火花天龙剑 -> 外语学园 -> 英语达人进来玩吧。。。

jacques 2006-06-08 18:14
a 此订单双方盖章确认后甲方须于货架制作前支付货款总额的50%给乙方作为制作定金,乙方方可生产。

b 甲方收货前须支付货款总额的50%及报关费用和出口费用给予乙方,乙方方可电放。

c 以上货款、出口费用和报关费用是以人民币报价,用美元结算以当日汇率为准。


以上三句,求意思流畅的E文,略有语法错误无碍= =


mariusJ 2006-06-13 21:53
1.After confirming orders, A must gave B a downpayment of 50% of total fees before the production of goods.

2. Before receiving the goods promised A must pay the remaining of 50% of total fees and other mis. fees which includes custom and/or other regulation fees depending on the country residing at. After receiving payments B will then authorized the release of goods.

3. Above payments, mis. fees are all quoted in RMB, using exchange rate of the day for Dollars.

jacques 2006-06-15 21:40

MadScientist 2019-02-20 10:41
1.After confirming orders, A must gave B a downpayment of 50% of total fees before the production of goods.

2. Before receiving the goods promised A must pay the remaining of 50% of total fees and other mis. fees which includes custom and/or other regulation fees depending on the country residing at. After receiving payments B will then authorized the release of goods.

3. Above payments, mis. fees are all quoted in RMB, using exchange rate of the day for Dollars.


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