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头衔:心如云外鹤 身似水中萍心如云外鹤 身似水中萍
级别: 禁止发言
编号: 2368
精华: 8
发帖: 5774
威望: 25 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 15825 HHB
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存点MD L2的资料

Detailed Class information (by Pyrolight)

Class Level 1 Strike Speed
Class Type AT Pattern (Ground) (Air)
Cleric Holy Slow Cross Dart 10-hit Slow Slow
Fighter Soldier Sword Blaze Medium Medium
Pirate Sea Sword Blaze? Medium Medium
Warlock Mage Slow magic charge Slow Slow

Class Level 2 Strike Speed
Class Type AT Pattern (Ground) (Air)
CrocKnt Sea Forward Charge Medium Slow
HawkKnt Flier Hawk Knight Tornado Slow Slow
Healer Holy Slow Cross Dart 10-hit Slow Slow
Knight Horse Forward charge Medium Slow
Lord Soldier Sword Blaze Medium Medium
Shaman Mage Bishop Lightning Slow Slow
Sorcerer Mage Slow Magic Charge Slow Slow
Class Level 3 Strike Speed
Class Type AT Pattern (Ground) (Air)
Bishop Holy Bishop Lightning Slow Slow
DrgnKnt Flier Dragon Lightning Fast Fast
HighLndr Horse Forward Charge Medium Medium
HighLord Soldier Sword Blaze Medium Slow
Mage Mage Slow Magic Charge Slow Slow
MagicKnt Horse Forward Charge Medium Slow
Priest Holy Slow Cross Dart 10-hit Slow Slow
SrpntKnt Sea Forward Charge Medium Slow
UniKnt Horse Forward Charge Medium Slow
Class Level 4 Strike Speed
Class Type AT Pattern (Ground) (Air)
ArchMage Mage Slow Magic Charge Slow Slow
DrgnLord Flier Dragon Lightning Fast Fast
GrandKnt Horse Forward Charge Medium Slow
HiPriest Holy Slow Cross Dart 10-hit Slow Slow
King Soldier Aura Blast Fast Fast
KntMstr Horse Fast Forward Charge Fast Fast
Paladin Horse Forward Charge Medium Slow
Ranger Scout Forward Charge Fast Fast
Saint Holy Sage Lightning Fast Fast
Sage Mage Sage Lightning Fast Fast
SlvrKnt Horse Forward Charge Medium Slow
SrpntLrd Sea Forward Charge Medium Slow
SwdMstr Soldier Aura Blast Fast Fast
Wizard Mage Bishop Lightning Slow Slow
Class Level 5 (Secret) Strike Speed
Class Type AT Pattern (Ground) (Air)
Agent Holy Slow Cross Dart 10-hit Slow Slow
DrgnMstr Flier Dragon Lightning Fast Fast
Hero Soldier Aura Blast Fast Fast
HighMstr Scout Aura Blast Fast Fast
Princess Holy(?) 1st Strike Flash Instant Instant
RoyalKnt Horse Fast Forward Charge v.Fast Fast
SrptMstr Sea Forward Charge Medium Medium
Summoner Mage Fast Fire 10-hit v.Fast v.Fast
Zarvera Mage Aura Blast Fast Fast

Detailed Class information (by Pyrolight)
Class Level 1
Class AT DF MP A+ D+ MV CR Troops Magic
Cleric NA NA NA NA NA 5 2 Guardsman Heal, Protection
Fighter NA NA 0 NA NA 5 2 Soldier
Pirate NA NA NA NA NA 5 2 Merman
Warlock NA NA NA NA NA 5 2 Guardsman Magic Arrow, Attack
Class Level 2
Class AT DF MP A+ D+ MV CR Troops Magic
CrocKnt +6 +3 +2 +5 +3 6 3 Merman Fireball, Attack
HawkKnt +7 +2 +3 +2 +4 8 3 Griffon Tornado
Healer +2 +6 +6 +3 +5 5 2 Monk Turn Undead, Heal1,
Force Heal1
Knight +6 +3 +2 +6 +2 8 3 Horseman Attack
Lord +3 +6 +3 +2 +4 5 3 Pikemen, Soldier Heal1, Protection
Shaman +3 +5 +7 +4 +4 5 2 Guardsman, Pikeman Illusion, Thunder
Sorcerer +4 +4 +8 +5 +4 5 2 Elf Illusion, Fireball
Class Level 3
Class AT DF MP A+ D+ MV CR Troops Magic
Bishop +4 +5 +12 +5 +4 5 3 Monk, Gladiator Fireball,
Force Heal1, Mute
DrgnKnt +6 +6 +4 +4 +3 9 4 Horseman, Griffon Fireball, Attack
HighLndr +9 +4 +4 +5 +3 11 4 Heavy Horseman, Sleep, Protection
HighLord +4 +6 +5 +3 +4 5 3 Elf, Phalanx Force Heal1, Attack
Mage +5 +4 +14 +6 +4 5 3 Elf, Gladiator Sleep, Tornado,
MagicKnt +7 +4 +8 +6 +3 10 4 Gladiator, Sleep, Fireball
Heavy Horseman
Priest +3 +6 +10 +4 +6 5 3 Monk, Phalanx Heal2, Turn Undead,
SrpntKnt +4 +7 +4 +5 +4 5 3 Merman, Elf Blizzard,
UniKnt +6 +5 +8 +6 +2 10 4 Gladiator, Heal1, Charm, Mute
Heavy Horseman
Class Level 4
Class AT DF MP A+ D+ MV CR Troops Magic
ArchMage +7 +4 +14 +7 +4 5 4 Phalanx, Ballista Meteor, Blizzard,
DrgnLord +10+4 +4 +9 +6 10 4 Armored Soldier, Force Heal1,
Angel Thunder
GrandKnt +8 +9 +0 +8 +8 8 4 Phalanx, Dragoon Earthquake,
Protection, Zone
HiPriest +4 +7 +12 +6 +7 5 3 Phalanx, Sleep, Resist,
Armored Soldier Force Heal2
King +8 +7 +8 +8 +8 5 4 Ballista, Heal2, Resist,
Heavy Horseman Attack
KntMstr +8 +4 +4 +10 +5 11 4 Dragoon, Blizzard, Attack
Armored Soldier
Paladin +7 +5 +6 +9 +6 10 4 Monk, Angel Tornado,
Force Heal1
Ranger +9 +6 +12 +7 +5 7 0 None Tornado, Resist,
Saint +6 +7 +6 +8 +8 5 3 Armored Soldier, Tornado, Sleep,
Ballista Heal2
Sage +4 +7 +8 +7 +5 5 3 Phalanx, Earthquake, Heal2,
Armored Soldier Mute
SlvrKnt +7 +6 +2 +10 +6 8 4 Griffon, Dragoon Tornado, Zone
SrpntLrd +5 +9 +4 +10 +6 8 4 Ballista, Force Heal1,
Gladiator Thunder
SwdMstr +6 +7 +3 +8 +7 5 3 Phalanx, Tornado, Protection
Armored Soldier
Wizard +6 +5 +14 +6 +6 5 4 Armored Soldier, Resist, Blast, Zone
Class Level 5 (Secret)
Class AT DF MP A+ D+ MV CR Troops Magic
Agent +0 +3 +10 +8 +7 5 4 Monk, Angel Meteor, Charm,
Teleport, Attack
DrgnMstr +4 +0 +4 +8 +7 11 4 Dragoon, Gladiator Heal2, Attack, Blast
Hero +2 +2 +4 +9 +8 6 4 Phalanx, Dragoon Resist, Blast, Zone
HighMstr +2 +2 +8 +8 +6 8 0 N/A Earthquake, Resist,
Princess +2 +2 +8 +9 +9 5 4 Monk, Angel Charm, Force Heal2,
RoyalKnt +5 +1 +2 +10 +7 11 4 Phalanx, Gladiator Heal2, Blast,
SrptMstr +4 +2 +2 +10 +7 9 4 Dragoon, Angel Earthquake, Resist,
Summoner +2 +1 +14 +8 +7 8 4 Phalanx, Meteor, Protection,
Armored Soldier Summon: Elemental
Zarvera +2 +1 +14 +9 +7 5 4 Armored Soldier, Meteor, Earthquake,
Heavy Horseman Blast, Protection

[楼 主] | Posted:2004-08-25 07:36| 顶端

头衔:心如云外鹤 身似水中萍心如云外鹤 身似水中萍
级别: 禁止发言
编号: 2368
精华: 8
发帖: 5774
威望: 25 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 15825 HHB
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Knife +1AT 50P
\"A knife for self defense.\"
Not usable by: Clerics

War Hammer +2AT 120P
\"A curved war hammer.\"
Not usable by: Mages

Great Sword +4AT 300P
\"A large, heavy sword.\"
Not usable by: Mages, Clerics

Devil Axe +8AT -3DF 2,500P
\"A great axe infused with a strong enchantment.\"
Not usable by: Mages, Clerics.

Langrisser +4AT +1DF 0P
becomes +9AT +2DF when powered up by Riana and Larna.
\"A sacred sword containing the power of both...\"
The legend, the power, and the game.
Usable only by Elwin, Sherry, Jessica, Riana, or Larna.
(i.e. Descendants of Light)

Masayan Sword -4AT -3DF -2A 600P
Doubles any experience gained through combat or healing. The end of
scenario bonus is still the same.
\"A sword with a logo of a horse and star...\"
Masaya is the company that made Langrisser, and the logo described is
indeed their logo.
Usable by anyone.

Despite its negatives, this is one of the best items in the game.
Favor whoever wields it by feeding them experience, and switch it off
between characters in between missions. The cumulative effect is

One interesting bug for this is that if you give it to a character
whose attack bonus is less than 2, it will interpret the -1 as a +55.
This has no real application unless you\'re using the secret shop code,
since by the time you can get this blade legit your characters will all
have well above +2A, but it\'s kind of funny to abuse.

Note: Because of this item\'s negatives, I never bothered equipping it
at first. I probably never would\'ve figured out what this thing does if
it wasn\'t for someone posting it on the GameFAQs message board. I don\'t
remember who it was, and the message is gone now so I can\'t check...
but whoever it was, thank you.

Dragon Slayer +7AT 10,000P
\"A magical sword used by a dragon slayer.\"
Not usable by: Mages, Clerics

Flame Lance +6AT 8,500P
\"A magical, flaming lance.\"
Only usable by: Knights, Sea knights, Sky knights.

Longbow -2AT -2MV all 250P Gives character ranged 3 attack.
\"A strong bow made from the wood of a special...\"
Usable only by rangers and highmasters.

Arbalest -4AT -2MV all 1,250P Gives character ranged 6 attack.
\"A powerful crossbow.\"
Usable only by rangers and highmasters.

These two items are kind of a letdown, they come with heavy penalties
and the ranged attack isn\'t really worth it. In fact, the highmaster
and ranger classes in general were a bit of a letdown. You should
probably give the swordmaster a devil axe then promote so you can have
a highmaster with a decent attack rather than go with either of these.

Wand MagicRange+2, MagicDamage+1 150P
\"A magical cane.\"
Not usable by: Anyone but Mages and Clerics

Holy Rod MagicRange+2, MagicDamage+2 4,000P
\"The rod which is the key to unlocking the...\"
Usable by anyone.

Dark Rod MagicRange+2, MagicDamage+2 4,000P
\"The rod which is the key to unlocking the...\"
Usable by anyone.


Small Shield +1DF 80P
\"Reinforced with iron alloy.\"
Not usable by: Mages, Clerics, Sky Knights

Large Shield +2DF 200P
\"Made from the strongest iron, a shield that...\"
Not usable by: Mages, Clerics, Sky Knights

Odin\'s buckler +3DF, +1D 4600P
\"Sporting fine defense capabilities. A summoner should equip...\"
Lets you summon Sleipnur.
Usable by anyone.

Robe +1DF, +10% MDF 80P
\"Defending clothes.\"
Usable by anyone.

Mirage Robe +2DF, +20% MDF 1,000P
\"An enchanted robe with high defense.\"
Usable by anyone.

Chain mail +3DF 400P
\"Armor made out of chained metal.\"
Not usable by: Mages

Dragonscale +4DF 2,000P
\"Armor made out of the scale of a dragon.\"
Not usable by: Mages
D&D fans can think of this as chain mail + 1.

Plate armor +4DF 600P
\"Large golden-plated armor\" (even though it looks plain steel in the
picture) Not usable by: All but fighters and knights.

Assault suit +10AT +10DF 30,000P
\"Iron molded into the shape of a human.\"
Usable by Hero and Princess classes only.
(Thanks to XXXperiences and dracula1498 for telling me who can use it)

Special Items:

Speed Boots +2 MV leader and troops 600P
\"Fly like shuttle-cock\"
Usable only by unmounted characters (no fliers, horses, or sea units)

Cross +2D +20% MDF 230P
\"Divinely blessed.\"
Usable only by clerics

Amulet +15% MDF, decreases damage taken by magic? 1,000P
\"An amulet containing the protection of...\"
Usable by anyone.

One bug that is worth noting is that if you cast resist on a character
with an amulet, the character will still be vulnerable to magic.
Apparently, the amulet\'s partial resistance overrides the spell\'s
immunity... or something.

Necklace Range + 2, D + 3 900P
\"A necklace made from magical stones\"
Usable by anyone.

Orb Magic Range + 3, Doubles MP 1,000P
\"A crystal with strong magic sealed within.\"
Not usable by: Fighters, land, sea, and sky knights.

Crown Range + 2, A + 3, D + 2 5000P
\"A crown blessed with mysterious power.\"
Usable by anyone.

Angel\'s Wing 2500P
\"A feather from a holy angel. A summoner should equip...\"
Usable by anyone.

Iron Array +1AT, -1MV all 10P
\"Made for a beautiful body. A summoner should equip...\"
Lets you summon the mighty Aniki. Shield your eyes.
Usable by anyone.

Gleipnur MagicDamage+2 2,800P
\"A summoner should equip...\"
Lets you summon White Dragon. It\'s listed as Gleipnur, but it says
Carbunkle when you find it in scenario 12.
Usable by anyone.
(Thanks to sianguy for telling me about +2 magic damage)

Aura/Aurora +2AT 3,100P
\"A rainbow-colored flower. A summoner should equip...\"
Lets you summon Valkyrie.
Usable by anyone.

Gyaral Horn A + 2, D + 2 3,200P
\"A horn of a god. A summoner should equip...\"
Lets your summon YrmGuard/Iremguard.
Usable by anyone.

Carbunkle +1DF 3,000 P
\"A chain to capture Fenrir within. A summoner should equip...\"
Lets you summon Fenrir.
Usable by anyone.

Runestone 10,000 P
\"Mysterious stone.\"
Usable by anyone.

[1 楼] | Posted:2004-08-25 07:48| 顶端

级别: 注册会员
编号: 23017
精华: 0
发帖: 13
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 28649 HHB
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[2 楼] | Posted:2004-09-02 15:52| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 18260
精华: 1
发帖: 12974
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 2062 HHB
所属组织: GL党
组织头衔: 换头部部长
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[3 楼] | Posted:2004-09-02 17:42| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 19268
精华: 0
发帖: 329
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 27747 HHB
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[4 楼] | Posted:2004-09-02 21:23| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 20296
精华: 4
发帖: 8229
威望: 5 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 14791 HHB
所属组织: 疾风剑士团
组织头衔: 千の剑·葵
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[5 楼] | Posted:2004-09-03 15:32| 顶端

级别: 注册会员
编号: 22986
精华: 0
发帖: 61
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 25634 HHB
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[6 楼] | Posted:2004-09-03 16:06| 顶端

火花天龙剑 -> 梦幻模拟战

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