级别: 火花会员
编号: 223
精华: 22
发帖: 14506
威望: 40 点
配偶: 单身
火 花 币: 80176 HHB
所属组织: 科莉娅圣教
组织头衔: 圣光骑士
盗贼1.12新天赋初步预览中文版 The review is well underway and we wanted to share a sort of first glimpse into the changes being made for the rogue talent review. Keep in mind that these changes are not complete or final, and the below information is likely to alter as we move into our testing phases. While not everything is listed, the below list encompasses the majority of changes being made in the review. 盗贼新天赋的设计正在有条不紊地进行中,并且现在我们乐意于先透露出一部分关于新天赋的信息。记住这些改动可能与最终确定的有所不同,并且我们也会在测试期间对其作出相应的调整。以下就是新天赋中可能出现的重大改动。
I'll be working in the weeks to come to get as much additional information as possible, but it is likely that quite a bit of the final information regarding talent changes will not be fully announced until the talent calculators go live. Of course you'll also be able to actually play around with the changes too once the Public Test Realms go up. 我会在近期努力获得更多有价值的信息,但是全部改动并不会先于最终的天赋模拟器公布。当然,在我们的测试服务器开放以后,你可以对新天赋先行体验。
I'm going to just list the changes and provide additional information where possible or necessary. Let's get to it. 切入正题。
# The following talents have been removed: Improved Deadly Poison, Improved Distract, Throwing Weapon Specialization, Improved Vanish, and Rapid Concealment. 以下天赋被移除:强化致命毒药,强化扰乱,投掷武器专精,强化消失,快速隐藏。
# Improved Instant Poison is now "Improved Poisons" and increases your chance to apply ALL poisons by 2/4/6/8/10%. 强化速效毒药现在被强化毒药天赋所取代,增加所有毒药的生效几率2/4/6/8/10%。
# Rapid Concealment has been merged with Camouflage, by combining these talents you not only get a great talent to start off the tree, but obviously it frees up a number of points to be spent elsewhere. 原先的快速隐藏天赋和伪装天赋合并。由于此,你不仅在天赋树的顶端获得了一个强大的天赋,而且解放了大量的天赋点以便投入到其他地方。
# Murder will now also apply to all finishing moves. The benefit this will provide to output and attack combinations is fairly straightforward. 谋杀天赋现在会作用于所有终结技。这个改动使整体输出能力增加,并且使你的连续技更加直截了当。
# Vile Poisons now gives your poisons a chance to resist dispel effects, in addition to increasing poison damage. 恶意毒药天赋现在使你的毒药有更大几率抵抗驱散法术,同时增加了毒药的伤害。
# Improved Kidney Shot has been changed, and will instead increase the damage taken by the target while they are affected by Kidney Shot. This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Kidney Shot. 强化肾击天赋被修改,现在该天赋不再降低肾击的冷却时间,而是增加目标在被肾击状态下所受到的伤害。
# Improved Sprint has been changed, and will instead have a 50/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when you activate your Sprint ability. This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Sprint. 强化疾跑天赋被修改,现在该天赋不再降低疾跑的冷却时间,而是有50/100%的几率在发动疾跑的同时移除移动限制效果。
# Improved Evasion renamed to Endurance, and will add a Sprint cooldown reduction. 强化闪避更名为耐久力,在原有效果的基础上增加了降低疾跑冷却时间的功能。
# New talent Weapon Expertise in the Combat tree, increases your weapon skill with all melee weapons. The recovery of damage with an increased weapon skill should be a good boost to overall output. 新天赋武器专家被安置在战斗天赋树中,效果为增加所有近战武器的武器技能。这对盗贼的整体输出能力是个极大的增益。
# Initiative is being reduced to a 3 point talent, but resulting in the same 75% end chance to add an additional combo point. 加满先发制人天赋所需要的天赋点被减少到3个,最终效果不变。
# Elusiveness is being reduced to a 3 point talent, but resulting in the same 75 sec cooldown reduction to Evasion, Blind, and Vanish. 加满飘忽不定天赋所需要的天赋点被减少到3个,最终效果不变。
# Ghostly Strike now has a reduced Energy cost, the reduction of Energy was enough to make it necessary to also reduce the damage output slightly. 鬼魅攻击所需的能量减少,这一改动也使略微降低其伤害成为必要。
# Improved Garrotes damage reduction will be removed. This is being changed as part of an overall improvement for Garrote. 强化绞喉天赋降低伤害的效果将被移除。
# Setup is being moved higher up in the tree, becoming a 16 point talent with no prerequisites, helping move the talent in reach of specific builds. 调整天赋被移到天赋树更高的位置上,仅仅需要16点天赋就可以加出,并且无任何前置。
# New talent Heightened Senses in the subtlety tree, increases your Stealth detection, and reduces the chance for you to be hit by spells and ranged attacks. 新天赋高度敏感被安置在敏锐系天赋树中,增加侦测潜行的能力,并且降低被法术和远程攻击命中的几率。
# Hemorrhage will be moved up in the tree to become a 21 point talent. This should help to place the ability in a more reachable position, and allow for a little more versatility with specific talent builds. 出血被移动到敏锐系天赋树的21点位置。这使得出血更容易在某些类型的天赋中发挥更大的作用。
# New talent Deadliness in the Subtlety tree, increases your Attack Power by a percentage. 新天赋致命被安置在敏锐系天赋树中,效果为按百分比增加攻击强度。
# Premeditation will have its Energy requirement removed, changed to an instant cast, and range increased. Its cooldown will remain the same. Premeditation will now be pre-reqd by Preperation. 发动预谋所需的能量值被移除,变为瞬发,射程增加。但其冷却时间不变。现在预谋需要预备天赋作为其前置。
# Vanish will now remove effects that allow the caster to remain aware of the rogues presence, such as Mind Vision and Hunters Mark. 消失现在会移除使用者身上的潜行侦测法术,如心灵视界和猎人印记。
# Garrote, Rupture, and Eviscerate are being increased in damage. More details to come. 绞喉,割裂和剔骨伤害增加,我们会逐步放出更详细的资料。
# Expose Armor will now reduce armor by a percentage. 破甲现在按百分比计算效果。
I'll be continuing to speak with the designers and collecting as much additional information as possible in the coming weeks. 我会继续保持和设计师的联系,尽我所能搜集更多有价值的资料。
Thanks for reading. 谢谢阅读。
身長約70センチの機械人形、『魔導巧殻』と呼ばれる一体。北領の元帥ガルムスをマスターとして仰ぎ、無条件の親愛を抱きながらも軍人らしく理性的に接する。 ディル=リフィーナに存在する四つの月の内、『赤の月』を司る月女神ベルーラの力を模している。
[楼 主]
Posted:2006-07-03 20:28| |
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