级别: 火花会员
编号: 34582
精华: 3
发帖: 3848
威望: 10 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 15583 HHB
关于刷钱风波...来自CCP的进一步说明及某玩家的回复....^ ^![后边爆笑] Hi again,
I have received feedback from players that actually were not convinced by my last statement, that the impact of the courrier mission incident was next to none for the economy. To answer that feedback, I will have to go into more details.First of all, remember that it was our intention to increase the courier mission rewards threefold as we felt that courrier mission rewards were undervalued. As you know they actually became more like tenfold for about 6 hours, but then we put them back to what they were originally.
Now consider another interesting point of statistic: there were about 10,000 players that did courrier missions during that time (which is normal), and more than 94% of them did 10 or less missions during that period. More than 90% of those missions were level 1 missions. This basically tells us that the majority of players behaved quite normally during this time, and only benefited marginally from the bug. Considering that we did want to increase rewards 3x but that we rolled it back after 6 hours, the benefits that those players got are actually less than if they had the intended 3x rewards during the next 24 hours, just like we planned to.
Now looking at the other point of the spectrum, there were a handful of exploiters that actually did a lot of missions. For these, we know exactly who they are, how much they made and who benefited from them, as every single transaction is logged in EVE. They will all be banned, and the money trail will be pursued to its end so none of them will benefit from this except getting a lifetime ban from EVE. Players should never exploit a game mechanism that is obviously bugged.
Once we have gone through the whole data (will probably take a few days), we will post a detailed report to you so you can judge yourself, and we will also give you some gift to compensate you for your patience.
But again, you must believe me when I say that the economical impact of this is minimal. If you look at the economy of EVE on Tranquility (our European server), with less players, the size of the economy there is vastly greater than on the Chinese server. This simply tells us that in terms of ISK in circulation, the Chinese server still has to grow exponentially in the next months. In a few months, the magnitude of the current incident will be just a small number behind the decimal point.
For those talking about a rollback, I will just say that in this case, the benefits of a rollback would be purely psychological, and I fear that the negative effects of it would be far greater. We have only done a single rollback in the history of EVE, and that was at its very early days 3 years ago, for a duplicating bug that was far far far more serious than this. Since then we have had cases with exploits, sometimes larger than this current mission exploit, but it has never warranted a rollback. Instead we have made sure that no player gets away with their exploits, or that their benefits is made zero. This has worked for years on the European servers, where our customers are really happy with our services, and I don't see why it shouldn't work here as well.
PS: I don't read Chinese, so unfortunately I can't read or write directly to the forums, but must let someone translate for me. If you want a meaningful dialog, I suggest that you try posting fewer and more elaborate posts, with good reasoning, so that I get a chance to read them and answer them. Many many posts with lots of shouting is simply impossible for me to interact with.
Kjartan Pierre Emilsson Managing Director of CCP Asia/Former Lead Designer of EVE Online
Kjartan Pierre Emilsson
(CCP亚洲区总经理、前EVE Online首席游戏设计师)
小时我按以前做快递得速度,可以赚4亿8000w(双开得情况下,大工会的都是弱智不会双开,哈哈) 在次提醒肿踩阁下,我可以最大限度得4开,别人呢?200人得工会我只算有20人在线,他们平均算来只是3开,一人6小时赚7亿2000w,20人就是144亿,你说得有10000人,我的天!5000个7亿2000w!!我算算..有点头晕..3万6000亿???!!!呃..我觉得我在胡言乱语了...我在夸大其词了..那好吧,我一个小时只能赚1000w(真蜗牛3开20分钟才做一个任务..3艘飞船捆一起了?)6小时 6000w . 一万人x6000w=6000亿..开来我之前得3万6000亿得 1/6 还好吹牛还没你总踩先生厉害.1万人6个小时发现有bug 却只作低级别的奖励快递?难道全是刚注册得人? 一个不会玩游戏的牧师在笨蛋,也能在6小时作20次奖励接近200w得任务,6小时就是4000w 一万人的笨蛋天主教牧师x4000w=4千亿,你告诉我们只是50亿?你得缩地成寸得功夫太厉害了.好吧你说了,这都是教皇级别的1万人,每人只能在6小时赚400w 说真的...战斗任务6小时我也赚300w了... 好吧好吧 一万人x400w=....哦 你又说了怎么也得有40%得人是刚注册的,声望不够作这 上帝白给得玉米饼.那好在缩水一半到200w每人6小时(天哪我真怀疑这些人是被耶和华打傻了得犹大..)
睁眼说瞎话那 您哪,边凉快去,文化人说话一套一套真唬人,就是禁不住幼儿园小朋友的数学验算啊.
[ 此贴被雪灵龙在2006-07-03 22:00重新编辑 ]
雪灵龙的博客^ ^! http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1277833264
画帖 http://bbs.fireemblem.net/read.php?tid=84202&fpage=&toread=&page=1
[53 楼]
Posted:2006-07-03 21:52| |
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