级别: 论坛技术
编号: 71
精华: 55
发帖: 15659
威望: 44 点
配偶: 桂木弥生
火 花 币: 89383 HHB
翻译帖-TO tKoL(GBA外传)
Aerial Class: Mermaid Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Ovis Mermaid Age: Unknown Birth: Branca, Day 2 Year Unknown (4/8) Appears in: TO tKoL The strongest mermaid in Ovis and sister of Minerva. Aerial defended Rana, the sacred domain of the mermaids from Alphonse but was defeated by him. She joined him on his quest for the Sacred Spear, Longiculnus, after she learned that he had saved Minerva from the Order of the Sacred Flame. Became the leader of the Ovis mermaids after Chloeri passed on. Has learned to trust humans. Estimated to be between 100 and 400 years old. 奥维斯岛人鱼族中最优秀的战士,Minerva的胞姐。在人鱼族圣地Rana她被侵入的阿尔丰斯打败,但当她确知阿尔丰斯曾从圣炎骑士团手中救下了Minerva后,他们便一同踏上了寻回圣枪隆基努斯的旅途。Chloeri逝世后她接任奥维斯人鱼族领袖的职位。在和阿尔丰斯等人的征程中她学会了信任人类。据估计她的年龄大约在100至400岁之间。 Allen Class: Civilian Sex: Male Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL One of three bullies in Sotavento who harassed Eleanor when she was younger. Allen threw rocks at Eleanor after witnessing the death of his friend, Merrick.
Allos Class: Soldier Sex: Male Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL A Mercenary hired to assist Lodis in the conflict between Anser and Rananculus. 一名佣兵,受雇在Anser和Rananculus的对抗中为罗迪斯谋利。 Alphonse Loeher {Alphonse Tartare} Class: Soldier Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Varies Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age: 38 Appears in: TO tKoL An 18 year old Knight of Lodis. Was introduced to the military academy at 12, and became a Knight at 14. His father was an aristocrat. Loeher is his mother's family name. A new recruit of the Brigade of Radiant Cross, who questions Lodis' imperialist policy. His battalion, the Order of the Sacred Flame (aka the Knights of Felis), is attacked by bandits after arriving on Ovis at the Lutra Islands. Was separated from his comrades Rictor and Orson, and was rescued by Eleanor after washing up ashore. Rejoined his comrades at Scallenbrum. While investigating the White Fang's activities, was captured by Nichart at Formido Fortress and tortured. Was rescued by Cybil. Went to try and obtain information from the Mermaids in western Ovis. Learned the story of the Sacred Spear, Longiculnus from Chloeri. Realized that Eleanor knew the location of Berevra, the mermaid last seen with Longiculnus. Returned to Solea just in time to rescue her from White Fang troops. Proceeded to Aquila to find out the location of the Sacred Spear from Berevra. Was confronted at the volcano by Rictor, who proceeded to attack Alphonse and Eleanor. They dived into the ocean, and met Berevra in her cavern. She told them she had hidden the Spear close to Sotavento. Alphonse set off for Sotavento, but found the spear missing when arriving at the hiding spot. Traveled to Ostorea Castle to find out the answers from Rictor. On the way, was encountered by former comrade Orson at the Haena plains. They engaged in battle, and Orson met his doom. Upon siezing Ostorea, encountered another rival, Nichart. He too, met his end. When arriving in the throne room, Alphonse battled it out with Rictor. Rictor became possessed by Shaher, and was forced to battle Alphonse to the death. Narris appeared, stole the shard of Longiculnis from Rictor, and left with Shaher's spirit. Alphonse followed in pursuit and encountered the twin wizards Lethe and Cirvante. When they were defeated, they turned into Dark Angels and escaped. Alphonse caught up to Narris at Charadius Lake, and they engaged in battle. Narris lost, and Alphonse retrieved Longiculnis from him. Together, he and Eleanor entered Angel's Headstone. After battling their way to the top of the chamber, met Shaher and engaged him in battle. When Shaher realized he could not win, he completed his fall and turned into the Sacred Demon. Alphonse used Longiculnis to break through Shaher's barrier, and defeated Shaher. After the battle, Eleanor became one with Shaher and ascended to heaven, and Alphonse was forced to escape a crumbling Angel's Headstone. Lodis sent soldiers to arrest Alphonse for the death of Rictor, but he escaped Ovis with Cybil and Shiven. Cybil introduced him to Pope Saldian, and Alphonse became a member of the Hand of the Pope. For his actions and for retrieving the spear Longiculnis, Alphonse was awarded the honorary name of Lans (Lancelot) by the Pope. Alphonse also decided to go by his father's last name again, which was Tartare. Wields the Anbicion sword that he recieved from Shaher. 十八岁的罗迪斯骑士。十二岁时他就被介绍到军校学习,十四岁正式成为一名骑士。其父为贵族,雷艾尔则是他母亲一族的姓氏。A new recruit of the Brigade of Radiant Cross, who questions Lodis' imperialist policy. [color=red](根据上下文奴家尚难以理解这句话的含义,暂且略过)他所属的圣炎骑士团(又称费利斯骑士团)部队甫至奥维斯的Lutra岛时即遭匪徒袭击,战斗中阿尔丰斯和队友雷克托尔、奥森等人失散,是艾伦诺亚从海滩上救了他的性命,不久后在Scallenbrum和同伴会合。
Atropos Class: Spirit Sex: N/A Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: N/A Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Berevra Class: Nixie Sex: Female Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Ovis Mermaid Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Mermaid with Golden scales. Sister of Chloeri. 400 years ago, gave the Sacred Spear to the man that she loved, costing the mermaids the war. 拥有黄金圣鳞的人鱼,Chloeri的姐姐。400年前她把圣枪交予了自己所爱的男人,致使人鱼族被卷入了一场战争。 Bernard Lasanti Class: Vanity Sex: Male Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL The Duke of Felis, and father of Rictor. When he retires, he hopes to maintain rule through his son. Sent Rictor to Ovis to find the Sacred Spear, Longiculnis. After finding out about Rictor's death, tried to have Alphonse arrested. Instead, Alphonse brought Bernard's plot to light, and Felis was punished for it's actions. 费利斯领主,雷克托尔之父。引退后他将延续家族传统的大业传予了儿子,他送雷克托尔前往奥维斯寻找圣枪隆基努斯。当他获悉儿子的死讯后,便命人逮捕阿尔丰斯。但结果反而是阿尔丰斯揭穿了他的密谋,费利斯地区为其领主的行为受到了惩处。
Byron Class: Swordmaster Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Boss of the Batraal Chronology.
Batraal Chronology地区敌酋。 Calais Class: Ninja Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Boss of the Numida Chronology Quest Battle. Wielded a Yu-giri.
Numida Chronology探索模式战斗中的敌首领,挥舞着水属性刀Yu-giri。
Cassani Class: Knight Sex: Male Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 228 Appears in: TO tKoL Along with Damiel and Lendanto, was ordered to find a Mermaid by Rictor. Captured Minerva, but was killed by Alphonse and Ivanna at the Arena coast.
和Damiel、Lendanto一伙,在雷克托尔的授意下搜寻人鱼族的领地。他们在Arena海滩劫持了Minerva,但死于来到此处的阿尔丰斯和依南娜之手。 Celena Batraal Class: Civilian Sex: Female Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Woman that had a child with Lucius Batraal. 和Lucius Bartraal生下了一个孩子的女人。
Chloeri Class: Nixie Sex: Female Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Ovis Mermaid Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Sister of Berevra. Leader of the Mermaids on the Ovis side of the Obello Ocean. Fought in the Human/Mermaid war 400 years ago, wielding the Sacred Spear. Informed Alphonse of what took place during the war. Asked him to tell Berevra that the mermaids were no longer angry with her. Berevra's spirt appeared before her, and Chloeri's soul left her body to join her in the afterlife. Bererva的妹妹,奥维斯岛周边奥贝罗海域上的人鱼族长,400年前曾舞动着圣枪参与了人类和人鱼族的斗争。她向阿尔丰斯讲述了那场战争中发生的许多事,希望他转告Berevra人鱼们已经不再记恨于当年她将圣枪交予外人的行为。奥维斯岛的风波平息后,Berevar的意识浮现在她的眼前,Chloeri的灵魂在感召下脱离了肉身,和她一起升上了天堂。 Cirvante Class: Dark Angel Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Earth Nationality: Heaven Organization: Fallen Angel Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 228 Appears in: TO tKoL Twin Brother of Lethe. A Wizard in the service of Naris.
Other classes: Venefic 双子术士之一,纳里斯属下的法师。 Clotho Class: Spirit Sex: N/A Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: N/A Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Cressida Class: Archer Sex: Female Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL An Archer of the White Fang troops. Her parents were killed during the Reformation in Ovis. Seeks revenge on Lodis. Was killed in battle against Alphonse and Ivanna at Vespa Hill. 白牙骑士团所属弓使,她的父母在奥维斯当年的内乱中被杀,因此一直在寻找机会向罗迪斯人复仇。在Vespa山丘的战斗中被阿尔丰斯和依南娜打倒。 Cybil Alinda Class: Sorceress Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Lodis Organization: Hand of the Pope Age: 42 Appears in: TO tKoL Cybil is a member of the Hand of the Pope. She has the Mark of the Pope on her hand. A war orphan sent to Galius at the age of 6. She was educated in the Hand's teachings. She has dedicated her live to serving the church and is working in secrecy to restore the authority of the Pope. Her mission in Ovis is to find the Sacred Spear, Longinculus, that was used by the mermaids in their war against the humans 400 years prior. Along with her partner Shiven, Cybil rescued Alphonse from the dungeon in Formido Fortress, and had him dig up information on the spear from the mermaids themselves. Eventually joined Alphonse after they conquered Ostorea Castle. After the Ovis incident, Cybil leaves Ovis with Alphonse and Shiven. Cybil leaves the Hand of the Pope, and Shiven decides to follow her. She is secretly Eleanor's older sister. 罗迪斯教皇的心腹,手握许多有关教皇的机密。她六岁时以一个孤儿的身份被送到了罗迪斯神都Galius,常年接受宗教方面的教育,后献身于教会事务,同时她为巩固教皇的实权而进行了大量地下工作。她和随从希翁前往奥维斯的任务是找回四百年前人鱼族用以对抗人类的圣枪隆基努斯。在Formido城堡地牢茜碧拉救出了被困的阿尔丰斯,指示他从人鱼族处深查有关圣枪下落的消息。阿尔丰斯攻陷Ostorea城后茜碧拉正式加入了他的队伍。
有一个不为人知的事实是她其实就是艾伦诺亚的姐姐。 Damiel Class: Cleric Sex: Male Ali: N Element: Earth Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 228 Appears in: TO tKoL Along with Cassini and Lendanto, was ordered to find a Mermaid by Rictor. Captured Minerva, but was killed by Alphonse and Ivanna at the Arena coast. 和Cassini、Lendanto一伙,在雷克托尔的授意下寻找人鱼族的领地。他们在Arena海滩劫持了Minerva,但被来到此处的阿尔丰斯和依南娜杀死。 Deneb Rhobe 〔Ep5中已译〕
Dimitri Class: Civilian Sex: Male Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL One of three bullies in Sotavento who harassed Eleanor when she was young. He lured Eleanor out in the middle of the night, which consequently led to the death of his friend, Merrick. 艾伦诺亚小时住在Sotavento时一个经常欺负她的地痞。在目睹自己的朋友Merrick之死后他经常向艾伦诺亚投掷石块。那是在一个午夜,他把艾伦诺亚诱骗到野外,结果正是这件事直接导致了他朋友Merrick的死。 Dionyde Class: Priest Sex: Female Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Treasure hunter at the Batraal Chronology. Uses a Saint's Shield, Southern Cross, Holy Crown, and Firecrest. 驻扎在Batraal Chronology的资深猎户。携有圣盾、SouthernCross、圣之王冠以及火焰之冠。 Eleanor Olato Class: Soldier Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: 36 Birth: Sombra, Day 7 P.Y. 216 (3/20) Appears in: TO tKoL Girl who found Alphonse washed up unconcious on the bay of Solea. Brought him to the church and nursed him back to health. 在Solea海滩上发现了因溺水而昏迷的阿尔丰斯的少女。她把他安置到了一所教会悉心照料他直到康复。 Elrik Class: Summoner Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL The father of Euphaire. Fought Alphonse at the town of Belleza. Euphaire之父,在Belleza镇和阿尔丰斯起过冲突。 Euphaire Class: Shaman Sex: Female Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: 35 Birth: Ouro, Day 11 P.Y. 217 (6/29) Appears in: TO tKoL The daughter of Elrik. Fought Alphonse at the town of Brete. It was later found that she was possessed by her mother's soul. Her mother was killed by bandits that attacked Brete after Lodis left. Elrik called her soul back with a spell, and she possessed Euphaire's body. Joins Alphonse so she can tell her father that the undead are not meant to share the same body as the living. 看上去是艾里克的女儿。她在Brete的一处村庄与阿尔丰斯交手过,不久以后人们发现她的肉体其实是由其母的灵魂所占据(她母亲过去死在一伙攻击村庄的土匪刀下,当时罗迪斯军才刚刚离去)。艾里克借助一种魔法唤回了她的灵魂,将其移植到女儿Euphaire的体内。她加入了阿尔丰斯的队伍,但这只是为了告诉父亲尽管自己拥有不死的魂灵,然而那终归不能意味着共享一个肉身的生存能唤来幸福。 Flauros Class: Soldier Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Earth Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL A Mercenary hired to assist Lodis in the conflict between Anser and Rananculus. 一名佣兵,受雇在Anser和Rananculus的对抗中为罗迪斯谋利。
Glycinia Class: Fairy Sex: Female Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Fairy rescued from monsters by Alphonse. Twin sister of Lubina. Was searching for her sister, who ran away from Fairy forest. Joined Alphonse, and eventually found her at Mount Graculla, disguised as a Gremlin. 阿尔丰斯从魔兽爪下救出的小妖精,和露比娜是孪生姐妹。自从露比娜溜出精灵森林后她就踏上了寻亲的旅程。她和阿尔丰斯成为了伙伴,最后在Graculla山发现了正伪装成一个Gremlin的姐姐。 Grevis Class: Siren Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL A former friend of Alphonse. Battled Alphonse at the Naja Forest, and died in battle. 阿尔丰斯曾经的朋友,在Naja森林二人反目为战,她死于混斗中。 Grimal Class: Knight Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Knight who defended Formido Fortress from Alphonse. Was killed in battle. 守卫Formido要塞的骑士,阵亡于和阿尔丰斯的战斗中。 Ivanna Batraal Class: Knight Sex: Female Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: 47 Birth: Deus, Day 9 P.Y. 205 (1/9) Appears in: TO tKoL The daughter of William Batraal, older sister of Malicia, and niece of Naris. With the help of her sword instructor, Margret, Ivanna left Ostorea in the year 222, because she suspected Naris of murdering her father. In 232, she met Alphonse, at the church in Solea, and they joined up to stop Naris. They traveled to Ostorea Castle, searching for the Sacred Spear, Longicolnis. Naris revealed to Ivanna that he did indeed kill her father. 威廉·巴特拉尔的女儿,Malicia的姐姐,纳里斯的侄女。222年,她在自己的剑术教师马格瑞特的帮助下逃离了Ostorea城,她怀疑纳里斯是杀害了父亲的凶手。232年,她在Solea教会遇到了阿尔丰斯,为了纳里斯的缘故她加入了阿尔丰斯的队伍。随后他们一同向Ostorea城进发,去搜寻圣枪隆基努斯,也就是在那里纳里斯向依南娜亲口承认了自己曾暗杀她父亲的事实。
Judecca Class: Angel Knight Sex: Female Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: Heaven Organization: Fallen Angel Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Angel who wanted to resurrect Shaher. Was killed by Alphonse in the Garden of Memories. 致力于让贾哈尔苏醒的堕落天使,在追忆的庭园被阿尔丰斯杀死。 Justin Class: Knight Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Member of Rictor's forces. Assisted him when they were ambushed at the Lutra Islands. Died in battle against Alphonse at Ostorea Castle.
Other classes: Soldier 雷克托尔属部的一员。在Lutra岛他和战友鼎力抗衡伏击他们的敌人,最后在Ostorea城死于阿尔丰斯之手。
Kamui Class: Ninja Sex: Male Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL A Mercenary hired to assist Lodis in the conflict between Anser and Rananculus. 受雇在Anser和Rananculus的对抗中为罗迪斯谋利的雇佣兵。 Karcist Class: Dragoon Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Was ordered to capture Eleanor at Solea, but was stopped by Alphonse and killed. Wielded a Fafnir. 受命前往Solea抓捕艾伦诺亚,被阿尔丰斯截杀。 Khiel Class: Valkyrie Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Boss of the Epic of Tinea. Wields an Earth Javelin. Epic of Tinea的军队首领,手持大地长枪。 Khodar Class: Duke Knight Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL A Knight of Rananculus. Battled Alphonse at the Haena Plains, and was killed in battle. Wielded a Gram sword. Rananculus骑士。在Haena平原与阿尔丰斯交战,死于阵仗中,身佩Gram之剑。 Kleudde Hamen Class: Priest Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Priest at the church in Solea, and foster father of Eleanor. Solea教会神甫,艾伦诺亚的养父。
Lachesis Class: Spirit Sex: N/A Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: N/A Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL
Lans Tartare {Alphonse Tartare} 〔Ep7中已译〕 Lara Class: Knight Sex: Female Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Member of Rictor's forces. Assisted him when they were attacked at the Lutra Islands. Died in battle against Alphonse at Ostorea Castle.
Other classes: Soldier 雷克托尔的手下,在Lutra岛协助他与突袭而来的敌人作战,后在Ostorea城被阿尔丰斯的部队打倒。
Lendanto Class: Bandit Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Wind Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Along with Damiel and Cassini, was ordered to find a Mermaid by Rictor. Captured Minerva, but was killed by Alphonse and Ivanna at the Arena coast. 和Dami、Cassini一伙,在雷克托尔的授意下寻找人鱼族的领地。他们在Arena海滩劫持了Minerva,但却被阿尔丰斯和依南娜所杀。
Lethe Class: Dark Angel Sex: Female Ali: C Element: Wind Nationality: Heaven Organization: Fallen Angel Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Twin sister of Cirvante. A Wizard in the service of Naris.
Other classes: Venefica 双子术士中Cirvante的姐姐,纳里斯手下的法师。 Lobelia Class: Angel Knight Sex: Female Ali: L Element: Virtue Nationality: Heaven Organization: Heaven Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL A messenger from God. Asked Alphonse if she could assist him in any way. Alphonse said there was, so Lobelia joined him. 神的使徒。她向阿尔丰斯提出自己可以给予他所需的帮助,并加入了他的队伍。 Lubina Class: Fairy Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Birth: Oceano, Day 21 Year Unknown (9/23) Appears in: TO tKoL Sister of Glycina. Left the forest because it was boring. Was found by Glycinia at Mount Graculla, and joined Alphonse's battalion.
Other classes: Gremlin 克莉茜娜的姐姐。因为对精灵之森的生活感到乏味而离开了那里。后来在Graculla山她和克蕾茜娜重逢,随即加入了阿尔丰斯的阵营。 Lucius Batraal Class: Indistinct Sex: Male Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Man that Berevra fell in love with. She gave him the Sacred Spear, Longicolnis, so that the mermaids would not be able to use it against him in battle. Lucius was looked down on by others in his family because he ran away from that battle. Lucius had a child with a woman named Celena, and when their child became the 4th Lord of Rananculus, the child wrote documents on the Sacred Spear and how it was stolen, which were passed down to each successor.
Malicia Batraal Class: Civilian Sex: Female Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL The daughter of William and younger sister of Ivanna. Doctors projected she would not live long, and she died of illness at the age of 13. Before that, she was a childhood friend of Rictor's. Shaher took her form and manipulated Rictor so Shaher could find the location of the Sacred Spear, Longicolnis.
威廉之女,依南娜的妹妹。自幼体弱,医生们都指出她活不长久,结果十三岁时便夭亡。生前她还是雷克托尔的童年玩伴。贾哈尔借助她的形貌迷惑了雷克托尔,通过这个途径获悉了圣枪隆基努斯确切的所在。 Margret Class: Swordmaster Sex: Female Ali: Indistinct Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Ivanna's sword instructor. Helped her escape Ostorea Castle 10 years ago. Battled with Ivanna when she returned to siege Ostorea. Died in battle, bestowing Ivanna with the sword Notos and her Atropos skill. 依南娜的剑术教师,十年前曾帮助她逃出了Ostorea城。当依南娜回到家乡,派兵围攻城池时他出兵与依南娜决战,在战死时,他将自己的佩剑Notus和Atropos技能传授给了她。 Merrick Class: Civilian Sex: Male Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL One of three bullies in Sotavento who harassed Eleanor when she was young. He attempted to take Eleanor's Pearl Necklace and was killed by its light.
Minerva Class: Mermaid Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Ovis Mermaid Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Sister to Aerial. Was attacked by the Order of the Sacred Flame at the Arena Coast, but was saved by Alphonse. She fled, and Aerial thought that Alphonse was the one who inflicted injury upon her. Aerial的姐妹。在Arena海滩遭到圣炎骑士团攻击,蒙阿尔丰斯救助得以逃离。只是不明就里的Aerial却以为是阿尔丰斯伤害了她。 Mullin Class: Wizard Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Attacked Alphonse and Ivanna at Scabellum. Was killed when Rictor and Orson arrived to rescue them. 在Scabellum袭击阿尔丰斯和依南娜的白牙骑士团成员,被赶来援助的雷克托尔和奥森击杀。 Mycale Class: Lich Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: N/A Organization: Fallen Angel Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL A servant of Shaher. Destroyed the entrance to Angel's Headstone, so Alphonse could not retreat. Summoned undead to fight Alphonse, but died in battle. 贾哈尔的仆人,他破坏了通往天使墓碑的栈道使得阿尔丰斯无路可退,随后召唤出一批不死生物向他攻击,但被打倒。 Naris Batraal Class: General Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Flame Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Lord of Rananculus. The brother of William, and uncle of Ivanna and Malicia. Under William's rule, was the Head Knight of the White Fang troops. Killed his brother in the year 217 so he could become the new leader. Shaher appeared to him in a dream, and he began to search for the sacred spear, Longicolnis. Was sent the twin wizards Cirvante and Lethe to assist him. Narris stole Longiconis from the dying Rictor, and fled Ostorea Castle so he could free Shaher. He was defeated by Alphonse and his niece Ivanna at Lake Charidius. Wielded a Brionac. 现Rananculus领主,威廉的胞弟,依南娜和Malicia的舅舅。威廉在任时他是白牙骑士团的骑士统帅,217年反叛弑主,从而成为新的掌权人。贾哈尔曾托梦于他,使他在那之后开始不懈地追寻圣枪隆基努斯的位置,同时贾哈尔也安排了双子术士Cirvante和Lethe为其效力。雷克托尔死后纳里斯从其手中夺走了圣枪,旋即退出Ostorea城着手准备解放贾哈尔的事宜。最后在Charidius湖被阿尔丰斯和依南娜打倒。佩剑Brionac。 Nichart Briffaut Class: Esquire Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL The right hand man of Naris. Captured Alphonse at Formido Fortress and tortured him for information. Later, he battled Alphonse at Sotavento and lost, but escaped defeat. Challenged Alphonse again at Ostorea Castle, and was killed in battle. 纳里斯的心腹,在Formido要塞曾囚禁阿尔丰斯并向其实施拷问以求获得一些情报。后来他在Sotavento与阿尔丰斯交战,战败后逃离。在Ostorea城他再次率部向阿尔丰斯挑战,但这次的结局是他死在了阵仗中。 Ollen Class: Valkyrie Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL A valkyrie in the service of Elrik. 侍从于艾里克身边的女战士。 Orson Lamies Class: Archer Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Wind Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: 57 Birth: Deus, Day 20 P.Y. 175 (1/20) Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Traveled to Ovis with Rictor and Alphonse. Followed Rictor to Ostorea Castle. Dueled his former comrade Alphonse at Haena, and died in battle. 和雷克托尔与阿尔丰斯一同来到奥维斯,他跟随雷克托尔一直到Ostorea城。在Haena平原他和已是敌人的旧战友阿尔丰斯展开了决斗,阵亡。 Pumpky Class: Pumpkinhead Sex: N/A Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Indistinct Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL One of Deneb's Pumpkinheads. Runs her secret shop in Scabellum, and also hosts the TO:KoL Tutorial. 丹妮芙豢养的南瓜人之一,在Scabellum经营女主人的秘密商店,另外它也作为本作训练模式的主管形象登场。 Rahouart Class: Demon Sex: N/A Ali: L Element: Virtue Nationality: Netherworld Organization: Netherworld Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Demon awaiting the Fallen Angel Shaher's revival. Was killed in battle at the Hall of Corruption by Alphonse. 守候堕天使贾哈尔直到它苏醒的恶魔,在腐朽圣堂与阿尔丰斯的战斗中死亡。 Rictor Lasanti Class: High Priest Sex: Male Ali: L Element: Earth Nationality: Lodis Organization: Order of the Sacred Flame Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Son of Bernard, the Duke of Felis. Traveled to Ovis with Alphonse and Orson at the order of his father to investigate what the White Fang troops are doing. A member of the Order of the Sacred Flame. 费利斯领主Bernard之子。在父亲的授意下他和阿尔丰斯、奥森等人来到奥维斯岛调查白牙骑士团的动向。他也是圣炎骑士团的一员。 Rimmon Class: Ogre Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: Ovis Organization: Netherworld Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Rimmon lost his sister to a rare illness. He cursed God for not showing mercy and blamed himself for not being able to save his sister. Villagers felt sorry for him, but eventually became frightened. Rimmon had forsaken his work and shut himself in his home, still cursing God. He went insane. Ran screaming from his house and started killing villagers like a bloodthirsty demon. A priest who happened to be passing by was able to seal Rimmon in Rebanada Cave. Now a servant of evil, a creature without a soul. Was put out of his misery by Alphonse. 利蒙的姐姐早年死于一种罕见的疾病,为此他不断诅咒神的寡仁,埋怨自己没有能力救回姐姐的性命。村民们对这场悲剧表示遗憾,但后来却渐渐得转变为忧惧。利蒙荒废了自己的工作,整日把自己锁在家中,无休止地对神发表咒骂。他渐渐地陷入了歇斯底里般的疯狂,经常有人能听到从他的房里传出尖利的扯叫,而且,他甚至开始像嗜血的恶魔一样屠杀村民,直到一名正巧路过那个村庄的祭司将他封禁在Rebanada古穴里。如今他已经变成了一个邪恶的仆从,一个没有理性的怪物,最终在阿尔丰斯的刀下得了大解脱。
Saia Class: Lesser Daemon Sex: N/A Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: Netherworld Organization: Netherworld Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Shaher Class: Sacred Demon Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Bane Nationality: Heaven Organization: Fallen Angel Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL An angel that assisted the humans during the Ogre Battle. Was hoping to be acknowledged by Filarhh, but was imprisoned in a prison of ice at Charidius Lake in Ovis. His servants Lethe and Cirvante used Naris Batraal to search for Longiculnis, a fragment of Shaher's horn that could be used to free him from his prison. Alphonse entered the Angel's Headstone to confront the awakened Shaher. A battle ensued, and when Shaher began to lose, he completed his fall from heaven and transformed into the Sacred Demon. Alphonse used Longiculnis to pierce Shaher's inpregnable barrier and defeat him. Afterward, Eleanor volunteered to become one with Shaher, so that he could return to heaven, which they did.
Other classes: Fallen Angel 曾经是奥伽战争期间为人类而奋战的天使。他希求能获得菲哈拉神的恩宠,但结果却换来在奥维斯岛Charidius湖旁的冰牢承受禁锢之刑的命运。他的仆从Lethe和Cirvante利用纳里斯·巴特拉尔来寻找隆基努斯,那是一把由贾哈尔的一只角的碎片凝成的圣枪,可以助他脱离冰牢的囚禁。阿尔丰斯步入天使墓碑时面对的正是这名堕天使,战斗随即拉开了序幕,贾哈尔初步受挫时,他也完成了从天堂堕落,再化身为圣魔的全过程。阿尔丰斯用圣枪刺穿了环绕于贾哈尔周身的结界,并彻底打败了他。战斗结束了,艾伦诺亚自愿和贾哈尔同化,这使得在他们的肉体死亡后,灵魂能得以重归天界。 Shiven Verde Class: Ninja Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Lodis Organization: Hand of the Pope Age: Unknown Birth: Tierra, Day 8 Year Unknown (2/1) Appears in: TO tKoL Member of the Hand of the Pope assisting Cybil in Ovis. Joins Alphonse's party to keep an eye on him. Has feelings for Cybil, but does not let that get in the way of his work. When Cybil quits the Hand, he decides to go with her. 教皇身边的成员,受命协助茜碧拉完成她在奥维斯的任务。希翁加入了阿尔丰斯的部队,为的是随时监视他。虽然他对茜碧拉隐怀恋慕,但始终没有因此而妨碍了工作。直至当茜碧拉准备离开教皇身边时,他则决定继续跟着她。 Sierra Class: Archer Sex: Female Ali: N Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Sitri Class: Ninja Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Flame Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL White Fang soldier that wanted to avenge his parent's death during the reformation. Fought Alphonse and Cybil at Cape Urodela, and died in battle. Wielded a Matsukaze. 一心要为在当年的改革中死去的双亲复仇的白牙骑士团战士。他在Urodela海岬阻截阿尔丰斯和茜碧拉等人,结果自己反被杀死。佩刀Matsukaze。 Stan Class: Bandit Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Was hired by Nichart to kill the Knights of Felis at the Lutra Islands. Was killed in battle. 受白牙骑士Nichart所雇去截杀Lutra岛上的费利斯骑士,失败被杀。 Surgat Class: Beast Tamer Sex: Male Ali: C Element: Wind Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 232 Appears in: TO tKoL Battled Alphonse at Vespa Hill. Died in battle. 在Vespa山丘与阿尔丰斯作战的奥维斯人,死于战斗中。 Thelma Class: Cleric Sex: Female Ali: L Element: Water Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL A Mercenary hired to assist Lodis in the conflict between Anser and Rananculus. 一名佣兵,受雇在Anser和Rananculus的对抗中为罗迪斯谋利。
William Batraal Class: Vanity Sex: Male Ali: Indistinct Element: Indistinct Nationality: Ovis Organization: Rananculus White Fang Age of Death: Unknown Death: P.Y. 217 Appears in: TO tKoL The former Duke of Rananculus. Father of Ivanna, brother of Naris, and a descendant of Lucius. Was killed by Naris during The Reformation in Ovis. 前Rananculus领主,依南娜的生父,纳里斯的胞弟,卢修斯家族的后裔。在奥维斯岛当年的“改革”中被纳里斯谋害。 Zweig Class: Warlock Sex: Male Ali: N Element: Flame Nationality: Ovis Organization: Unaffiliated Age: Unknown Appears in: TO tKoL Boss of the Cave Exploration Quest. Wielded a Balmung.
[楼 主]
Posted:2004-04-21 12:35| |
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