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翻译帖-Episode VII






Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Knight placed in command of Amorika Castle when Nybbas left. Agres was killed by Denim and the Zenobian exiles when they arrived to rescue Duke Ronway.


Aloser Danya

Class: Archer Sex: Female
Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 19
Birth: Flama, Day 1 P.Y. 233 (5/2)
Appears in: Episode 7
Woman who lost her brother in the Baramus Massacre. Born in the town of Krizar. Aloser was the lover of Leonard.

LAW - Upon finding out that the Baramus Massacre was caused by the Walsta Liberation Army, she leaves and joins the Neo Walsta Liberation Alliance. Targeted Denim for his participation in the Massacre, and attacked him at Ashton. After she was defeated, she regrouped with Vice at Rime. When Vice wanted to negotiate with Denim, she ended up starting a battle between the two sides. She was killed in the ensuing battle.

CHAOS - Believing the propaganda spread by the Walsta Liberation Army, she sought out Denim, and found him at Ashton. When she was defeated, Denim offered to take her along and show her that he was innocent. After being ambushed by Vice at Swanzi Forest, Aloser learned that Vice and Leonard took part in the Baramus Massacre, and not Denim.She pledged her life to Denim afterwards. After the Valerian conflict, went back home to Krizar with Forcas and Byan to open an academy.





Class: Lich Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Magician who was guarding Fort Gerdo. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Swordmaster Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Gargastan warrior who wanted to avenge Barbatos. Was killed at Fort Damsa.


Andoras Gafrun

Class: Temple Command Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Nirdam
Organization: Roslolians
Age of Death: 32
Birth: Tierra, Day 6 P.Y. 220 (1/30)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
A member of the Nirdam royal family. When Lodis invaded Nirdam, the King and Queen were killed, and the princes were taken as prisoners back to Lodis. Despite being Bolmaukan, Andoras became a member of the Roslolian Dark Knights because of his value in battle. He fights for Lodis in an effort to lessen the hardships Lodis forces his people to endure. Because of his disdain for Lodis, Barbas was able to convince him to betray Lans Tartare and steal the Brunhild. He was killed on the top level of the Tower of Eden by Denim.



Class: Priest Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
Former member of the Neo Walsta Libration Alliance. Apsala joined the Walsta Liberation Army when the two forces made an alliance. She served as a decoy at Swanzi, while Denim's battalion attacked Cardinal Barbatos from the rear at Brigantes. She was captured by Zaebos, but was freed after Denim killed him. She joined Denim's battalion with Payton and Beilev.



Class: God Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 TO tKoL
The God of Bane. At odds with Ishtar. Supported the demons in the Ogre Battle. Hell Gate is a 100-floor-deep temple that was dedicated to him.


Balzepho Van Rams

Class: Temple Command Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Lodis
Organization: Roslolians
Age: 37
Birth: Raio, Day 25 P.Y. 215 (12/31)
Appears in: Episode 7
Second in command of the Roslolians to Lans Tartare. The son of General Vogras, and elder brother of Haborym. Born in the Holy City of Galius. Pope Saldian came into power in Lodis via Coup d'etat thanks to Balzepho's connections in the Senate. Killed his mother and father, and blinded Haborym, placing the blame of the murders oh his brother. Became a member of Saldain's personal order, the Roslolians for his actions. Went to Valeria at Saldian's command to assist Branta in the Valerian war, and to find the Ultimate Power. Along with Lans Tartare and Volac, was betrayed by Barbas, Martym, and Andoras. They escaped Heigm and were last seen boarding a ship for Lodis.



Class: Cockatrice Sex: N/A
Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Ganb's beasts. Was killed in battle.



Class: Berserker Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
Gargastan soldier assigned to protect Amorika Castle from attack. Killed when Denim and the Zenobian exiles went to rescue Duke Ronway.


Barbas Dud Goose

Class: Temple Command Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Lodis
Organization: Roslolians
Age of Death: 34
Birth: Preta, Day 17 P.Y. 218 (10/11)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Dark Knight who has a problem with authority. Once attacked his superior officer, but was saved from the consequences by Lans Tartare. Took part in the Griate Massacre, and the Bacrum invasion of Rime. Killed Vice's father during the Griate Massacre. Plotted against Lans Tartare when he learned Tartare had kept the Brunhild a secret from the other Roslolians.. Persuaded Martym and Andoras to help him. When Lans conflicted with Branta, sided with Branta, betraying Tartare, and stole the Brunhild from him in the process. When Denim seiged Heigm Castle, he betrayed Branta and fled to Eden, leaving Branta to fend for himself. Broke the seal on Eden's Chaos Gate, but was slain by Denim.



Class: Bandit Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Pirate who made his hideout in Fort Gekko. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Cleric Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
Former member of the Neo Walsta Libration Alliance. Joined the Walsta Liberation Army when the two forces made an alliance. Served as a decoy at Swanzi, while Denim's battalion attacked Cardinal Barbatos from the rear at Brigantes. Was captured by Zaebos, but was freed when Denim killed him. Joined Denim's battalion with Payton and Apsala.



Class: Griffin Sex: N/A
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Ganb's beasts.


Belda Jr.

Class: Griffin Sex: N/A
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: N/A
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Ganb's beasts. Joined the Walsta Liberation Army with Ganb.



Class: Daemon Sex: Female
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Netherworld
Organization: Netherworld
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Demon who wanted to sacrifice Denim to the god Asmodee. Was killed in battle on the 50th Floor of Hellgate.


Bernata (Eltenaja) Overis

Class: Queen Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
The former Queen of Valeria, and wife of Dolgare. Her servant Manafloa gave birth to Bersalia. Gave Branta the position of Cardinal to keep this information from the king. Her son died young, and Bernata died of illness shortly after.


Bersalia Valeria Overis
{Kachua Powell}

Class: Princess Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 18
Birth: Trevas, Day 15 P.Y. 234 (8/21)
Appears in: Episode 7
The daughter of the former Valerian King Dolgare, and Manafloa. The adopted daughter of Plancy, and elder sister of Denim. The current Queen of Valeria.

Other classes: High Priest, Dark Priest



Class: God Sex: Female
Ali: N Element: Earth Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 6 Episode 7 TO tKoL
The Goddess of Earth and Harvest. Mother of Danika. The father is an ancient king who ventured into the Netherworld under Berthe's protection to rescue Danika from Demundza.



Class: Witch Sex: Female
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Woman assigned to guard Fiduc Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Hawkman Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Wind Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Hawkman assigned to defend Brigantes Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Lich Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Lich who resides on the 100th floor of Hell Gate.



Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Took hostages and holed up in Fort Kadoriga. Suprised Leonard's unit and petrified them, but was killed by Denim when he came to rescue them.


Branta Mown

Class: Bishop Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Water Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: 49
Birth: Trevas, Day 11 P.Y. 203 (8/17)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
The lord of Bacrum Valeria. The brother of Plancy, and uncle of Denim. After becoming aware of Manafloa's pregnancy with King Dolgare's child, followed her when she left the castle to give birth. When Manafloa died during childbirth, took Manafloa's baby to his brother Plancy. Suggested he use the King's daughter (Bersalia) to replace Plancy's daughter Kachua who had died earlier in the year. Instructed Plancy to tell nobody. Afterwards, told Queen Eltenaja about Bersalia. Threatened to tell the king what had happened, and was promoted to Cardinal by the Queen. When the king died without any heirs, made a secret treaty with Pope Saldian, who sent Lans Tartare and the Roslolians to assist Branta in conquering Valeria. Had them kidnap Plancy from Griate in the Griate Massacre, because he knew the truth about what had really happened. Ordered the attack on Rime a year later, which killed/injured 5,000 people. After Walsta and Gargastan were united, they attacked Bacrum. Denim seiged Heigm castle, and confronted his uncle. The Roslolians fled, leaving Branta defenseless from his nephew. Was killed shortly after.



Class: Berserker Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Savage Gargastan warrior who encountered Denim at the Gruborza Plains. Was killed in the ensuing battle.



Class: Sorceror Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Wanted to avenge Barbatos' death. Was killed by Denim in Swanzi.


Byan Rozen Ohwn

Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Earth Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 58
Birth: Gemeo, Day 3 P.Y. 194 (10/21)
Appears in: Episode 7
Former member of the Valeria Liberation Front. Was attacked by pirates, but was rescued by Forcas and Denim. Proceeded to rescue Sisteena from additional pirates. Joined Denim's battalion once they returned to Fort Bodo. After the war, set out with Forcas and Aloser to start an academy in Krizar.


Canopus Wolff
{the Wind Rider}

Class: Vultan Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 48
Birth: Trevas, Day 5 P.Y. 204 (8/11)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 7
The brother of Yulia, and best friend of Gilbert Obloin. Gilbert saved Canopus' life once, and Canopus returned the favor by convincing the Zenobian Revolution to spare Gilbert and allow him to join the Revolution. After the Zenobian Revolution, traveled to Valeria with Lans Hamilton to reclaim the stolen Brunhild. Was mistakenly attacked by Denim at Griate. Worked with him to free Duke Ronway from Amorika castle. When Denim became the leader of a Walsta knight battalion, Canopus decided to join it, doing so in the middle of a battle at Tanmas Hill. After reclaiming the Brunhild, traveled back to Zenobia with the sword and reported the events to King Tristan.


Claire Halmora

Class: Civilian Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: 15
Birth: Raio, Day 18 P.Y. 237 (12/24)
Appears in: Episode 7
Girl working at a church in Bacrum. She lost her parents due to the plague. She is taking care of Lans Hamilton, who is recovering from the after effects of torture received in Fiduc Castle.


Clear Sky

Class: Bahumut Sex: N/A
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Oxyones' dragons. Joined Denim's battalion.



Class: Bahumut Sex: N/A
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: N/A
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Oxyones' dragons. Joined Denim's battalion.



Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Earth Nationality: N/A
Organization: Bounty Hunter
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Bounty Hunter who wanted to kill Denim to use the 30,000 reward to save his daughter from illness. Was killed in battle at Griate.



Class: Bandit Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
A pirate of the Obello Ocean, and husband of Veldo. Was killed in battle against Denim.

CHAOS - Pirated Forcas' boat, capturing his comrades. Was killed by Denim and Forcas at Fort Kadoriga while rescuing Byan.

LAW - Tried to collect the bounty on Zapan Illudis, but was killed by Denim at Fort Kadoriga.




Debordes Obderhode

Class: Black Knight Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
The son of Nybbas, and the brother of Orias. Disagreed with Barbatos' policies and joined a radical Anti-Barbatos movement. He was caught and executed. Nybbas tried to revive him, but while able to bring back his body, he was unable to restore his soul. Was protecting his sister from the undead Guildus at Ashton when Denim's battalion showed up and saved them. Joined Denim's battalion afterwards. His memory is slowly returning.


Deneb Rhobe

Class: Witch Sex: Female
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Birth: Preta, Day 13 Year Unknown (10/13)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 TO tKoL
Zenobian witch who is obsessed with research. Sided with the Zeteginian Empire when they offered her access to their magic books. She invented the Pumpkinhead class via experimentation on young males and crops. After suffering defeat at the hands of the Zenobian Revolution, she joined the Revolution. Her traveling shop has been sighted on the islands of Valeria and Ovis. She joined forces with Denim Mown in Valeria after he became a frequent customer at her shop. Also took time off from her work to host Ogre Battle 64 Tutorial Mode. Her true age is unknown, as she keeps her appearance young with magic.

Other classes: Sorceress


Denim (Powell) Mown

Class: Lord Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Varies Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: 16
Appears in: Episode 7
The son of Plancy, and brother of Bersalia (Kachua). Witnessed the Griate Massacre, where his father was kidnapped by the Roslolian Dark Knights. Became a revolutionary, fighting for Walsta in the ethnic conflict on the island. Attacked Lans Hamilton and the Zenobians, mistaking them for Lans Tartare and the Dark Knights.

Other classes: Soldier



Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
LAW - Knight keeping Gargastan traitors prisoner in Brigantes Castle. Was killed when Denim liberated the Castle.

NEUTRAL - Knight who attacked Amorika Castle, seeking revenge on those who killed Barbatos. Was killed by Denim and Leonard.

CHAOS - Knight assigned to defend Brigantes Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.





Dolgare Valeria Overis

Class: Dark Element Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Varies Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 250
Appears in: Episode 7
The former king of Valeria. Birth father of Bersalia Overis (Kachua).

Other classes: King

Donald Presance
{Father Presance}

Class: Cleric Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 52
Birth: Oceano, Day 2 P.Y. 200 (9/1)
Appears in: Episode 7
A Walstanian priest. The orphanage he worked at was burnt to the ground by the Gargastans. Afterwards, he joined the Walsta Liberation Army to seek revenge on the Gargastans. Became a member of the Amorika Knight Battalion. Was saved by Denim at Krizar, and joined his battalion with Voltel, Felicia, and Sara.



Class: Cleric Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
Former member of the Valeria Liberation Front. When the front was decimated, stayed in hiding with other members including Selye, posing as pirates. When Denim went to investigate pirate activity at Fort Kadoriga, he met Erig, who led him to Selye. They both joined Denim's battalion.


Falfadet Resmoaria
{Poisoner Falfadet}

Class: Venefica Sex: Female
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Magician sent to Hellgate to look for the Drakonite Magic hidden there. Was killed by Denim's battalion on the first floor of Hellgate.



Class: Cleric Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
Member of the Amorika Knight Battalion. Was saved by Denim at Krizar, and joined his battalion with Sara, Voltel, and Presance.



Class: Gunner Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Gunner assigned to defend the Boulder Desert. Was killed by Denim and his battlion.



Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Walstanian knight who stumbled who ran into Denim at Zodo. Was killed in battle.



Class: Spirit Sex: N/A
Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 6 Episode 7 TO tKoL
The spirt of Ice, appears in the form of a wolf.



Class: Valkyrie Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
A member of the Amorika Knight Battalion. Thought Denim was a traitor until he saved her life at Kadoriga, when she was petrified by Botes. Joined Denim's battalion along with Tamazu and Kamos.


Forcas Lida Rhende

Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 24
Birth: Trueno, Day 11 P.Y. 228 (7/24)
Appears in: Episode 7
Former member of the Valeria Liberation Front. Was kidnapped by Gargastan forces led by Ganashe, thinking he was a member of Denim's battalion. Was rescued by Denim. Together, they saved his comrades Byan and Sisteena from pirates. Has feelings for Sisteena.



Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Wizard who fought Denim at Zodo Marsh. Sent a messenger to Barbatos to reveal Walsta's position. Was killed by Denim.



Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Knight who took Forcas captive, thinking he was one of Denim's soldiers. Was killed by Denim at Krizar.


Ganb Backstein
{Conceded Ganb}

Class: Beast Master Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 42
Birth: Oceano, Day 11 P.Y. 210 (9/10)
Appears in: Episode 7
Former member of the Gargastan Army Beast Division. The only friends he has are the beasts he takes care of.

Other classes: Beast Tamer



Class: Bandit Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Wind Nationality: N/A
Organization: Bounty Hunter
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Bounty hunter who attacked Denim at Ashton. Was killed in battle.



Class: Ninja Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Neo Walsta Liberation Alliance
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Member of the Neo Walsta Libration Alliance that was trying to recruit new members. Fought with Denim at the Gruborza Plains and died in battle.



Class: Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
A supervisor of Amorika.

阿尔摩利卡监督官,BAD END中,德尼姆登基前他被恐怖组织暗杀。


Class: Ninja Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Gargastan warrior who tried to kill Denim to collect his bounty. Was killed by Denim at Bordo.


Gilbert Oblion

Class: Beast Master Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 52
Birth: Deus, Day 19 P.Y. 200 (1/19)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7
The former governor of Sharom, and best friend of Canopus Wolff, whose life he saved once. When the Zeteginean Empire invaded Sharom, Gilbert gave up peacefully instead of fighting, and was allowed to retain his position as governor. Despite his intent to do what was best for Sharom, the people began to call him the empire's dog. When Canopus joined the Zenobian Revolution, they fought each other. Gilbert lost, but Destin allowed him to join the revolution after Canopus convinced him to hear out Gilbert's side of the story. Gilbert pledged his life to Destin, and after the revolution, headed with him to Palatinus. Participated in rebel activity, and helped form the Palatinean Revolution. Left the revolution when it was no longer about getting rid of Lodis. Found out about the Caliginous Order's plans at the Temple of Berthe. Alongside Destin, dueled with Richard and Baldwin, delaying them long enough for the Blue Knights to destroy the Temple. Joined the Blue Knights with Destin shortly after. After the Palatinean Revolution, traveled back to Zenobia to inform King Tristan of the current situation.

Other classes: Beast Tamer



Class: Spirit Sex: N/A
Ali: N Element: Earth Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 6 Episode 7 TO tKoL
The spirit of Earth.



Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Knight assigned to guard Heigm Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battlion.



Class: Black Knight Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Member of a Barbatos extermination squad. Tricked Jenounes into burning down his own allies' camp. Was killed by Jenounes at Coritani Castle.


Guildus Winzalf Burn

Class: White Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 32
Birth: Fogo, Day 4 P.Y. 220 (11/15)
Appears in: Episode 7
A Knight who served the Winzalf name. Knight of Zenobia who traveled to Valeria to retrieve the Brunhild.

Other classes: Death Knight


Haborym Van Rams

Class: Swordmaster Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Lodis
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 30
Birth: Raio, Day 9 P.Y. 222 (12/15)
Appears in: Episode 7
The son of Major Vogras, and younger brother of Balzepho. During the coup d'etat in Lodis, Balzehpo killed his father, and framed Haborym for the murder. He then took Haborym's eyes, and forced him into exile from Lodis. Since then, Haborym has been training his swordsmanship, hunting his brother so that one day he might have revenge. He tracked Balzepho down to Valeria, and joined Denim's battalion to extract revenge, using the name Van Dam to cover his connection to Balzepho. However, a rumor spread about a double agent in Denim's battalion, and Haborym confronted Denim to ease his concerns, explaining his past. When Valeria was liberated, Haborym thanked Denim for giving him the joy of accomplishment. Haborym told Denim he would be going to Lodis to continue tracking his brother, and promised Denim they would meet again.

C Route: Denim rescues Haborym from Mordiart at the Valhalla snow plain.

N Route: Haborym joins after Fort Kadoriga is liberated in chapter 3.

L Route: Denim rescues Haborym from Ozma at the city of Rime.




Class: Dragon Master Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Warrior assigned to defend Heigm Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Swordmaster Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Warrior of the Purple Holy Knights assigned to guard William City. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Black Knight Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Wind Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Knight assigned to guard the city of Rime. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Black Knight Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
CHAOS - Knight who was assigned to guard Coritani Castle. Was given a Sword of Firedrake by Duke Ronway. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.

LAW - Knight who was assigned to guard Amorika Castle. Was given a Sword of FIredrake by Duke Ronway. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Jenounes Apatizer

Class: Dragoon Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 30
Birth: Gemeo, Day 15 P.Y. 222 (11/2)
Appears in: Episode 7
A former member of Barbatos' extermination squads. Was tricked into killing off his fellow Dragoons by Guacharo. Afterwards, joined the anti-Gargastan movment. Was held prisoner at Brigantes Castle. Joined Denim's battalion after the castle was liberated.


Judah Ronway

Class: Vanity Sex: Male
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age of Death: 52
Birth: Trevas, Day 14 P.Y. 200 (8/20)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
The leader of the Walsta Liberation Army.


Kachua Mown

Class: Infant Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: 1
Death: P.Y. 227
Appears in: Episode 7
Daughter of Plancy and sister to Denim. Died in her infancy and her identity was assumed by Bersalia Overis.



Class: Ninja Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
Gargastan warrior who wanted to fight on the front lines in Swanzi, but was instead assigned to deliver supplies to Brigantes Castle. Was killed by Denim while making the delivery.



Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
A member of the Amorika Knight Battalion. Denim saved his life at Kadoriga, when he was petrified by Botes. Joined Denim's battalion along with Tamazu and Festa.



Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Wizard assigned to defend Brigantes Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.


Lans Hamilton

Class: Paladin Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 40
Birth: Gemeo, Day 6 P.Y. 212 (10/24)
Appears in: Episode 5 Episode 7
Born in Valna, Sharom.

Other classes: Knight


Lans Tartare
{Alphonse Tartare}

Class: Death Templar Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Lodis
Organization: Roslolians
Age: 39
Birth: Tierra, Day 22 P.Y. 213 (2/15)
Appears in: Episode 7 TO tKoL
The Death Templar of the Roslolian Order. Stole the Brunhild from Zenobia, and lost his eye in a duel with Lans Hamilton. Traveled to Valeria as part of a deal made between Pope Saldian and Cardinal Branta, in which Lans would help Branta become the ruler of Valeria. At the request of Branta, commanded the Griate Massacre, and kidnapped Branta's brother Plancy during the confusion. Branta wanted to advance further, but Tartare refused. His purpose was not to help Branta take Valeria, but to find the Ultimate Power. To do this he needed to unlock the seal to King Dolgare's grave. Lans found out from interrogating Plancy that Kachua was the daughter of King Dolgare. Lans personally informed Kachua that she was the heir to the throne. Branta tried to have Lans assassinated during a meeting with Duke Ronway, but he escaped harm thanks to the efforts of Oz and Ozma. When Denim attacked Fiduc Castle, Lans fled with Kachua to Heigm, and Lans put Kachua on the throne. Weeks later, after briefly talking to his rival Lans Hamilton, Lans Tartare went to Banisha Castle with Kachua as Lans began preperations to break the seal on Dolgare's grave at the Eden Tower. Denim stormed the castle and reclaimed his sister, forcing Tartare to flee to Heigm again. Lans decided it was time to return to Lodis, and informed Branta of his decision. Before he could leave, Lans was betrayed by Barbas, Martym, and Andoras. Barbas had found out that Tartare had secretly kept the Brunhild from his men, and that they could have used it to unlock the seal from the moment they arrived. Lans, Balzepho, and Volac were detained, but they were able to escape capture by Denim's forces. Tartare, Balzepho, and Volac were last seen on a ship headed to Lodis.



Class: Black Knight Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Knight assigned to guard Heigm Castle. Wields a Flame Flail. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.


Leonard Leci Limon

Class: Superior Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age of Death: 27
Birth: Fogo, Day 12 P.Y. 225 (11/23)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
The right hand man of Duke Ronway. Was following Nybbas, but was attacked by his servant Morboda. Was saved by Denim. Led the Baramus Massacre, in order to raise Walstanian morale.

Other classes: Death Knight



Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Knight assigned to guard Bordo. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.



Class: Indistinct Sex: Female
Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 234
Appears in: Episode 7
The birth mother of Bersalia Overis. Was Queen Bernata's servant. Had an affair with King Dolgare, and became pregnant with his child. Left the castle to give birth, and died during childbirth.


Martym Nowmas

Class: Temple Command Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Water Nationality: Lodis
Organization: Roslolians
Age of Death: 35
Birth: Oceano, Day 20 P.Y. 217 (9/19)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Dark Knight who took part in the Griate Massacre, and the Invasion of Rime. Wields a Nephrite Sword. Dueled with Guildius at Rime, defeating him. Also wanted to acquire firearms from Grimby City, and when he found out they were stole, tried to kill Rendal. Was stopped by Denim, and escaped. Conspired with Barbas against Lans Tartare, and when the time was right, betrayed him, and stole the Brunhild. Used it to break the seal on Eden's Chaos Gate, but was slain by Denim. Wielded a Nephrite Sword.

[color=blue]参与过格利亚特屠杀、莱姆侵攻战的暗黑骑士之一,佩剑Nephrite,人称“披着羊皮的狐狸”。莱姆一战,他在一对一决斗中打败过基尔达斯。 此外在格尔姆比镇马尔提姆率部监督打捞火枪的作业期间,他下令处死被发现私藏失踪枪支的伦德尔,被德尼姆军阻止后逃走。他和巴尔巴斯密谋了对兰斯洛特·塔尔塔洛斯的不利,当时机成熟时,他背叛了兰斯,并夺走了圣剑普留希尔顿。在空中庭院地下圣剑破除了混沌之门的封印,但自己还是被赶来的德尼姆打倒。


Class: Swordmaster Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Warrior assigned to guard Fiduc Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.


Mildain Walhorn

Class: White Knight Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Zenobia
Organization: New Zenobian Kingdom
Age: 29
Birth: Ouro, Day 9 P.Y. 223 (6/3)
Appears in: Episode 7
Knight of Zenobia who traveled to Valeria to retrieve the Brunhild.



Class: Sorceror Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
LAW - Sorceror assigned to guard Amorika Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.

CHAOS - Sorceror who was trying to hunt down Haborym, but was killed by Denim and his battalion.




Class: Witch Sex: Female
Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Nybbas' assistants. Her unit attacked Leonard's battalion at Krizar and tried to turn them into the undead, but was killed by Denim and the Walsta Liberation Army at Krizar.


Moruba Foriner

Class: High Priest Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age: 59
Birth: Sombra, Day 14 P.Y. 193 (3/27)
Appears in: Episode 7
Father of Olivia, Selye, Shelley, and Sisteena.



Class: Summoner Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Summoner enraged at Denim for killing Barbatos. Was killed by Denim at Bordo.



Class: Cleric Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Tried to stop the Walsta Liberation Army from taking over Ashton. Died in battle.


Nybbas Obderhode

Class: Lich Sex: Male
Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: 50
Birth: Trueno, Day 20 P.Y. 202 (8/2)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
The Father of Orias and Debordes. A Necromancer of Gargastan.

Other classes: Necromancer



Class: Griffin Sex: N/A
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: N/A
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Ganb's beasts.


Obda Jr.

Class: Griffin Sex: N/A
Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Indistinct
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
One of Ganb's beasts. Joined the Walsta Liberation Army with Ganb.


Olivia Foriner
{Water Olivia}

Class: Shaman Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 16
Birth: Branca, Day 14 P.Y. 236 (4/20)
Appears in: Episode 7
The daughter of Moruba, and sister to Sisteena, Selye, and Shelley, and former leader of the Filaha Order.

Other classes: Priest



Class: Hawkman Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
LAW - Hawkman assigned to defend Coritani Castle. Was killed by Denim and his battalion. (element = wind)

NEUTRAL - Held Haborym captive in Griate, thinking he was a Walstanian spy. Was killed by Denim and his battalion. (element = wind)

CHAOS - Assigned to defend Brigantes Castle. Wanted to avenge Zildor's death, but was killed by Denim and his battalion. (element = fire)




Orias Obderhode

Class: Priest Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 18
Birth: Gemeo, Day 19 P.Y. 234 (11/6)
Appears in: Episode 7
The daughter of Nybbas, and sister of Debordes.



Class: Wizard Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Gargastan Kingdom
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Wizard assigned to guard Tanmas Hill. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.


Oxyones Lavin

Class: Dragon Master Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Gargastan
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: 15
Birth: Deus, Day 3 P.Y. 237 (1/3)
Appears in: Episode 7


Oz Mow Gracious

Class: Temple Command Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Lodis
Organization: Roslolians
Age of Death: 27
Birth: Sombra, Day 1 P.Y. 225 (3/14)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
The twin brother of Ozma. Was assigned to destroy the Valeria Liberation Front, which had rescued Plancy.


Ozma Mow Gracious

Class: Temple Command Sex: Female
Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Lodis
Organization: Roslolians
Age of Death: 27
Birth: Sombra, Day 1 P.Y. 225 (3/14)
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
The twin sister of Oz. Was assigned to destroy the Valeria Liberation Front, which had rescued Plancy.



Class: Dragoon Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Bacrum Valeria
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
Warrior assigned to guard Lanbees Hill. Wears Faerie Armor. Was killed by Denim and his battalion on their way to Banisha.



Class: Knight Sex: Male
Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Walsta
Organization: Walsta Liberation Army
Age: Unknown
Appears in: Episode 7
Former member of the Neo Walsta Libration Alliance. Joined the Walsta Liberation Army when the two forces made an alliance. Served as a decoy at Swanzi, while Denim's battalion attacked Cardinal Barbatos from the rear at Brigantes. Was captured by Zaebos, but freed when Denim killed him. Joined Denim's battalion with Apsala and Beilev.


Plancy (Powell) Mown

Class: High Priest Sex: Male
Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Bacrum
Organization: Unaffiliated
Age of Death: Unknown
Death: P.Y. 252
Appears in: Episode 7
The brother of Branta, father of Denim and Kachua, and adoptive father of Bersalia Overis. When Kachua died, Branta brought him the daughter of King Dolgare and Manafloa, which was to be named Bersalia. Branta suggested that Plancy raise Bersalia as Kachua, since Bersalia had to be kept a secret or it would ruin King Dolgare's reputation. When the King died of illness, Plancy did not tell anyone about Bersalia, because he loved her too much. As a result of the lack of a heir, Valeria was thrown into political chaos. Sixteen years later, he was kidnapped by the Roslolians in the Griate Massacre, because Lans Tartare thought he would have information on the whereabouts of Manafloa. Was rescued by the Valeria Liberation Front, but was again kidnapped by Lodis

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