级别: 火花会员
编号: 11253
精华: 3
发帖: 369
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配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 32184 HHB
[QUOTE]最初由 cxn 发表 [B]:P 知道英文名就好找多了……发现很多欧美游戏里都有它,可是我还是不认识它,孤陋寡闻了…… 不过关于它的译名还真是乱七八糟……随便先引用一段—— Flamberge フランベルジュ 水紋之劍 出自工匠精心製作,刀面有如海浪一般的強力單手劍。 編按:字源於法文”flambayonet”,即”火炎”的意思,是一種刺劍的延伸型式,整把劍就如火炎般的呈波浪形。其外型是參照十五世紀法國歌德式建築其窗骨架的樣式出來的,到了十七世紀定型,但之後就少為人用,從雙手劍變成單手劍(改寫作Flamberg),而且也只用作裝飾品而已。 最早這樣的劍記載是一位名叫Renaur de Montauban的騎士持有的,當時他是仿羅馬一種如蛇矛形的槍頭而作的。
至于188冰剑ヴォーパルソード,英文名是Vorpal Sword,这个就没有Flamberge出名了……应该不仅是我不认识它,估计没几个中国人认识它……不知道Namco为什么选它作冰剑……[/B][/QUOTE]这个你不知道可不等于没人知道啊,基于D&D规则的东西知道的不会在少数,看看欧美人关于Vorpal和Flamberge的解释吧,首先是Flamberge
A flamberge is a sword (typically a rapier though there were longswords as well) which had a "wavy" blade meant to aid in parrying.
Also, a Flamberge is a large claymore-like sword of either germanic or swedish descent. It, too, has a wavy blade, however its purpose was mostly for chopping up an enemy pike or spear. There is an area between the hilt and blade that would be used for thrusting the enormous weapon much like a spear.
Vorpal is a word coined by Lewis Carroll for the poem "Jabberwocky," used in the phrase "his vorpal sword." It is commonly assumed to mean "sharp," and has been used this way in a number of role-playing games and similar.
In Dungeons & Dragons, a vorpal weapon is one which has a high tendency to inflict critical hits or behead foes. Many MUDs (multi-user dungeons) also incorporate this adjective into some of their weapon descriptions.
It has also spawned a parody character called Vorpal king, and a parody of an alien race (Vorpals) which landed on planet Earth with an asteroid.
[119 楼]
Posted:2004-06-06 05:17| |
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