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火花天龙剑 -> 皇家骑士团 -> 求段TO对白
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级别: 火花会员
编号: 32199
精华: 0
发帖: 619
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 270 HHB
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[楼 主] | Posted:2009-02-16 21:44| 顶端

级别: 论坛技术
编号: 71
精华: 55
发帖: 15654
威望: 44 点
配偶: 桂木弥生
火 花 币: 89378 HHB
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Lans(.Tartare): Hmm... I'm surprised he's still alive... Leave us!
Voice outside of castle: The rebellion is... closing in... hurry to the street...
Lans(.Tartare): Do you hear that, Zenobian Knight?
Lans(.Hamilton): ...It is only a matter of time before you're defeated.
Lans(.Tartare): We don't care who rules Valeria. You know that, don't you?
Lans(.Hamilton): ......
Voice outside of castle: No, Roslolian... get help... We can't... hold them back... much...
Lans(.Hamilton): ...the people are getting more restless with each passing day...
Lans(.Tartare): The Bacrum people are a lower species. They can't even comprehend the world around them... ...Our ideals are too complex for them even understand...
Lans(.Hamilton): Did you ever stop and think that the policies of Lodis was the problem? Such as the use of force to enslave people?
Lans(.Tartare): That's hard to believe, since they were the ones who wished to be ruled by force.
Lans(.Hamilton): Wished?
Lans(.Tartare): Yes... Look around you... How many people, who are capable of accomplishing their ideals... actually do? How many people are willing to take that risk, to sacrifice all for the sake of their ideals... Tell me, how many people are willing to do that?
Lans(.Hamilton): ......
Lans(.Tartare): ...Do you remember the revolution that you were a part of? How are your people now? Aren't they complaining and whining about their own selfish problems? They took your sacrifice for granted!
Lans(.Hamilton): They are doing the best they can with what they have! They could barely support themselves...
Lans(.Tartare): No! They are being that way because being the victim is much easier. They are not complaining because they are weak. They chose to be weak so they can complain. ...To be weak is what they believe in.
Lans(.Hamilton): That is not true! Each person has a right to choose what life they lead. They have that freedom to do so!
Lans(.Tartare): Don't you understand!? Freedom is not a right somebody gives you. Freedom is something you must actively seek and fight for. Are they willing to do that? No! They just want to say that they have freedom. They sit on their ass all day and wonder where their savior is. But none of these people are willing to be that savior!
Lans(.Hamilton): People are not that lazy. They're just not as strong as we are.
Lans(.Tartare): You are so naive. People shouldn't have any of their own ideas or dreams. Their lord should give it to them.
Lans(.Hamilton): And what would that be?
Lans(.Tartare): The privilege to live!
Lans(.Hamilton): How ridiculous!
Lans(.Tartare): People are inherently evil... To obtain happiness, they don't mind sacrificing other people... They don't mind killing to better their lives. And yet they feel guilty. Then they think a little bit and come up with some excuse like "The world is doing this to me." It's our duty to bring order in this world of chaos! We shall give those lazy people the solution. We will take care of everything!
Lans(.Hamilton): Take care of what? Is oppressing people also part of your mission to lead the people?
Lans(.Tartare): We are not oppressing them. We are simply getting rid of the disease which is corrupting the world... ...we have to get rid of them, before they infect others. You know, prevention is the best medicine.
Lans(.Hamilton): There is also such a thing called the immune system... It can purify the evil within the soul.
Lans(.Tartare): Are you waiting for everything to fix itself? You trust humans too much... People are always attracted toward a source of power that will keep them safe. They'll betray anyone to be safe. Kachua!
(Kachua's in)
Lans(.Hamilton): Kachua! Why are you here?
Lans(.Tartare): Allow me to introduce you, Holy Knight. She is the true successor of Valeria, the daughter of the late King Dolgare, Princess Bersalia!
Lans(.Hamilton): !!
Lans(.Tartare): Just like you told me, the Bacrum reign is over. But as long as we have her in our hands, Valeria will do as we say.
Lans(.Hamilton): Kachua... you are... but how...?
Kachua: I loved Denim, he was my only brother... But then I found our that he's not my real brother. And he has forsaken me... If I cannot have him, then I'd rather...
Lans(.Hamilton): Kachua!!!
Lans(.Tartare): It breaks my heart to say farewell to the person who took my eye... But I don't have the time or the desire to torture you. So, I bid you adieu.
Lans(.Hamilton): Wait!
Lans(.Tartare): Farewell, Knight of Zenobia.

[1 楼] | Posted:2009-02-17 20:19| 顶端

级别: 火花会员
编号: 32199
精华: 0
发帖: 619
威望: 0 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 270 HHB
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[2 楼] | Posted:2009-02-18 16:24| 顶端

火花天龙剑 -> 皇家骑士团

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