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Fire Emblem 4
By Chickencha (Chickencha@aol.com)
Version .03
---Things to do---
I'm thinking of doing a family tree type of thing
Work on tactics section
Work on how to play section


1. Character List
2. Abilities
3. Class Listings
4. Love
5. FAQ's
6. How To Play (incomplete)
7. General Tips
8. Tricks, Cheats, and Glitches
9. Tactics (incomplete)
10. Walkthrough (incomplete)

First Half

Here's an explanation of each category: The first thing is the
character's name (duh). Gender is whether the character is male or
female (sometimes it's hard to tell). This is so you don't try to have
a guy fall in love with another guy or vice-versa (it just doesn't work
that way). Sibling(s) is if the character has a brother or sister (this
is for the sibling effect that will be explained later). Can use is
what weapons/staffs/spells the character can use. At class change is
what the character can use after getting a class change. Skills are
what skills the character has. The second at class change is what
skills the character has after class change. Class is what class(es)
the character is and can become. Legendary weapon(s) is what legendary
weapons the character can potentially use. The last thing is the
description, which includes what I think of the character and how to get

Gender: male
Sibling: Etherin
Can use: * swords, B lances
Skills: Advancing
Class: Lord
Holy Blood: Baldo (sword)
Sigurd is the leader of the first half. He is very strong, has good
defense, and can use the Baldo sword once you get it in the Fifth
Chapter. His magic defense isn't very great though. Once you get the
Baldo, he is an immovable object and an irresistible force all in one.
He takes out about anyone in one battle and come out with only one or
two HP damage. Sigurd has blue hair and you start out with him.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can Use: B swords, C lances
At Class Change: B swords, B lances
Skills: Advancing, Awareness
Class: Social Knight/Paladin
Holy Blood: none
I hate Arek. He is the most worthless POS in the game. He sucks like
nothing else. He has almost no attack or defense. The only thing he is
useful for is getting Ayra (the awareness skill). He is Sigurd's loyal
underling. Arek has green hair and a turban and you start out with him.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can Use: B swords, C lances
At Class Change: B swords, B lances
Skills: Dual, Berserk
Class: Social Knight/Paladin
Holy Blood: none
Noiche decent. He is like a pumped up version of Arek. At the
beginning, they start out about the same, but Noiche will be notably
stronger and faster at the end. He is also Sigurd's underling. Noiche
has blond hair, red armor.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can Use: B swords
At Class Change: A swords, A lances, B axes, B bows
Class: Sword Armor/General
Skills: Pinch Strike
Holy Blood: none
Adan's also so-so. He's very strong and has excellent defense, but he's
so slow he can never get to the enemies quick enough and by the time he
gets there they're all gone. He makes an excellent castle guard, so
whenever you need to guard a castle, he's you're man. Adan is ugly as
hell and you start out with him.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can Use: A axes
Skills: Pinch Strike, Elite
Class: Axe Knight/Great Knight
Holy Blood: Neir (axe)
I like Rex. He's strong and has good defense. He's not that fast, but
he can usually take the blows. He never gets to use Neir, which is
really too bad, but he does get the Hero Axe, which does the job. Rex
has blue hair and comes after the first turn in the introductory
chapter. He comes with Azel.

Gender: male
Sibling: Arvis
Can Use: B fire, C lightning, C wind
At Class Change: B swords, A fire, B lightning, B wind
Skills: Advancing
Class: Fire Mage/Fire Mage Knight
Holy Blood: Fala (fire)
Azel is decent. He has bad defense, decent attack, and is speedy. He
is good for finishing blows, since he usually attacks twice in a row.
He never gets to use Fala, although his evil half-brother Arvis does.
Azel has red hair and comes after the first turn in the introductory
chapter. He comes with Rex.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can use: * lances
Skills: Continue
Class: Duke Knight
Holy Blood: Noba (lance)
Kyuwan rocks. Kyuwan is Sigurd's brother-in-law since he is married to
Etherin. He is very strong and somewhat fast. Once he gets the Noba,
he is unstoppable. No one will dare to attack him. Kyuwan has brown
hair and comes after the second turn in the introductory chapter. He
comes with Etherin and Finn. Make good use of them since they leave
after the third chapter.

Gender: female (finally)
Sibling: Sigurd
Can Use: A swords, C staffs
At Class Change: A swords, C lances, C staffs
Skills: Berserk
Class: Troubadour/Female Paladin
Holy Blood: Baldo (sword)
Etherin is sort of a strange character. She can heal and fight, which
is a good thing. She doesn't really excel at either though, at least
until she gets a class change. When she gets a class, change she's
definite front line material. She never gets to use the Baldo because
Sigurd gets it. Etherin has purple hair and joins after the second turn
in the introductory chapter. She joins with Kyuwan and Finn.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can Use: B lances
At Class Change: A lances
Skills: Prayer, Advancing
Class: Lance Knight/Duke Knight
Holy Blood: none
Nobody gives Finn too much credit. I like Finn. He starts out weak,
but if you train with him, enough he gets very strong. He's also the
only character that is in both halves of the game, so I highly recommend
getting him a class change in the first half. Finn has blue hair (and
looks a lot like Kyuwan) and joins after the second turn of the
introductory chapter. He comes with Kyuwan and Etherin.

Gender: male (could have fooled me)
Sibling: none
Can Use: B bows
At Class Change: A bows
Skills: Advancing, Continue
Class: Arch Knight/Bow Knight
Holy Blood: none
Compared to the other archers, Mideel sucks nuts. He's still better
than stupid Arek though. There's nothing too special about Mideel.
Mideel has long green hair and joins after you conquer castle 1 in the
introductory chapter (he looks like a cross-dresser).

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can Use: C swords
At Class Change: A swords
Skills: Sun Sword, Counterfeit, Steal
At Class Change: Advancing, Sun Sword, Counterfeit, Steal
Class: Thief/Thief Fighter
Holy Blood: none
Deu is cool. He is incredibly weak before his class change. After his
class change, he is pretty strong and lighting fast. He's almost as
good as Ayra. Almost. His stealing skill is handy as well if you are
in need of extra cash. Deu has blond hair and joins after the first
turn of the first chapter. He comes with Edin.

Gender: female
Sibling: Bridget
Can Use: B staffs
At Class Change: A staffs, C fire, C lightning, C wind
Skills: none
Class: Priest/High Priest
Holy Blood: Ulir (bow)
Edin is handy. Until she gets a class change, she can only heal. She
is a very good healer though. She never gets to use Ulir (she can't
even use bows). Edin has long blond hair and comes after the first turn
in the first chapter. She comes with Deu.

Ayra (!)
Gender: female
Sibling: Shannon
Can Use: A swords
Skills: Shooting Star Sword, Advancing, Awareness
At Class Change: Continue, Shooting Star Sword, Advancing, Awareness
Class: Sword Fighter/Sword Mistress
Holy Blood: Odo (sword)
AYRA IS AWESOME! She is by far the best person in this half of the
game. She is very fast, very strong and has mediocre defense. She is
the only person in this half with Shooting Star Sword (see the skills
section). She never gets to use Odo, but she doesn't need it. Ayra has
long black hair and can join in chapter 1. Getting Ayra is a hassle.
Ayra guards castle one in chapter 1. Have someone go near her, but not
close enough to be hit (I suggest using Arek, since he has awareness and
it doesn't matter too much if he dies). Conquer her castle and talk
to her with Sigurd. Do whatever is necessary. She is worth it.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can Use: A bows
Skills: Advancing, Continue, Dual
Class: Bow Fighter/Sniper
Holy Blood: none
If you thought, Mideel was good just wait (I also laugh at you if you
think Mideel is good). Jamuka is about twice as powerful and starts out
with an awesome bow. Bridget is still the best archer, but Jamuka is
also damn good. Jamuka has brown hair and can join in chapter 1. To
get him just have Edin talk to him.

Gender: female
Sibling: none
Can Use: B rods, * light, A staffs
Skills: Awareness
Class: Shaman
Holy Blood: Narga (light), Loputous (dark)
Diadora is decent. She has a very nice light spell and a rod that
freezes enemies, but has horrible defense and accuracy. You only get to
use her for one and a half chapters. She automatically falls in love
with Sigurd. She never gets to use Narga either. If she dies in the
1st chapter, she will come back to life in the 2nd. Diadora has white
hair and joins in chapter 1 when Sigurd passes through the forest.

Gender: male
Sibling: none (he's Ayra's cousin though)
Can use: A swords
Skills: Advancing, Moonlight Sword
Class: Sword Fighter/Forrest
Holy Blood: Odo (sword)
Hollin is pretty decent. He's kinda like Ayra, but slower, weaker, and
no Shooting Star Sword (damn!). Hollin does have a skill called
Moonlight Sword to make up for this. Moonlight Sword eliminates the
enemy's magic and regular defense, which isn't too shabby. Hollin has
blonde hair and joins in the second chapter after you beat everyone in
the coliseum.

Gender: female
Sibling: Eltoshan (?)
Can use: A swords, C staffs
At class change: A swords, A lances, A axes, A staffs, A fire, A
lightning, A wind, C light
Skills: Charisma
At Class Change: Advancing, Charisma
Class: Princess/Master Knight
Holy Blood: Hezul (sword)
Quite nice. Quite nice indeed. She's not great until you get a class
change. When I first saw her usable weapons, my jaw dropped to the
floor. Literally. She can use any frickin' weapon!!! (except legendary
weapons and dark magic of course). She has incredible stats to go with
her weapon combo. She never gets to use Hezul, but her brother and
nephew do (her brother is hell on a horse). Lachesis has long blonde
hair and joins in the second chapter after Sigurd talks to her.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can use: C fire, C thunder, * wind
At class change: B staffs, B fire, B thunder, * wind
Skills: Continue, Berserk
Class: Bard/Sage
Holy Blood: Holsety (wind)
Levin is a nice addition to the team. He is VERY good with wind magic
and is considerably quick. After he acquires Holsety, he is like death
incarnate. Only those that are suicidal will attack him. Levin joins
in the 2nd chapter after you conquer castle 2 along with Sylvia. He has
green hair and wears a bandanna.

Gender: female
Sibling: none
Can use: C swords
Skills: Continue, Dance, Prayer
Class: Dancer
Holy Blood: Blagi (staff)
Sylvia's main use is dancing. She can stand next to any of your
characters and let them take another turn by dancing. This is very
useful in many cases. She is next to useless for fighting though. She
never gets to use Blagi because she can't use staffs. Sylvia has green
hair and joins in the 2nd chapter after you conquer castle 2. She comes
with Levin.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can use: B swords
At class change: A swords
Skills: Advancing, Dual
Class: Free Knight/Forrest Knight
Holy Blood: none
Beowulf is about in the same category with Arek and Noiche. He's not
that useful, but he's not that bad either. After his class change, he
gets better, but he's still not very useful. Beowulf has blonde hair
and joins in chapter 2. To get him you must either A) Pay him 10,000
gold by talking to him with a character that has 10,000 gold or B) Kill
his leader and talk to him with Sigurd (the first way is the easiest).

Gender: male
Sibling: Manya
Can use: B swords, B lances
At class change: A swords, A lances, C staffs
Skills: Advancing
At Class Change: Continue, Advancing
Class: Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight
Holy Blood: none
Fury is decent. On one hand, she can go over any type of terrain
without cutting back on movement and is speedy. On the other hand, she
isn't very strong and doesn't have very good defense. Fury has green
hair and joins in the second chapter. To get her, have Levin talk to

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can use: A staffs, C fire, C thunder, C wind
Skills: none
Class: High Priest
Holy Blood: Blagi (staff)
Claude, like Edin, is meant for healing. He is quite good at it too.
Claude comes with Blagi and a long distance, group healing staff. He
doesn't have much to offer offensively and defensively, but who cares?
Claude has long blonde hair and joins in the 3rd chapter along with

Gender: female
Sibling: none
Can use: B fire, B wind, A thunder
Class: Thunder Mage/ Thunder Mage Fighter
Skills: Wrath
At Class Change: Continue, Wrath
Holy Blood: Tordo (thunder)
Tiltyu is somewhat handy. She starts out at a low level (lvl. 4) late
in the game. She has good skills though. Wrath is probably among the
best skills in the game. Whenever her HP is lower than half, she
berserks! She comes with a cool A thunder spell as well. You probably
shouldn't even try to get her a class change, since she starts at such a
low level. Tiltyu has whitish hair and joins with Claude in the 3rd

Gender: female
Sibling: Edin
Can use: * bows
Skills: Advancing
Class: Sniper
Holy Blood: Ulir (bow)
Finally, a good archer. And good she is. Edin will give her the Ulir
and she reeks havoc with it. That's probably enough said. Bridget has
blonde hair and joins in the 3rd chapter. She looks remarkably like
Edin as well.

Second Half

I got rid of some categories because some of them can vary from
game to game. I also added the category of parents, which is pretty
much self-explanatory. For some characters I could only put one parent
because it also varies from game to game. This is assuming everyone has

Gender: male
Siblings: none
Parents: Sigurd and Diadora
Can use: * swords
At class change: * swords, B lances
Class: Junior Lord/Lord Knight
Holy Blood: Baldo (sword)
Selis isn't nearly as good as his father. Junior Lord is sort of a
sword fighting class without the speed. Post-class change, he is
actually better than his dad. Something else that's kinda strange, is
once he's gotten a class change he can change back and forth between
classes. Selis has blue hair and you start out with him (obviously).

Gender: female
Siblings: Skasaha
Parent: Ayra
Can use: A swords
Class: Sword Fighter/Sword Mistress
Holy Blood: Odo (sword)
OH YEAH!!! She's like Ayra on steroids. With super speed, strength,
and decent defense for a sword fighter she can take anyone. She still
has the almighty Shooting Star Sword, plus any other skills that her
father had. Lakche looks like Ayra and you start out with her.

Gender: male
Sibling: Lakche
Parent: Ayra
Can use: A swords
Class: Sword Fighter/Forrest
Holy Blood: Odo (sword)
I don't know how the Fire Emblem 4 developing team got away with giving
you some of the best characters to start out with in the second half.
But frankly, I don't really care. Skasaha is like Hollin, and depending
on who Ayra fell in love with, Skasaha can be anywhere from decent to
great. Skasaha has brown hair and you start out with him.

Gender: female
Sibling: Lester
Parent: Edin
Class: Priest/High Priest
Holy Blood: Ulir (bow)
Rana is about the equivalent of Edin. She's the best healer in the
second half, but she's not up to par with Claude by any means (unless
she's Claude's daughter). Of course, she won't get to use Ulir since
she's a healer. Rana has funky hair and you start out with her.

Gender: female
Sibling: Yurious (half brother)
Parents: Diadora, Arvis
Can use: B staffs, B fire, C wind, C thunder, * light
After class change: B staffs, A fire, B wind, B thunder, * light
Skills: Advancing, Continue, Awareness
Class: Shaman/Sage
Holy Blood: Narga (light)
She's quite a bit like Diadora (she even looks like Diadora). I like
Yuria a lot better though. She can get Rizziah, which is the same spell
that the Earth Sword has. She also gets to use Narga! Narga is the
best weapon in the game. Yuria has whitish hair and joins in chapter 5
after conquering castle 2.

Gender: male
Sibling: none (somehow he's related to Selis)
Can use: A swords, B lances
Skills: Advancing, Berserk
Class: Paladin
Holy Blood: Baldo (sword)
Oiyafe is only useful for about the first two maps or so. Remember that
little kid that gave you class changes in the first half? He's grown
hasn't he? He's at a high level, but his stats suck like nothing else .
They're like level 2 stats on a level 20 character. Well... Not quite
that bad, but you get the idea. Oiyafe has brown hair and joins in the
5th chapter along with Delmud and Lester.

Gender: male
Sibling: Nanna
Parent: Lachesis
Class: Free Knight/ Forrest Knight
Holy Blood: Hezul (sword)
Delmud isn't too great. It really just depends on who his father is.
That's about all I have to say about that. Delmud joins in the 5th
chapter with Oiyafe and Lester.

Gender: male
Sibling: Rana
Parent: Edin
Class: Arch Knight/Bow Knight
Holy Blood: Ulir (bow)
Lester is the equivalent of Mideel. His stats are about the same and
he's the same class. Obviously he doesn't get to use Ulir because Faval
gets it. Lester has blue hair and joins in the 5th chapter with Oiyafe
and Delmud.

Gender: male
Sibling: Yohalvier
Can use: A axes
Skills: Pinch Strike
Class: Axe Knight/Great Knight
Holy Blood: Neir (axe)
Johan is a lot like Lex, except I think he's weaker. He doesn't have
Elite either. Yohan can join in the 5th chapter. You must choose
between him and Yohalvier. Talk to one with Lakche.

Gender: male
Sibling: Yohan
Can use: A axes
At class change: A axes, B bows
Skills: Dual
Class: Axe Fighter/Warrior
Holy Blood: Neir (axe)
Take Yohan minus his horse and you have Yohalvier. The only real
differences are Yohalvier can use B bows after a class change and he
starts out with an Elite Ring. He's also perfect for guarding castles.
It's up to you about which one you want. He joins the same way as

Gender: male
Sibling: Tinny
Parent: Tiltyu
Class: Wind Mage/Wind Mage Knight
Holy Blood: Tordo (thunder)
He's not bad. He inherits the Wrath ability from his mother, which
comes in handy. He's pretty much like Azel, but he can be better or
worse, depending on his father. Arthur has white hair and joins in the
5th chapter along with Fee.

Gender: female
Sibling: Seti
Parent: Fury
Class: Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight
Holy Blood: none
She's quite a bit like her mom. She can be different depending on her
father, but she's usually a very important member of the team. Fee has
green hair and joins in the 5th chapter with Arthur.

Gender: male
Sibling: Ayra
Can use: * swords
Skills: Advancing, Continue, Shooting Star Sword
Class: Sword Master
Holy Blood: Odo (sword)
Shannan is one of my favorite characters. He is Ayra's brother, who you
saved in the 1st chapter (remember that little kid?). He actually gets
to use Odo. Odo gives a HUGE speed bonus and a skill bonus too.
Shannan, like his sister, has Shooting Star Sword. He doesn't have a
high hit percentage, but who cares? Shannan looks like Ayra (without
the girly eyes) and (I think) he joins in chapter 6 with Pati.

Gender: female
Sibling: Faval
Parent: Bridget
Class: Thief/Thief Fighter
Holy Blood: Ulir (bow)
Pati is the thief for the second half. Personally, I like Deu better
than Pati. He seems faster, but that might be because of who her father
was. Anyhow, she comes with a sleep sword that will be very useful in
the future. Pati is also the one who gives Shannan Odo right off the
bat. Pati has blonde hair and joins with Shannan in the 6th chapter.

Finn (again)
Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can use: Same stuff as before
At class change: Same stuff as before
Skills: Also the same
Class: Lance Knight/Duke Knight
Holy Blood: none (did you really think it had changed?)
This is Finn's real use. Since you got to level him up in the first
half, he'll be really strong (unless you were an idiot and never used
him). Not much has changed. He looks older now, but his skills,
weapons, and everything else stayed the same. He joins with Leif and

Gender: Male
Sibling: Althena
Parents: Kyuwan, Etherin
Can use: A swords
At class change: A swords, A lances, A axes, A staffs, A fire, A wind, A
thunder, C light
Skills: Continue, Berserk
At Class Change: Advancing, Continue, Berserk
Class: Prince/Master Knight
Holy Blood: Baldo (sword), Noba (lance)
Leif is a bit like Lachesis. They are both somewhat weak before their
class change. Then they get WAAAAY better. A everything (almost)!
Leif looks sorta like Kyuwan and joins with Finn and Nanna.

Gender: female
Sibling: Delmud
Parent: Lachesis
Class: Troubadour/Female Paladin
Holy Blood: Hezul (sword)
Nanna is the Etherin of the second half. Same class and pretty much the
same weapon usage. Nanna looks kinda like Lachesis and joins with Finn
and Leif.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Parent: Eltoshan
Can use: * swords, C lances
At class change: * swords, B lances
Skills: Pinch Strike, Advancing, Continue
Class: Social Knight/Paladin
Holy Blood: Hezul (sword)
Ares rules! He COMES with Hezul which gives him VERY good defense
(magic and physical). He has pretty nice evade rate as well. He's like
a freakin' steamroller! Ares looks like Eltoshan.

Gender: female
Sibling: Coupl
Parent: Sylvia
Class: Dancer
Holy Blood: Blagi (staff)
Lynn can be a good or bad fighter, depending on her father. She's
useful no matter what, since she can dance. Lynn has green hair. To
get her, conquer the castle that Ares comes out of. Send Ares into the
castle and you will get Lynn.

Gender: male
Sibling: Pati
Parent: Bridget
Class: Bow Fighter/Sniper
Holy Blood: Ulir (bow)
Faval is about like Bridget, which is definitely not a bad thing. He
can be stronger or weaker, depending on his father. Faval has blonde
hair. To get him, talk to him with Pati.

Gender: female
Sibling: Arthur
Parent: Tiltyu
Class: Wind Mage/Wind Mage Fighter
Holy Blood: Tordo (thunder)
Tinny is about the same as Arthur, except different class change.
That's about it. Tinny looks like Tiltyu and to get her, have Arthur
talk to her.

Gender: male
Sibling: none
Can use: A swords, A lances, B axes, B bows
Skills: Big Shield, Continue, Pinch Strike
Class: General
Holy Blood: none
I like Generals. They make perfect castle guards due to their lack of
movement, and they have good attack and defense. Personally, I thought
Adan was better, but a General's a General. To get Hannival, talk to
him with Coupl.

Gender: male
Sibling: Lynn
Parent: Sylvia
Class: Priest/High Priest
Holy Blood: Blagi
Coupl is like a level 1 Claude. He's not very good at healing until he
reaches higher levels. Coupl has blonde hair. To get him, DON'T kill
Hannival (put him to sleep or something).

Gender: female
Parents: Kyuwan, Etherin
Can use: B swords, * lances
At Class Change: A swords, * lances
Skills: Continue, Berserk, Advancing
Class: Dragon Knight/Dragon Master
Legendary Weapons: Noba (lance), Baldo (sword)
Althena is like Kyuwan riding a dragon. She's GOOD. Just keep her away
from arrows and magic. To get her, talk to her with Leif.


Abilities are skills that certain characters have. Some skills can be
attached to weapons or rings. Skills can be activated at random,
automatically, or at a certain HP level. The higher the Skill statistic
is, the more likely a character is to use his or her ability. Some
skills are automatic as well.

Advancing- If the character with this ability is faster than its
opponent, then that character will attack first. Its symbol is 3
arrows. Items with this skill attached: Advance Attack Ring

Continue- After an attack the character with this ability will attack A
LOT of times. Its symbol is 1 arrow. Items with this skill attached:

Counterfeit- Characters with this ability can buy and repair items for
half price. Its symbol is a percent sign with an arrow pointing down.
Items with this skill attached: Bargain Ring

Charisma- Characters with this ability will give characters near it a
10% increase in hit percentage. Its symbol is a person in a blue
background. Items with this skill attached: none

Dance- When used this command will let characters above, below and
beside take another turn. Its symbol is a dancer. Items with this
skill attached: none

Berserk- When activated, this skill will let the character use an attack
3x as powerful as normal. There is also a special animation that goes
along with this. Any weapon that has at least 50 kills on it will have
this skill attached as well. Its symbol is two swords crossed, with an
explosion. Items with this skill attached: Killer Bow, Hezul

Dual- When activated, the character with this skill will go into another
round of combat.

Awareness- It prevents all berserk attacks. I believe it prevents
abilities as well. Its symbol is an eye. Items with this skill
attached: none

Big Shield- When activated, it blocks attacks (physical and magic). Its
symbol is a shield. Items with this skill attached: none

Prayer- When this character has 5 hit points or less, they will dodge
basically anything. Its symbol is a star. Items with this skill
attached: Prayer Blade, Baldo, Circlet, Prayer Ring, (I think) Ulir

Elite- Gain double experience. Its symbol is a blue square with stars
and stuff on it. Items with this skill attached: Elite Ring, (I think)

Life- Heals character a little bit every turn. NOTE- No characters have
this ability naturally. Items with this skill attached: Life Ring,
Circlet, Ulir

Pinch Strike- When the character's HP drops to half, they will always
attack first. Its symbol is an arrow pointing to a dot. Items with
this skill attached: none

Steal- Steals gold from the enemy during combat. Its symbol is a bag of
gold. Items with this skill attached: Thief Ring, Thief Sword

Shooting Star Sword- When activated, this character will do 5 hits in
succession. Its symbol is a sword with a green background. Items with
this skill attached: none

Moonlight Sword- When activated, the enemy's physical and magic defense
will be eliminated for the next attack. Its symbol is a sword with a
blue background. Items with this skill attached: none

Sun Sword- When activated, the next hit will drain energy from the enemy
to the character. Its symbol is a sword next to the sun. Items with
this skill attached: none

Wrath- When the character's HP reaches one half, all hits will be
berserk hits.

[楼 主] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:07| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 12880
精华: 1
发帖: 34333
威望: 0 点
配偶: 雅迪MK2
火 花 币: 312 HHB
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[1 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:10| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 16615
精华: 0
发帖: 1957
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 23867 HHB
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[2 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:12| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 18260
精华: 1
发帖: 12974
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 2062 HHB
所属组织: GL党
组织头衔: 换头部部长
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[3 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:12| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 490
精华: 0
发帖: 5793
威望: 0 点
配偶: lleu
火 花 币: 12621 HHB
所属组织: ゼス魔法协会
组织头衔: 理魔法部部长
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[4 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:13| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 16615
精华: 0
发帖: 1957
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 23867 HHB
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Beowulf is about in the same category with Arek and Noiche. He\'s not
that useful, but he\'s not that bad either. After his class change, he
gets better, but he\'s still not very useful. Beowulf has blonde hair
and joins in chapter 2. To get him you must either A) Pay him 10,000
gold by talking to him with a character that has 10,000 gold or B) Kill
his leader and talk to him with Sigurd (the first way is the easiest).

[5 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:13| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 265
精华: 0
发帖: 100
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 32597 HHB
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[6 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:17| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 10323
精华: 0
发帖: 366
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 44574 HHB
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[7 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:49| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 617
精华: 0
发帖: 2886
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 43201 HHB
所属组织: 婚姻介绍所
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[QUOTE]最初由 拉科鲁尼亚 发表
[B]Beowulf is about in the same category with Arek and Noiche. He\'s not
that useful, but he\'s not that bad either. After his class change, he
gets better, but he\'s still not very useful. Beowulf has ... [/B][/QUOTE]

[8 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 13:54| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 613
精华: 0
发帖: 1407
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 7430 HHB
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[9 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 14:00| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 404
精华: 0
发帖: 163
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 686 HHB
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[10 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 14:04| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 16615
精华: 0
发帖: 1957
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 23867 HHB
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[11 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 14:06| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 11696
精华: 0
发帖: 134
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 23877 HHB
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[12 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 14:18| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 163
精华: 5
发帖: 1044
威望: 10 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 3 HHB
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[13 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 14:50| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 558
精华: 1
发帖: 4071
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 16139 HHB
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[14 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 14:55| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 558
精华: 1
发帖: 4071
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 16139 HHB
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[15 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 14:58| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 163
精华: 5
发帖: 1044
威望: 10 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 3 HHB
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[QUOTE]最初由 艾尔文 发表
[B]直接杀了的话不就不会加入了吗? [/B][/QUOTE] Kill
his leader——那个带精英指环的家伙

[16 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 15:10| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 11188
精华: 1
发帖: 772
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 24402 HHB
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[QUOTE]最初由 拉科鲁尼亚 发表
[B]Beowulf is about in the same category with Arek and Noiche. He\'s not
that useful, but he\'s not that bad either. After his class change, he
gets better, but he\'s still not very useful. Beowulf has ... [/B][/QUOTE]

the first way is the easiest.......

[17 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 15:12| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 16615
精华: 0
发帖: 1957
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 23867 HHB
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I hate Arek. He is the most worthless POS in the game. He sucks like
nothing else. He has almost no attack or defense. The only thing he is
useful for is getting Ayra (the awareness skill).

[18 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 15:32| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 9899
精华: 1
发帖: 6832
威望: 0 点
配偶: szrxs
火 花 币: 31884 HHB
所属组织: 异端礼拜堂
组织头衔: 元老 暗天使
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[19 楼] | Posted:2004-09-11 15:34| 顶端
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