火花天龙剑 -> 游戏专区 -> 11区玩家:3個買3DS的人中就有一個不是真飯

Pluto_Shi 2011-08-06 14:59



令人担忧的是,49.4%的受访者表示,3DS当前行没有足够的游戏,并承认,他们对3DS平台感到“失望” ,即使有信息表明来年将有不少游戏登陆该平台。
另外,45.7%的买家表示,他们不购买或者持观望态度面对年底面世的超级马里奥3D和马里奥赛车7 --而这两个可谓是3DS的年末重头戏。


A survey in Japan has revealed that a third of 3DS owners regret buying the handheld in light of the upcoming price drop.

Nintendo announced the price cut last week, with Nintendo President Satoru Iwata taking responsibility for poor sales, and taking a 50 per cent pay cut as a result.

To soften the blow for anybody that's just bought the device, Nintendo will be giving away free games for existing 3DS owners. The 3DS Ambassador Programme will offer a variety of GBA and NES games, including Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Donky Kong Jr., as an apology.

That said, of the 6,500 people surveyed, over 30 per cent said that they felt "anger or regret" about the price drop, and explained that free games did little to compensate for this.

Worryingly, 49.4 percent of those surveyed said that the current line-up of games available for the console were not adequate, and admitted that they felt "disappointed" with the system - even with knowledge of games due to hit the machine in the near future.

To back that up, 45.7 per cent said that they were either not planning, or were "on the fence" about buying Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 - two of what would be considered the biggest upcoming games for the system.

Of those surveyed who do not own a 3DS, a mere 5.4 per cent said they were planning to buy one after the price drop. Of those who had no intention of buying a 3DS, 42.1 per cent blamed the poor selection of games currently available, and 15.3 per cent revealed that they will never buy one.

miller0078 2011-08-06 15:17

Joystick 2011-08-06 15:18
正好gamestop最近有个活动卖xbox或者ps3给他们然后买新机器会多给50刀,哪怕是全坏的机器原价折价这个额外的50刀还给....所以可能就会换个3ds, 否则我也不会入

神を越えし者 2011-08-07 00:13

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