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火花天龙剑 -> 网游讨论区 -> DDO 偶决定了放弃PAL   公测做诗人
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本页主题: DDO 偶决定了放弃PAL   公测做诗人 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 站务议员
编号: 3
精华: 0
发帖: 306
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 25808 HHB
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To win again.To never stop finding
Moving as one.Is the word for home
Begin to place.Yourself in the big frame
When you dream.When you dream
En at pour la victoire.En at pour la victoire
C'est le moment de l'espoir
C'est le moment de l'espoir
Let the sweet air.Fill our hearts
Walk on and celebrate the...
Day the day the day celebrate the day...
Grab your drums.Paint your soul
Feel the roar and celebrate the...
Day the day the day celebrate the day...
To win again.To never stop climbing
The rising road.Of ultimate faith
The world in a heartbeat.When you dream
When you dream.Away...away
Day the day the day celebrate the day...
[20 楼] | Posted:2006-07-28 20:59| 顶端
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