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火花天龙剑 -> 网游讨论区 ->
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级别: 火花会员
编号: 11
精华: 0
发帖: 1803
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 47716 HHB
所属组织: 科莉娅圣教
组织头衔: 圣战士
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Since the announcement of the new race and the lore behind it, we have seen a great deal of commentary and feedback from the players regarding this aspect of the Warcraft franchise. In fact, lore as a topic of discussion has been more prevalent on the forums recently, than in previous months. We take this as a good sign that so many are invested in this topic and we do not wish to disturb some of these long-held appreciations.

We will be addressing such concerns more actively, once we have E3 behind us and can get back to our regular duties of creating the immersive game that you have all come to love. We know many have a lot of unanswered questions regarding this and rest assured, we will address such concerns in the near future. Stay tuned

[楼 主] | Posted:2006-05-12 15:49| 顶端

火花天龙剑 -> 网游讨论区

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