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皇家骑士团 命运之轮 国外大好评英文改版 One Vision mod
皇家骑士团命运之轮 国外 OV 改版 中文指南 https://www.jianshu.com/p/d4d8c5483b32
介绍见 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6164004501 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6487897810 资源汇总: https://www.jianshu.com/p/1b39175107bc
下载地址: https://www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1 英文简介: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tactics_Ogre/comments/8ghb0v/one_vision_mod_whats_new/ 更详细一点的英文介绍: https://nichegamescom.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/one-vision-the-guide/
这个 mod 还没有做完 (作者想把各个关卡重做一遍, 还没全部重做完, 但是不妨碍正常游玩), 任何意见建议或者发现错误都可以在那个下载页面直接向作者提出, 作者一般 24 小时内就会回复. 如果你觉得英文写不好可以告诉我, 我帮你写.
2020/7/30: 现在主线已经做完了.
这本身就是一个非常小众的游戏, 改版就更小众了, 希望大家玩完之后给作者点反馈.
关于改版有任何问题请先阅读 readme 文件以及资源汇总中的网站, 读完之后如果没有解决可以问我.
剧情和原版一样, 你不关心剧情的话, 只需要读得懂效果说明文字即可, 这并不是很高的英语要求.
Major features:
- Weapon, armor and consumable item rework. Equipment is more likely to do what you expect of it, 2H weapons will do a lot of damage and a tank in heavy armor will be hard to kill. 重做了武器, 防具, 消耗品. 装备更能达到你预期的效果, 双手武器可以造成大量伤害, 一个重甲坦克将更难被击杀. - Additional items, spells and skills, as well as changes to the existing ones with a focus on improving the more unappealing choices. 增加了道具, 魔法和技能, 并且重点加强了以前弱势的道具魔法技能. - Skills that grant stat bonuses, like Strengthen or Spellcraft, as well as static choices like Switfoot or Spell Ward were removed and compensated with higher stat differences between classes than in vanilla game. 能赋予基本面板 bonus 的技能, 比如 Strengthen (直接攻击提升) 或 Spellcraft (魔法攻击提升) 以及静态面板技能, 比如 Switfoot (移动+1) 或 Spell Ward (魔法回避 UP) 等被移除. 作为补充, 职业间的面板差距比原版游戏更大. - A full Finishing move rebalance. 全面地重新平衡必杀技. - Most ways of gaining permanent stats were removed to reduce power creep in late game and increase options during early game. 大多数能够永久提升人物属性的手段被去掉了, 以防后期能力值膨胀, 并且在游戏初期可以有更多选择了. - The power of special characters was reduced across the board, they're about on par with each other now and not overwhelmingly stronger than generics. 特殊角色的属性被全面削弱, 他们现在和其他人强度相当, 而不是显著地强于大众脸. - Generic characters have more diverse templates that split into fighter, rogue, mage and generalist archetypes, their stats can differ a lot depending on which one you hire. 大众脸有了更多不同的模板, 大体分为战士, 盗贼, 法师, 多面手几类. 根据你雇佣的人不同, 他们的属性可以差异巨大. - Significantly increased the levelling speed of slow skills, like Steal or Parry. 显著地加速了一些原先升级缓慢的技能, 比如偷窃和格挡. - Most classes were tweaked, with emphasis on nerfing the strong ones and buffing the weak, many gained new tricks. 调整了大多数职业, nerf 强势职业, buff 弱势职业, 许多职业获得了新技能. - Monsters don't scale natural armor as high as before. With the changes to skills, their new role is high HP bullet sponges that take a lot of damage and use the TP gained to spam special moves. 怪兽 (龙之类的) 不再像以前那样有巨高的护甲. 随着技能的修改, 他们的新定位是高血肉盾, 吸收大量伤害, 然后用由此获得的 TP 开技能. - Many items are easier to acquire, reducing the endgame tedium. 许多物品更容易获得了, 减少了终盘的无聊程度 (指刷刷刷). - Visual changes to some items, special characters, skills and spells. 改变了一些物品, 特殊角色, 技能, 魔法的外观, 视觉特效. - Streamlined crafting. 更合理的物品合成系统.
对我而言, 非常关键的一点是伤害比原版合理得多. 游戏改动, 增加的内容真的很丰富.https://www.jianshu.com/p/d4d8c5483b32
[ 此贴被香霖购物券在2020-08-03 19:17重新编辑 ]
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Posted:2020-02-13 04:23| |
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