纪念一个已死之人 而已
级别: 火花会员
编号: 8452
精华: 19
发帖: 11024
威望: 35 点
配偶: angelica
火 花 币: 87615 HHB
所属组织: ISAF-メビウス中隊
组织头衔: メビウス-Y13
日文最新消息: 【8月5日発売】全国送料無料!! K.K.1サッカーゲーム「ウイイレ」シリーズ最新作!!
・マスターリーグで遊べるチームが倍増! 64チーム固定→138チームから選択できるシステムになった。 ・スペイン、イタリア、イングランド、ドイツ、フランス、オランダの1部リーグのチームが実名、偽名を含め全て登場! ・ナショナルチーム、クラブチームを併せ、ウイイレシリーズ史上初の200チームを超えた! ・マスターリーグに選手の成長と衰退の要素が加わり、引退し生まれ変わるので、常に最強でいることができない。 ・待望のフリーキック!プレイヤーは二人の選手から選択してボールを蹴ることができる! ・サーチパスやセンタリングに新たな選択肢を追加するなど、プレイヤーの操作をダイレクトにプレイに反映! ・新しいフェイント・ターン、ボールコントロールを搭載! ・「画面説明」で、基本的なサッカールールや、ゲーム中の操作を覚えられる! ・親切設計PAUSEメニューに「ボタン操作の早見表」登場! ・アルビトロ(審判)が試合中ピッチに登場したり、試合状況に応じてユニフォームが汚れるなどの新フィーチャーも追加! ・エンブレムやリーグ名などエディット機能も様々な所が強化され、カスタマイズは自由自在! ・忘れちゃいけないJFAライセンス。日本A代表に加え、日本代表U23も登場! 商品名:ワールドサッカーウイニングイレブン8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文最新消息: released on aug 5 k.k.1 soccer game winning eleven series' newest release
* more master league teams, 64 teams -> 138 teams * real team names from leagues in spain, italy, england, germany, france, holland * a total of more than 200 club and national teams * more elements added to the development/retirement of master league players * the free kick u've all been waiting for! u can select 1 of 2 players to take the kick * new modes for search (through) pass and centering allowing more control to the player * new feint turn, ball control techniques * new soccer rules and game control help screens * friendlier pause menu with quick control view * referees will be seen on pitch during the game, and according to the pitch conditions, wear and tear/dirt will be see on the player's uniforms * editable trophy and league names * jfa licenced japan A team and japan under 23 team --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中文翻译综合消息:
KONAMI官方网站公布的消息:http://www.web-konami.com/products/index_hb.html 《WE8》将于8月5日发售!!
以下是翻译自日本网站的消息: ■俱乐部球队超巨副增加!!由原64队增加到138队!! ■西甲、英超、德甲、意甲、法国、荷兰著名球会完全收录,其中部分球会将完全实名登场!! ■共超过200支球队(国家队、俱乐部),数目达历史最高!! ■ML模式全新注目要素追加!!加入球员成长数值上升和衰老数值下降,由此球员退役成为可能,这样也就不得不对球队的阵容进行不停地更新和完善!! ■间接任意球要素追加!!追加2人的战术任意球方式,并且可从中决定其中一人进行主罚! ■搜索式传球(L1+圆圈)和传中球都增加了全新的传球模式,能够更直观的反映玩家的细微操作! ■追加全新的转身假动作、控球技术动作! ■在「画面説明」里,可看到最新的足球规则和游戏的操作帮助。 ■体贴初心者的设定!!按PAUSE(暂时键)可查看游戏的「ボタン操作の早見表」(按键操作一览表)。 ■球证在赛场上正式登场!!根据当场环境的情况,球员的球衣会出现磨损、肮脏状况等。 ■EDIT模式继续强化,可编辑联盟和各项赛事的名字。 ■再度加强与日本足协(JFA)的合作。其授权的日本A代表队和U23国家队球员追加!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IGN新闻稿: Article:
May 09, 2004 - Konami has unveiled solid details on Winning Eleven 8, the next entry in its platinum soccer series. The information points to a game that, as expected, improves upon previous versions in every way.
Winning Eleven 8 will feature the greatest number of teams and players in the history of the series. Master League will allow for the selection of 138 teams, up from 64 teams in last year's edition. Teams from leagues in Spain, Italy, England, Germany, France and Orlanda will all appear in the game either with real or fake names. In all, combining national and club teams, the series will for the first time cross the 200 team mark. Gameplay changes are also being worked into the game. A new form of ball controll will feature as will the ability to select from two players during free kicks. New control options available for search pass and centering will apparently give the game a more direct feel of control.
Customization is one area that has been improving with each entry of the Winning Eleven series, and 8 is no different. New character growth features are being planned for Master League. Konami is also beefing up the game's edit features for emblems and league names.
Beginners are also being taken care of with this entry. Those confused about controls will be able to bring up a control chart by simply pressing the start button during play. Explanations will be provided for basic soccer rules and in-game skills.
And if everything falls into place as expected, Konami will end up with the biggest selling soccer game for this year once again. Winning Eleven 8 hits Japan on 8/5. Stay tuned for more as that date approaches. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAY-ASIA新闻稿:
This time the number of playable teams in the Master League has increased from 64 to 138. A new growth and decline system is used in the Master League mode, so that no particular team can always be the strongest. Winning Eleven is probably the currently most famous soccer game available.
More details were announced:
138 master league teams available More than 200 teams planned Player names should be accurate for teams from Germany, Spain, Italy, France, England and the Netherlands Free kicks can be played with one or two players Jerseys get dirty during gameplay Improved control of players New Help screens Referee is visible on the field
[5 楼]
Posted:2004-06-02 16:33| |
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