapons, use id-tagged gear.
被id标识的士兵携带着带有id标识的武器, 操纵着带有id标识的装备 nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their actions. 他们身体内部的微型计算机强化并控制着他们的战斗能力
genetic control,information control, emotion control,battelfield control 基因控制,信息控制 情感控制,战局控制 everything is monitored, and kept under control 一切都处于监视之中,一切都位于控制之下
war has changed.
the age of deterrence is now the age of control, averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction
武力威慑主导的时代已被控制力所主导的时代替代, 避免了大规模杀伤性武器带来的灾难
and he who controls the battlefield, controls history 谁控制了战局,谁就书写了历史
war has changed 战争的形式改变了
when the battle field is under total control, war becomes routine
当战场被彻底控制之后, 战争就变的如例行程序般的平淡无奇 ------------------------------------------------------- NAOMI HUNTER
we must not pass on our sins on to the next generation. 我们决不能让下一代分担我们的罪恶
------------------------------------------------------- COLONEL CAMPELL
you're the world's only hope
------------------------------------------------------- MERYL
we are the new FOXHOUND
------------------------------------------------------- OTACON
the onus is ours 所有责任由我们来承担
------------------------------------------------------- RAIDEN
my turn to protect you, snake 轮到我保护你了,snake
------------------------------------------------------- LIQUID OCELOT
it was you who killed Abel and was cast out by Eve 是你杀害了Abel,Eve才将你驱走(来自于圣经旧约中的故事,Abel是亚当和夏娃Eve的次子,后被其兄Cain杀害) ------------------------------------------------------- OLD SNAKE
war has changed, but there is one more thing i must do one last punishment i must endure i have to erase my genes,wipe the MEME from the face of the earth this is my final mission 战争的形式改变了, 但是,我必须再做一件事 这是我必须承受的惩罚 我必须消灭自己的基因,让MEME从地球上从此消失 这是我最后的使命 ------------------------------------------------------- some stories can't be told by words some legends are meant to die some bloodlines must come to an end 总有些故事不能被谈起 总有些传奇注定要逝去 总有些血脉必定走向终局
[楼 主]
Posted:2006-05-09 16:12| |
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